TEC 2010 is less than two weeks away!
ITEC 2010 (October 10-12 in Coralville) is almost here! We have over 100 
sessions to attend, and more than 80 vendors who will be set up in the exhibit 
hall on Monday and Tuesday of the conference to show off their new products 
and, in many cases, give away a lot of cool stuff! ITEC is pleased to feature 
seven conference sponsors, including Bradfields, Bytespeed, Communication 
Innovators, Mindwrap, Microsoft, MNJ Technologies, and Mediacom.  A variety of 
hardware, software, productivity and engaging products will be showcased, as 
well as universities highlighting their educational technology programs.
Video archives

Can you be in two places at once? Did you get a phone call during a workshop 
and miss a point or question? Were you harvesting wheat in Farmville instead of 
paying attention to the keynote speaker?  ITEC has a great solution to these 
common problems: video archives of breakouts and keynotes.

Through the help of the Webster City Student TV producers, ITEC is able to 
offer video archives of passed ITEC conference workshops.  Selected breakout 
sessions and keynotes from the 2009 ITEC conference can be found at ITEC's 
Blip.tv site:


Starting this year, through the partnership with WCTV, ITEC conference breakout 
sessions and keynotes will be available through the iTunes music store!  As the 
workshops are processed, they will be posted to 
http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/iowa-technology-education/id394734751 and 
can be subscribed to so the updates are brought directly to your computer. 
(Note: some keynotes may be left off due to copyright conflicts, and all 
sessions will take a few days to process, but will be posted in a timely 

Group registration discounts are available
More information about the conference is available at http://www.itec-ia.org/, 
and you can register online at 
http://www.itec-ia.org/en/conference/registration/. For group discounts, 
contact Jeff Sypersma (jsyper...@nwaea.org).
Over 300 seats have been filled at the ITEC workshops, but there are still some 
available!  If you have a particular workshop you have been considering, get 
registered today as some workshops have just a few seats left.  On the other 
hand, enrollment is critical to meet minimum required attendance for a couple 
of workshops--don't let the workshop relative to your assignment slip through 
your hands!  

Registration for workshops (on Sunday only) is available at:  
Notification of workshop status (full or cancelled) will continue to be updated 
at that same site.

Karl H. Hehr
Technology/Curriculum Director
South Hamilton CSD
515.827.5418 (W)
515.827.5368 (F)

Luddite by Degrees
1) Anything that is in the world when you're born is normal and ordinary and is 
just a natural part of the way the world works.
2) Anything that's invented between when you're 15 and 35 is new and exciting 
and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it.
3) Anything invented after you're 35 is again the natural order of things
                                                        --- Douglas Adams

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