Re: [PHP-DEV] deprecation status of $str{42} versus $str[42]

2008-06-17 Thread Arvids Godjuks
2008/6/16 Edward Z. Yang [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 PHP userland code may not treat strings as first class arrays, but
 that's certainly how they are represented internally.

 Anyway, it would be neat if we could get that foreach syntax to work. I
 get sick of for($i = 0, $c = strlen($str); $i  $c; $i++) very quickly.

Totaly agree, the best example from the whole thread

Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] [RFC] Closures and lambda functions in PHP

2008-06-17 Thread Christian Seiler


- I am a little confused about the OOP interaction.  How does a function 
become a public method of the class?

To clarify: the public method ist just the internal representation of
the lambda function and has *nothing* to do with the semantics of
calling the lambda itself. The method only means that the lambda
function defined inside another method can access the class members and
public only means that the lambda function can still be called from
outside the class.

class Example {
  private $a = 2;

  function myMethod($b) {
$lambda = function() {
  lexical $b;
  return $this-a * $b; // This part I get
return $lambda;

$e = new Example();
$lambda = $e-myMethod();

No, that's not what my patch does. My patch does:

class Example {
  private $a = 2;

  public function myMethod ($b) {
return function () {
  lexical $b;
  return $this-a * $b;

$e = new Example ();
$lambda = $e-myMethod (4);
var_dump ($lambda ()); // int(8)
$lambda2 = $e-myMethod (6);
var_dump ($lambda2 ()); // int(12)

So esentially, it does not matter whether you define a lambda function
inside a method or a function (or in global scope, for that matter), you
always use it the same way. The in-class-method lambda function only has
the additional advantage of being able to access the private and
protected class members since *internally* it is treated like a public
class method.

- Related to that, would it then be possible to add methods to a class at 
runtime using lambda functions as the added methods?


If not, is  that something that could reasonably be added here without
hosing performance (or at least doing so less than stacking __call() and
call_user_func_array() does)?

If you want to add methods dynamically to classes, why not use the
runkit extension? I really don't see a point in making lambda functions
and closures something they are not.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] [RFC] Closures and lambda functions in PHP

2008-06-17 Thread Christian Seiler


class Dynamic {
  private $someVar = 5;
  /// adding a function to instances from within the class
  public function addMethodAtRuntime() {
  $this-dynamicFunc1 = function() {
  return $this-someVar;  // expected to work

/// invoking dynamically added methods
/// (anticipated behavior given above definitions)
echo $dynamic-dynamicFunc1(); // 5

This will not work - for the same reason as this does not work:

class SpecialChars {
  public $process = 'htmlspecialchars';

$sc = new SpecialChars ();
var_dump ($sc-process ('')); // call to undefined ...

On the other hand, the following will work:

$sc = new SpecialChars ();
$processor = $sc-process;
var_dump ($processor ('')); // string(8) lt;gt;

The same with closures:

echo $dynamic-dynamicFunc1(); // call to undefined ...
$func = $dynamic-dynamicFunc1;
echo $func (); // 5
echo call_user_func ($dynamic-dynamicFunc1); // 5

As I sead in my other mail: I don't see closures as a method for somehow
making it possible to extend classes dynamically - if you want that, use


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Re: [PHP-DEV] deprecation status of $str{42} versus $str[42]

2008-06-17 Thread Richard Quadling
2008/6/16 Chris Stockton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 11:20 PM, Arvids Godjuks [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  String is an array of chars, always was and is such in any programming
  language. So I see argument for {} as missing knowledge for some
  And I don't understand why are you arguing on this. This was decided for
  removal long ago - so just do it.

 Seems like you are missing some PHP programming basics. Strings are not an
 array of chars, please go back to making ping pong in java c# or whatever
 other little comp sci classes you took. PHP is not any of them.
 Foreach(foo as $key = $char) {}, after learning, please be quiet and let
 andi answer my question on his ideas he had for improvements to the
 and once favored syntax.


Sort of in response to whatever other little comp sci classes you took and
sort of explaining what a user sees.

I'm a self taught software developer and have been in paid employment for
over 20 years and only in 2 jobs. So, even if I don't know everything about
PHP's internals, my skills are good enough not to get me fired.

In that time, I've used (to a different amount) COBOL, Sage Retrieve 4GL, C,
Delphi, JS, PHP, MS DOS Batch files.

