oVirt Infra Weekly Update :: 2015-02-27

2015-02-27 Thread Max Kovgan
Hi everyone!

== Hosting

* infra problems:
  During the last weeks the number of jenkins jobs has grown, causing higher
  loads on the hosts (mainly in RAM). To mitigate this (until RAM is beefed up)
  Jenkins Cluster was changed to add more stability:
   - KSM and MOM have been enabled
   - cluster policy's high vm utilization has been set to 6

* phoenix lab:
  - No fix yet for the issues

== Jenkins

* Many jobs failed due to full disk because some jobs don't clean up properly
  themselves properly, making the next jobs fail at various stages. so:
- all the yaml jobs have now a pre cleanup step to avoid full disk issues
* jenkins has been "branded" to make sure nobody confuses their personal jenkins
  with upstream one. kudos to dcaro :]

== Gerrit
* gerrit has been upgraded to 2.10 and work with https 
  - don't forget to update your http git remotes

== Foreman
* h/w: the vm has been upgraded to 4 CPUs and 6gigs of ram  
* s/w: foreman software has been upgraded to v1.7.2

== Wiki
* wiki has been updated with latest phoenix data and proxy setup info

Max Kovgan

Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
Tel.: +972 9769 2060
Email: mkovgan [at] redhat [dot] com
Web: http://www.redhat.com
RHT Global #: 82-72060

Description: PGP signature
Infra mailing list

Re: replace vdsm_master_unit-tests_created with its mock-based version

2015-04-21 Thread Max Kovgan
Thanks for the good news!
Let's keep them coming.
Big success!

Max Kovgan
RHEV CI team
sent from my phone.

On Apr 22, 2015 2:25 AM, Dan Kenigsberg  wrote:
> With three ugly masking patches merged and propsed in 
> https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/q/status:open+project:vdWith three ugly masking 
> patches merged and propsed in
the new vdsm_master_unit-tests_created_staging is passing with success.

Please take it out of "staging", disable the puppet-based
vdsm_master_unit-tests_created, and make it mark a fat -1 on any patch
breaking it.

We[*] shall work to unbreak the skipped patches in async.


[*] mostly the CCed
Infra mailing list

Re: replace vdsm_master_unit-tests_created with its mock-based version

2015-04-22 Thread Max Kovgan
Hi, Dan.
Have the patches been already merged?

Max Kovgan
RHEV CI team
sent from my phone.

On Apr 22, 2015 2:25 AM, Dan Kenigsberg  wrote:
> With three ugly masking patches merged and propsed in 
> https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/q/status:With three ugly masking patches merged 
> and propsed in
the new vdsm_master_unit-tests_created_staging is passing with success.

Please take it out of "staging", disable the puppet-based
vdsm_master_unit-tests_created, and make it mark a fat -1 on any patch
breaking it.

We[*] shall work to unbreak the skipped patches in async.


[*] mostly the CCed
Infra mailing list

Re: your patch https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/40346/ broke oVirt vdsm jobs

2015-05-04 Thread Max Kovgan
hi, Dan.
makes sense to me to focus on 2 use cases:
 - pre-commit hook running everything jenkins is running - locally
   - pros:
 - nearly identical checks/tests jenkins would running
 - doesn't care about IDE/editor
   - cons:
 - slower
 - can be annoying to commit (locally) broken code for later squashing

 - editor/IDE marriage with tests/checks running
   - pros:
 - dev has full control over what runs in checks/tests
 - allows to commit "dirty" commit
 - shorter ==> quicker than the quickest jenkins option
   - cons:
 - depends on IDE/editor support
 - less checks/tests => higher risk

I did both with: intelliJ/PyCharm and vim, almost 100% sure PyDev allows this.

either allows ease of running tests - in 1st case upon git commit, in the
latter - via a button/shortcut in the devtool.
I can help with setting up either to an early adopter.
Then give it a week or two to get some feedback later how well it goes.

