I have an ARM cpu, and have installed the ARM version of Windows. it has that 
"x86 emulation" built in so this *shouldn't" be a problem. but it is.

i've installed MSDev 2019 community edition, with a few extra individual 
components, this config is EXACTLY the same as my intel computer's msdev 

When i go to look for Debuggers in the expected folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64

but the folder is empty:

all the other folders DO have debugger files in them (x86, arm, arm64). the 
ONLY one that is empty is the x64 folder. which means Qt won't find it, which 
means i can't debug my Qt app.

i've seen this forum post 
 and i've done all the things it suggested by @Chris-Kawa, but to no avail.

What am I missing?

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