In nearly all of these languages a string is a series of characters which
can be accessed via an offset from the beginning of the string.

In many cases the syntax is the same as that of accessing an array element.
In the languages where it is necessary to define the length of the string,
defining an array and a string are done in similar ways. Not identically by
any means, but the user impression is that they are similar.

The example Chris gave was for iterating an array. Strings cannot be
iterated in the same manner, but that doesn't mean you cannot traverse a
string and an array in the same way.

$a = array(1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19);
$s = 'abcegkmqs';
for ($i = 0 ; $i  9 ; ++$i) {
 echo $a[$i], ' vs ', $s[$i], ' vs ', $s{$i}, PHP_EOL;

outputs ...

1 vs a vs a
2 vs b vs b
3 vs c vs c
5 vs e vs e
7 vs g vs g
11 vs k vs k
13 vs m vs m
17 vs q vs q
19 vs s vs s

So, using the same syntax to access a string and an array, from a user's
perspective, does suggest that a string is an array of characters.

Please be a little more forgiving of users.

My only criticism against the use of $s{$i} is that { } is used to wrap
compound statements (say like begin / end in other languages/syntaxes). With
that in mind, you should be able to put statements which have a return value
of some sort which is then used to access the appropriate element. But I
think that is getting very close to closures.

$s{return some_complex_calc();}

sort of thing (smells like JS).

I would like this syntax as I don't want to create a real function for just
1 use - the function may not be reuseable, so it doesn't need to get into
the namespace. But I think that's a different argument.

So, to all the devs who read my missives, keep up the good work. I'm paid
because of the work you do. Your efforts make my life easier.

Thank you,

Richard Quadling.
Richard Quadling
Zend Certified Engineer :
Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!

Re: [PHP-DEV] deprecation status of $str{42} versus $str[42]

2008-06-17 Thread Steph Fox


Seems like you are missing some PHP programming basics. Strings are not an
array of chars, please go back to making ping pong in java c# or whatever
other little comp sci classes you took. PHP is not any of them.
Foreach(foo as $key = $char) {}, after learning, please be quiet and 
andi answer my question on his ideas he had for improvements to the 

and once favored syntax.

Please, keep this kind of personal abuse off the core development list. It 
adds absolutely nothing to the debate, and we're all very, very bored with 


- Steph 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] deprecation status of $str{42} versus $str[42]

2008-06-17 Thread Stefan Walk
On Tuesday 17 June 2008 08:27:37 Arvids Godjuks wrote:
 2008/6/16 Edward Z. Yang [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  PHP userland code may not treat strings as first class arrays, but
  that's certainly how they are represented internally.
  Anyway, it would be neat if we could get that foreach syntax to work. I
  get sick of for($i = 0, $c = strlen($str); $i  $c; $i++) very quickly.

 Totaly agree, the best example from the whole thread

You're not learning from the mistakes of other languages (ruby in this case, 
which removed Enumerable from String in 1.9) ... foreach makes no sense for 
strings, because it's unclear what you want (with unicode terminology here, 
as this is for php6): 
for each byte for each codeunit for each codepoint, or for each line, 
or ... if you want to use foreach in your example, just do 
foreach (str_split($str) as $value) { ...


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[PHP-DEV] PHP RFC: closures

2008-06-17 Thread Karoly Negyesi

Let me introduce myself (as much as pertains to this letter): I am one
of the lead developers of Drupal core (Drupal, I believe, is quite
well known by now), I maintain the form API and the menu system. I do
not know much about PHP internals, but I spent most of the awake time
in the last four years writing code in PHP.

I can't wait to have lambda and closures in PHP. I am well aware of
the fact that it will be many years before we can raise the minimum
PHP version of Drupal to 5.3 but if we do not start now then it will
be even later :)

Just a real life quick example, has
no reason to exist, it should be lambda, it's called from
preg_replace_callback only.

So: a resounding yes.


Karoly Negyesi

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] [RFC] Closures and lambda functions in PHP

2008-06-17 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Christian,

very nice work. I think we should really add this to 5.3. The only thing I
don't like is the function naming (“\0__compiled_lambda_FILENAME_N”). Can
we drop the \0? For methods inside classes, do we have to provide real
private methods or do we support visibility fully? Or did you use the \0
prefix to prevent direct invocations? If so, it doesn't help, as the user
can simply create the function call with the \0.