Besides, we're also trying to speedup jenkins response all the time


On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 10:57:14PM +0100, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 11:16:37AM -0400, Barak Korren wrote:
> > Patch does not pass pyflakes:
> >
> > ./tests/samplingTests.py:30: 'libvirtconnection' imported but unused
> > ./tests/samplingTests.py:36: 'MonkeyPatch' imported but unused
> > make: *** [pyflakes] Error 1
> >
> > You could clearly see that the tests did not pass for patchset #6
> > Please do not merge patches with failing tests!
> Barak, thanks for reporting this mistake of ours.
> https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/40408/ would fix it momentarily.
> I believe that it stems from two reasons:
> - Ido did not run `make check` or `make pyflakes` before ticking
>   "verified" on the patch
> - I failed to wait for the jenkins job to finish.
> To make sure that this does not repeat I should avoid merging
> freshly-posted patches. Ido should take better care for pep8 and
> pyflakes. I have vim plugins that help me avoid such mistakes
> I hear that http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=4440 is
> better than what I actually have.
> Regards,
> Dan.
---end quoted text---

Max Kovgan

Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
Tel.: +972 9769 2060
Email: mkovgan [at] redhat [dot] com
Web: http://www.redhat.com
RHT Global #: 82-72060

Description: PGP signature
Infra mailing list

Re: Mirroring oVirt repositories

2015-05-10 Thread Max Kovgan
hello, Wang Wei.
In addition to what Eyal has written, you have to do additional step
to be able to distribute your packages conveniently
[use intranet mirror with yum]

option 1

just update _relevant_ servers' URLs in .repo files after installing normal 
release RPM
if you want to distribute them, you want to make a tarball of .repo files for
intranet distribution

option 2

[makes sense for big isolated intranet distribution]
Create your own modified release RPM with updated URLs:
Then you'd have to update the URLs in the .spec and .repo.in files before
running rpmbuild commands, OR you can just mimic what is going on in the folder
of master branch.
Please refer to https://gerrit.ovirt.org/gitweb?p=ovirt-release.git;a=summary
there is a commit with message "support .repo overrides"

Good luck.

Hope google translated your name well.

On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 03:12:24AM -0400, Eyal Edri wrote:
> Hi,
> Please check out this wiki page for more info: 
> http://www.ovirt.org/Repository_mirrors
> You will have to supply us with a publish ssh key so we can enable your user 
> to start syncing.
> Thank you,
> oVirt infra team.
> - Original Message -
> > From: "王卫" 
> > To: infra@ovirt.org
> > Sent: Monday, May 4, 2015 11:14:54 AM
> > Subject: Mirroring oVirt repositories
> >
> >
> >
> > Hello, I would like to mirror oVirt repo(used in LAN), can you tell me how 
> > to
> > operate it need ?
> >
> >
> >
> > Thank you!
> >
> > ___
> > Infra mailing list
> > Infra@ovirt.org
> > http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/infra
> >
> ___
> Infra mailing list
> Infra@ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/infra
---end quoted text---

Max Kovgan

Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
Tel.: +972 9769 2060
Email: mkovgan [at] redhat [dot] com
Web: http://www.redhat.com
RHT Global #: 82-72060

Description: PGP signature
Infra mailing list

gerrit+ci improvement proposal

2015-06-03 Thread Max Kovgan
Hi everyone!
We really want to have reliable and snappy CI: to allow short cycles and 
encourage developers to write tests.

# Problem

Many patches are neither ready for review nor for CI upon submission, which is 
But running all the jobs on those patches with limited resources results in: 
overloaded resources, slow response time, unhappy developers.

# Proposed Solution

To run less jobs we know we don’t need to, thus making more resources for the 
jobs we need to run.
We have been experimenting to make our CI stabler and quicker to respond by 
using gerrit flags. This has improved in both directions very well internally.
Now it seems a good time to let all the oVirt projects to use this.
This solution indirectly promotes reviews and quick tests - “to fail early”, 
yet full blown static code analysis and long tests to run “when ready”.

# How it works

2 new gerrit independent flags are added to gerrit.

## CI flag

Will express patch CI status. Values:
 * +1 CI passed
 *  0 CI did not run yet
 * -1 CI failed
Permissions for setting: project maintainers (for special cases) should be able 
to set/override (except Jenkins).

## Workflow flag

Will express patch “workflow” state. Values:
 *  0 Work In Progress
 * +1 Ready For Review
 * +2 Ready For Merge
Permissions for setting: Owner can set +1, Project Maintainers can set +2

## Review + CI Integration:

Merging [“Submit” button to appear] will require: Review+1, CI+1, Workflow+2
Patch lifecycle now is:
patch state   |owner |reviewer |maintainer |CI tests |pass
added/updated |- |-|-  |quick|CI+1
review|Workflow+1|Review+1 |-  |heavy|CI+1
merge ready   |- |-|Workflow+2 |gating   |CI+1
merge |- |-|merge  |merge|CI+1

Changes from current workflow:
Owner only adds reviewers, now owner needs to set "Workflow+1" for the patch to 
be reviewed, and heavily auto-tested.
Maintainer now needs to set "Workflow+2" and wait for "Submit" button to appear 
after CI has completed running gating tests.