I think the best option would be to force lambda functions being public
always. The last question is about changing visibility and overriding
functions, do we want that, or should we mark lamdas as final? Note that
preceeding the function names with a \0 does not help. In fact it might
confuse reflection. Actually how does it integrate with reflection?

Comments about the implementation:

- ZendEngine2/zend_compile.c:

  Why provide forward declaration for free_filename(), simply putting the
  new function above the first user avoids it and does the same with
  increased maintainability.

  s/static void add_lexical_var (/static void add_lexical_var(/

Other than that it all looks fine.


Monday, June 16, 2008, 7:39:19 PM, you wrote:


 As a followup to the discussion in January, I'd like post a revised patch to
 this list that implements closures and anonymous functions in PHP.


 Closures and lambda functions can make programming much easier in 
 several ways:

   1. Lambda functions allow the quick definition of throw-away functions
  that are not used elsewhere. Imaging for example a piece of code that
  needs to call preg_replace_callback(). Currently, there are three
  possibilities to acchieve this:

   a. Define the callback function elsewhere. This distributes code that
  belongs together throughout the file and decreases readability.

   b. Define the callback function in-place (but with a name). In 
 that case
  one has to use function_exists() to make sure the function is only
  defined once. Example code:

  function replace_spaces ($text) {
if (!function_exists ('replace_spaces_helper')) {
  function replace_spaces_helper ($matches) {
return str_replace ($matches[1], ' ', 'nbsp;').' ';
return preg_replace_callback ('/( +) /', 

  Here, the additional if() around the function definition makes the
  source code difficult to read.

   c. Use the present create_function() in order to create a function at
  runtime. This approach has several disadvantages: First of all, 
  highlighting does not work because a string is passed to the 
  It also compiles the function at run time and not at compile 
 time so
  opcode caches can't cache the function.

   2. Closures provide a very useful tool in order to make lambda 
 functions even
  more useful. Just imagine you want to replace 'hello' through 
 'goodbye' in
  all elements of an array. PHP provides the array_map() function which
  accepts a callback. If you don't wan't to hard-code 'hello' and 
  into your sourcecode, you have only four choices:

   a. Use create_function(). But then you may only pass literal values
  (strings, integers, floats) into the function, objects at best as
  clones (if var_export() allows for it) and resources not at 
 all. And
  you have to worry about escaping everything correctly. 
 Especially when
  handling user input this can lead to all sorts of security issues.

   b. Write a function that uses global variables. This is ugly,
  non-reentrant and bad style.

   c. Create an entire class, instantiate it and pass the member function
  as a callback. This is perhaps the cleanest solution for this 
  with current PHP but just think about it: Creating an entire 
 class for
  this extremely simple purpose and nothing else seems overkill.

   d. Don't use array_map() but simply do it manually (foreach). In this
  simple case it may not be that much of an issue (because one simply
  wants to iterate over an array) but there are cases where doing
  something manually that a function with a callback as parameter 
  for you is quite tedious.

  [Yes, I know that str_replace also accepts arrays as a third 
 parameter so
  this example may be a bit useless. But imagine you want to do a more
  complex operation than simple search and replace.]


 I now propose a patch that implements compile-time lambda functions and
 closures for PHP while keeping the patch as simple as possible. The patch is
 based on a previous 

Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] [RFC] Closures and lambda functions in PHP

2008-06-17 Thread Christian Seiler

Hi Marcus,

very nice work.


The only thing I don't like is the function naming
(“\0__compiled_lambda_FILENAME_N”). Can we drop the \0?

I used \0 because it is already used in two other places:

 1) create_function (run-time lambda functions) uses \0__lambda_N
 2) build_runtime_defined_function_key uses \0 to start function names.

I can drop it if you like; personally, I don't care for either solution
- it's an internal name that *may* leak to userspace in some
circumstances but is never really useful for userspace anyway..

A minor side-note here: I oriented myself at
build_runtime_defined_function_key at the time of writing but I have
noticed a slight discrepancy between function names generated by
build_runtime_defined_function_key and the normal function names: When
stored in the corresponding function_table hash, for runtime defined
function keys it is opline-op1.u.constant.value.str.len, whereas for
normal function names it is »Z_STRLEN_P(...) + 1« and thus including the
*trailing* (not preceding!) \0 in the hash key for normal function names
but not including it for runtime defined function keys. Any idea why
that is the case? [For the record: I'm refering to the code that is
already used in PHP, not to my patch!]