Next step will be to automate merge the change after Workflow+2 has been set by 
the Maintainer and gating tests passed.

## Why now?

It is elimination of waste. The sooner - the better. 
The solution has been used for a while and it works. 
Resolving the problem without gerrit involved will lead to adding unreliable 
code into jobs, and will still be prone to problems:
  Just recently, 3d ago we’ve tried detecting what to run from jenkins relying 
only on gerrit comments so that upon Verified+1, we’d run the job.
  We could not use “Review+1”, because it makes no sense at all, so we left the 
job to set Verified+1.
  Meaning - re-trigger itself immediately more than 1 times.
  Jenkins and its visitors very unhappy, and we had to stop those jobs, clean 
up the queue, and spam developers.

## OK OK OK. Now what?

Now we want your comments and opinions before pushing this further:
Please participate in this thread, so we can start trying it out.
Ask, Suggest better ideas, all this is welcome.

Best Regards!

Of course, this is not written in stone, in case we find a better approach on 
solving those issues, we will change to it.
And we will keep improving so don't be afraid that it will be enforced: if this 
does not work out we will discard it.

Kudos to dcaro, most of the work was done by him, and most of this text too.

Max Kovgan

Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
Tel.: +972 9769 2060
Email: mkovgan [at] redhat [dot] com
Web: http://www.redhat.com
RHT Global #: 82-72060

Infra mailing list

[urgent] call for developers - upstream jenkins: Build Queue (543) WAS: Fwd: [ovirt-devel] gerrit+ci improvement proposal

2015-06-09 Thread Max Kovgan
hi, Dear Developers!

We are aware of the urge and pressure to push your patches a.s.a.p before the 
code freeze.
Howeever, with current flow of patch updates, we currently have an overloaded 
CI, which will result in a very long waiting time for jobs to start
SO, in order to reduce that time, please make sure you are using DRAFTs [1] for 
early stage patches [during human reviews]

how to use drafts:
1) using plain git push - refer to [1]
2) using git review plugin
if you've installed git review plugin:
> git review -D -r  
example with repo "origin" and branch "master":
> git review -D -r origin master

plugin can be installed as explained here: [2]

[1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18106064/how-to-push-drafts-to-gerrit
[2] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Gerrit/git-review#Fedora.2FCentOS


Using drafts is the only alternative for adding 2 new gerrit flags.
If you have better ideas - you are still welcome to suggest.

Earlier today I did some mining on gerrit patches status:
out of ~1400 open patches ~350 are drafts, which was incouraging.
Yet out of all 66 committers for those patches only 6 are using drafts:
In [25]: for c in changes:
   : if c.get('status') != 'DRAFT':
   : continue
   : saints.add(c.get('owner').get('name'))
In [26]: saints
{u'Alon Bar-Lev',
 u'Liron Aravot',
 u'Martin Mucha',
 u'Nir Soffer',
 u'Piotr Kliczewski',
 u'Tomer Saban'}

Max Kovgan

Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
Tel.: +972 9769 2060
Email: mkovgan [at] redhat [dot] com
Web: http://www.redhat.com
RHT Global #: 82-72060

- Forwarded Message -
From: "Oved Ourfali" 
To: "Eyal Edri" 
Cc: "Oved Ourfali" , de...@ovirt.org, "infra" 

Sent: Sunday, June 7, 2015 10:05:23 AM
Subject: Re: [ovirt-devel] gerrit+ci improvement proposal

On Jun 7, 2015 10:00 AM, Eyal Edri  wrote:
> - Original Message - 
> > From: "Oved Ourfali"  
> > To: "Eyal Edri"  
> > Cc: infra@ovirt.org, de...@ovirt.org 
> > Sent: Sunday, June 7, 2015 9:55:56 AM 
> > Subject: Re: [ovirt-devel] gerrit+ci improvement proposal 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > - Original Message - 
> > > From: "Eyal Edri"  
> > > To: "Eli Mesika"  
> > > Cc: "Oved Ourfali" , de...@ovirt.org, infra@ovirt.org 
> > > Sent: Sunday, June 7, 2015 9:52:15 AM 
> > > Subject: Re: [ovirt-devel] gerrit+ci improvement proposal 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > - Original Message - 
> > > > From: "Eli Mesika"  
> > > > To: "Oved Ourfali"  
> > > > Cc: "Eyal Edri" , infra@ovirt.org, de...@ovirt.org 
> > > > Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2015 3:49:05 PM 
> > > > Subject: Re: [ovirt-devel] gerrit+ci improvement proposal 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > - Original Message - 
> > > > > From: "Oved Ourfali"  
> > > > > To: "Eyal Edri"  
> > > > > Cc: de...@ovirt.org, infra@ovirt.org 
> > > > > Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2015 10:03:02 AM 
> > > > > Subject: Re: [ovirt-devel] gerrit+ci improvement proposal 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > - Original Message - 
> > > > > > From: "Eyal Edri"  
> > > > > > To: "Sandro Bonazzola"  
> > > > > > Cc: infra@ovirt.org, de...@ovirt.org 
> > > > > > Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2015 9:46:40 AM 
> > > > > > Subject: Re: [ovirt-devel] gerrit+ci improvement proposal 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > - Original Message - 
> > > > > > > From: "Sandro Bonazzola"  
> > > > > > > To: "Eyal Edri" , "Max Kovgan" 
> > > > > > >  
> > > > > > > Cc: de...@ovirt.org, infra@ovirt.org 
> > > > > > > Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2015 9:11:10 AM 
> > > > > > > Subject: Re: [ovirt-devel] gerrit+ci improvement proposal 
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > Il 03/06/2015 21:46, Eyal Edri ha scritto: 
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > - Original Message - 
> > > > > > > >> From: "Max Kov

please review wiki change

2015-06-09 Thread Max Kovgan
I have updated this page:

Please review and confirm/modify.
I think this page should be a goto page for gerrit instructions.

I'm also planning to update it with info on how to install git-review plugin 


Max Kovgan

Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
Tel.: +972 9769 2060
Email: mkovgan [at] redhat [dot] com
Web: http://www.redhat.com
RHT Global #: 82-72060

Infra mailing list

Re: [urgent] call for developers - upstream jenkins: Build Queue (543) WAS: Fwd: [ovirt-devel] gerrit+ci improvement proposal

2015-06-09 Thread Max Kovgan

Max Kovgan

Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
Tel.: +972 9769 2060
Email: mkovgan [at] redhat [dot] com
Web: http://www.redhat.com
RHT Global #: 82-72060

- Original Message -
From: "David Caro" 
To: "Max Kovgan" 
Cc: de...@ovirt.org, infra@ovirt.org
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 6:41:16 PM
Subject: Re: [urgent] call for developers - upstream jenkins: Build Queue (543) 
WAS: Fwd: [ovirt-devel] gerrit+ci improvement proposal

As a first contention measure to alleviate the flood, I've changed the way
findbugs is triggered to get triggered only on verified +1 (it will set code
review flag on pass or failure, and will run on drafts, can't use more than one
condition for the trigger).