Or did you use the \0 prefix to prevent direct invocations?

No, direct invocations are prevented by the is_lambda == 1 
is_closure == 0 check.

I think the best option would be to force lambda functions being public

They are. If you look at my modified version of
zend_do_begin_function_declaration, you will see that:

if (is_lambda  CG(active_class_entry)) {
is_method = 1;
fn_flags = ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC;
if (CG(active_op_array)-fn_flags  ZEND_ACC_STATIC) {
fn_flags |= ZEND_ACC_STATIC;
} else if (is_lambda) {
fn_flags = 0;

The only attribute that is inherited from the parent function is
whether that function is static or not.

The last question is about changing visibility and overriding
functions, do we want that, or should we mark lamdas as final?

Internal representations of lambda fuctions should never be overridden, 
so yes, ZEND_ACC_FINAL would probably be a good idea. Overriding them 
won't work anyway since the new opcode that instantiates a closure 
will always use the class in which the closure was defined to look it up.

I'll add that.

Actually how does it integrate with reflection?

Good question, I will investigate that and come back to you.

Comments about the implementation:

- ZendEngine2/zend_compile.c:

  Why provide forward declaration for free_filename(), simply putting the
  new function above the first user avoids it and does the same with
  increased maintainability.

  s/static void add_lexical_var (/static void add_lexical_var(/

Ok, I will fix that.


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[PHP-DEV] [PATCH] ext/phar/util.c

2008-06-17 Thread xuefeng

d:\devel\php\php5\ext\phar\util.c(1832) : error C2036: 'void *' : unknown

d:\devel\php\php5\ext\phar\util.c(1864) : error C2036: 'void *' : unknown

NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
9.0\VC\BIN\cl.exe' : return code '0x2'




Index: ext/phar/util.c


RCS file: /repository/php-src/ext/phar/util.c,v

retrieving revision

diff -u -r1.55.2.10 util.c

--- ext/phar/util.c15 Jun 2008 22:51:46 -

+++ ext/phar/util.c 17 Jun 2008 11:12:50 -

@@ -1827,12 +1827,12 @@


 static int phar_add_empty(HashTable *ht, char *arKey, uint nKeyLength)  /*
{{{ */


-  void *dummy = (void *) 1;

+ char *dummy = (char *) 1;

if (SUCCESS == zend_hash_find(ht, arKey, nKeyLength, (void
**)dummy)) {




-  return zend_hash_update(ht, arKey, nKeyLength, dummy,
sizeof(void *), NULL);

+ return zend_hash_update(ht, arKey, nKeyLength, (void*)dummy,
sizeof(void *), NULL);


 /* }}} */


@@ -1856,7 +1856,7 @@

/* we use filename_len - 1 to avoid adding a virtual dir for
empty directory entries */

for (; s - filename  filename_len - 1; s++) {

if (*s == '/') {

-  void *dummy;

+ char *dummy;

if (FAILURE ==
zend_hash_find(phar-virtual_dirs, filename, s - filename, (void
**)dummy)) {



@@ -1864,7 +1864,7 @@

if (!--dummy) {

zend_hash_del(phar-virtual_dirs, filename, s - filename);

} else {

zend_hash_update(phar-virtual_dirs, filename, s - filename, dummy,
sizeof(void *), NULL);

zend_hash_update(phar-virtual_dirs, filename, s - filename, (void*)dummy,
sizeof(void *), NULL);