On 06/09, Max Kovgan wrote:
> hi, Dear Developers!
> We are aware of the urge and pressure to push your patches a.s.a.p before the 
> code freeze.
> Howeever, with current flow of patch updates, we currently have an overloaded 
> CI, which will result in a very long waiting time for jobs to start
> SO, in order to reduce that time, please make sure you are using DRAFTs [1] 
> for early stage patches [during human reviews]
> how to use drafts:
> 1) using plain git push - refer to [1]
> 2) using git review plugin
> if you've installed git review plugin:
> > git review -D -r  
> example with repo "origin" and branch "master":
> > git review -D -r origin master
> plugin can be installed as explained here: [2]
> [1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18106064/how-to-push-drafts-to-gerrit
> [2] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Gerrit/git-review#Fedora.2FCentOS
> N.B.
> Using drafts is the only alternative for adding 2 new gerrit flags.
> If you have better ideas - you are still welcome to suggest.
> Earlier today I did some mining on gerrit patches status:
> out of ~1400 open patches ~350 are drafts, which was incouraging.
> Yet out of all 66 committers for those patches only 6 are using drafts:
> In [25]: for c in changes:
>: if c.get('status') != 'DRAFT':
>: continue
>: saints.add(c.get('owner').get('name'))
> In [26]: saints
> Out[26]: 
> {u'Alon Bar-Lev',
>  u'Liron Aravot',
>  u'Martin Mucha',
>  u'Nir Soffer',
>  u'Piotr Kliczewski',
>  u'Tomer Saban'}
> Kudos.
> Max Kovgan
> Senior Software Engineer
> Red Hat - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
> Tel.: +972 9769 2060
> Email: mkovgan [at] redhat [dot] com
> Web: http://www.redhat.com
> RHT Global #: 82-72060
> - Forwarded Message -
> From: "Oved Ourfali" 
> To: "Eyal Edri" 
> Cc: "Oved Ourfali" , de...@ovirt.org, "infra" 
> Sent: Sunday, June 7, 2015 10:05:23 AM
> Subject: Re: [ovirt-devel] gerrit+ci improvement proposal
> On Jun 7, 2015 10:00 AM, Eyal Edri  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > - Original Message - 
> > > From: "Oved Ourfali"  
> > > To: "Eyal Edri"  
> > > Cc: infra@ovirt.org, de...@ovirt.org 
> > > Sent: Sunday, June 7, 2015 9:55:56 AM 
> > > Subject: Re: [ovirt-devel] gerrit+ci improvement proposal 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > - Original Message - 
> > > > From: "Eyal Edri"  
> > > > To: "Eli Mesika"  
> > > > Cc: "Oved Ourfali" , de...@ovirt.org, infra@ovirt.org 
> > > > Sent: Sunday, June 7, 2015 9:52:15 AM 
> > > > Subject: Re: [ovirt-devel] gerrit+ci improvement proposal 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > - Original Message - 
> > > > > From: "Eli Mesika"  
> > > > > To: "Oved Ourfali"  
> > > > > Cc: "Eyal Edri" , infra@ovirt.org, de...@ovirt.org 
> > > > > Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2015 3:49:05 PM 
> > > > > Subject: Re: [ovirt-devel] gerrit+ci improvement proposal 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > - Original Message - 
> > > > > > From: "Oved Ourfali"  
> > > > > > To: "Eyal Edri"  
> > > > > > Cc: de...@ovirt.org, infra@ovirt.org 
> > > > > > Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2015 10:03:02 AM 
> > > > > > Subject: Re: [ovirt-devel] gerrit+ci improvement proposal 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > &g

identity crisis

2015-08-25 Thread Max Kovgan
please merge my identities in gerrit
this is my account:
username: mvk, accountId: 1000657

Please link it with any other identities with my emails:
1. m...@redhat.com
2. mkov...@redhat.com


Max Kovgan

Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
Tel.: +972 9769 2060
Email: mkovgan [at] redhat [dot] com
Web: http://www.redhat.com
RHT Global #: 82-72060
Infra mailing list

Re: jenkins doesn't return on ovirt-engine-3.5 branch

2015-08-30 Thread Max Kovgan
I have noticed it wants to run over fc20 nodes.
Not sure we have fc20 nodes upstream any more.

Let me check, please.

On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 1:25 PM, Omer Frenkel  wrote:

> Hi,
> i have a patch that is waiting for ack from jenkins on ovirt-engine-3.5
> branch for almost a week,
> its started but nothing happens,
> can someone take a look?
> https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/45310/
> Thanks!
> ___
> Infra mailing list
> Infra@ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/infra

Max Kovgan

Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
Tel.: +972 9769 2060
Email: mkovgan [at] redhat [dot] com
Web: http://www.redhat.com
RHT Global #: 82-72060
Infra mailing list

Re: jenkins doesn't return on ovirt-engine-3.5 branch

2015-08-30 Thread Max Kovgan
ok, doing so.

On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 2:40 PM, Eyal Edri  wrote:

> all fc20 nodes were removed,
> please move it to run on f21 or el nodes
> On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Max Kovgan  wrote:
>> I have noticed it wants to run over fc20 nodes.
>> Not sure we have fc20 nodes upstream any more.
>> Let me check, please.
>> On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 1:25 PM, Omer Frenkel 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> i have a patch that is waiting for ack from jenkins on ovirt-engine-3.5
>>> branch for almost a week,
>>> its started but nothing happens,
>>> can someone take a look?
>>> https://gerrit.ovirt.org/#/c/45310/
>>> Thanks!
>>> ___
>>> Infra mailing list
>>> Infra@ovirt.org
>>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/infra
>> --
>> Max Kovgan
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> Red Hat - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
>> Tel.: +972 9769 2060
>> Email: mkovgan [at] redhat [dot] com
>> Web: http://www.redhat.com
>> RHT Global #: 82-72060
>> _______
>> Infra mailing list
>> Infra@ovirt.org
>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/infra
> --
> Eyal Edri
> Supervisor, RHEV CI
> EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
> Red Hat Israel
> phone: +972-9-7692018
> irc: eedri (on #tlv #rhev-dev #rhev-integ)

Max Kovgan

Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
Tel.: +972 9769 2060
Email: mkovgan [at] redhat [dot] com
Web: http://www.redhat.com
RHT Global #: 82-72060
Infra mailing list

Re: Operation too slow. Less than 1000 bytes/sec transferred the last 30 seconds

2015-08-30 Thread Max Kovgan
Hi, Martin.
We're in a process of having ovirt resources being served from phx ovirt DC
(unlike it is now, from linode).
In the meanwhile a proxy had been set up.
It could have a hickup or two at the beginning.
Is it still happening?
I'm adding Anton, since he's worked on that project last week.
On Aug 24, 2015 10:19 PM, "Martin Mucha"  wrote:

> Hi,
> my job
> http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt-engine_3.6_check-patch-fc22-x86_64/119/console
> fails with following line being printed in console:
> DEBUG util.py:377:
> http://proxy.phx.ovirt.org:5000/fedora/22/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml:
> [Errno 12] Timeout on
> http://proxy.phx.ovirt.org:5000/fedora/22/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml:
> (28, 'Operation too slow. Less than 1000 bytes/sec transferred the last 30
> seconds')
> please, can someone look at it and find what's wrong?
> thanks,
> mar.
> ___
> Infra mailing list
> Infra@ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/infra
Infra mailing list

Re: Check-patch jenkins job

2015-09-24 Thread Max Kovgan
Looking into it.

On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 2:36 PM, Piotr Kliczewski <
piotr.kliczew...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I can see that this job was added yesterday and never succeeded.
> Can we make sure that it runs before enabling it for any patch that is
> run for 3.6?
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 10:39 AM, Moti Asayag  wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > It seems that the following job [1] was never completed successfully,
> > however it is turned on for 3.6 patches.
> >
> > [1]
> http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/ovirt-engine_3.6_check-patch-el6-x86_64/
> >
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Moti
> > ___
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Max Kovgan

Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
Tel.: +972 9769 2060
Email: mkovgan [at] redhat [dot] com
Web: http://www.redhat.com
RHT Global #: 82-72060
Infra mailing list

Fwd: wiki protected pages

2015-09-24 Thread Max Kovgan
I want to be able to edit the protected pages, and so is Nadav (

who do we contact?

Max Kovgan

Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
Tel.: +972 9769 2060
Email: mkovgan [at] redhat [dot] com
Web: http://www.redhat.com
RHT Global #: 82-72060
Infra mailing list

jenkins remote code execution vulnerability: CLI has been disabled on ovirt jenkins until further notice

2015-11-08 Thread Max Kovgan
hi all.

Sorry for the late response, but following the discovered vulnerability [1],
the CLI service on jenkins.ovirt.org has been disabled until further notice.

We're probably breaking someone's automation, sorry for that.
Please contact this list with specific problems, we can help to mitigate.

Future Infra owners: please be attentive to the fix availability.

Best Regards,
Infra Team.

Sagi Shnaidman, thanks!


Max Kovgan

Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat - EMEA ENG Virtualization R&D
Tel.: +972 9769 2060
Email: mkovgan [at] redhat [dot] com
Web: http://www.redhat.com
RHT Global #: 82-72060
Infra mailing list

[JIRA] (OVIRT-297) Jobs failing on repository issue with "No more mirrors to try"

2015-11-05 Thread Max Kovgan (oVirt JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Max Kovgan updated  OVIRT-297 

 oVirt - virtualization made easy /  OVIRT-297 
  Jobs failing on repository issue with "No more mirrors to try"  

Change By:
         Max Kovgan 

 Won't Do 

 New Closed 

 Add Comment 


 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v7.0.0-OD-08-005#70107-sha1:5fb2f7e) 

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