Index: ext/phar/util.c
RCS file: /repository/php-src/ext/phar/util.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.55.2.10 util.c
--- ext/phar/util.c 15 Jun 2008 22:51:46 -
+++ ext/phar/util.c 17 Jun 2008 11:12:50 -
@@ -1827,12 +1827,12 @@
 static int phar_add_empty(HashTable *ht, char *arKey, uint nKeyLength)  /* {{{ 
-   void *dummy = (void *) 1;
+   char *dummy = (char *) 1;
if (SUCCESS == zend_hash_find(ht, arKey, nKeyLength, (void **)dummy)) {
-   return zend_hash_update(ht, arKey, nKeyLength, dummy, sizeof(void *), 
+   return zend_hash_update(ht, arKey, nKeyLength, (void*)dummy, 
sizeof(void *), NULL);
 /* }}} */
@@ -1856,7 +1856,7 @@
/* we use filename_len - 1 to avoid adding a virtual dir for empty 
directory entries */
for (; s - filename  filename_len - 1; s++) {
if (*s == '/') {
-   void *dummy;
+   char *dummy;
if (FAILURE == zend_hash_find(phar-virtual_dirs, 
filename, s - filename, (void **)dummy)) {
@@ -1864,7 +1864,7 @@
if (!--dummy) {
zend_hash_del(phar-virtual_dirs, filename, s 
- filename);
} else {
-   zend_hash_update(phar-virtual_dirs, filename, 
s - filename, dummy, sizeof(void *), NULL);
+   zend_hash_update(phar-virtual_dirs, filename, 
s - filename, (void*)dummy, sizeof(void *), NULL);

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Re: [PHP-DEV] deprecation status of $str{42} versus $str[42]

2008-06-17 Thread Edward Z. Yang
Stefan Walk wrote:
 You're not learning from the mistakes of other languages (ruby in this case, 
 which removed Enumerable from String in 1.9) ... foreach makes no sense for 
 strings, because it's unclear what you want (with unicode terminology here, 
 as this is for php6): 
 for each byte for each codeunit for each codepoint, or for each line, 
 or ...

You bring up a good point. However, as a counterpoint, Python does allow
strings to be used as arrays:

s = 'asdf'
for c in s:
print c

In my opinion, it only makes sense for foreach to emulate the code
snippet I posted above: for binary strings, that means byte-by-byte, and
for Unicode strings, that means codepoint by codepoint.

But as I said, it would be neat. This is by no means an essential
feature, and I probably wouldn't be able to use it anyway for BC concerns.

 if you want to use foreach in your example, just do 
 foreach (str_split($str) as $value) { ...

I would never do that, because it requires allocating an entire another
PHP array, more than doubling memory usage, just to iterate across a
string. If I'm doing this sort of heavy string processing, I probably
need some semblance of performance.

 Edward Z. YangGnuPG: 0x869C48DA
 HTML Purifier Anti-XSS Filter
 [[ 3FA8 E9A9 7385 B691 A6FC B3CB A933 BE7D 869C 48DA ]]

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] [RFC] Closures and lambda functions in PHP

2008-06-17 Thread Edward Z. Yang
Larry Garfield wrote:
 $e = new Example();
 $lambda = $e-myMethod();
 That doesn't seem right at all, but that's how I interpret Essentially, 
 closures inside methods are added as public methods to the class that 
 contains the original method.  Can you give an example of what that actually 

At first blush, this sets off warning bells in my head, I suppose
because my notion of a lambda says that the lambda should not carry any
baggage about the context it was created in.

However, with further thought, I believe that binding the lambda's
lexical scope to the place it was defined is:

* Conducive to good coding (you will always be able to look outside the
lambda to find out where the lexical variables are coming form)
* Adds functionality, since anything you want to pass to the function
via the callee's context can be passed via a parameter

What would be neat, however, is the ability to rebind the lambda to
another context. Also, I don't know how other languages do it (Python?

 Edward Z. YangGnuPG: 0x869C48DA
 HTML Purifier Anti-XSS Filter
 [[ 3FA8 E9A9 7385 B691 A6FC B3CB A933 BE7D 869C 48DA ]]

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[PHP-DEV] wiki update

2008-06-17 Thread Lukas Kahwe Smith


I just updated to the 2008-05-05 release [1]. No data  
should have been lost. Aside from minor visual tweaks the main  
improvement is that we now default to a diff in the RSS feeds.

We might see some other tweaks today (or over the course of the day).  
The main thing we are working now during the hackday 2 co-workers  
and myself are holding here at Liip is to allow people to choose  
between the dokuwiki and the reST syntax.

Lukas Kahwe Smith


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] [RFC] Closures and lambda functions in PHP

2008-06-17 Thread Christian Seiler

Hi Marcus,

I now have revised my patch to include your suggestions:

The changes to the previous version:

 - \0 at the start of the compiled lambda function name is dropped.
 - lambdas which are class members are now marked as final
 - the generated name of the lambda is now also stored within the
   op_array (before op_array-function_name was simply lambda)
 - your suggestions for code cleanups in zend_compile.c

Actually how does it integrate with reflection?

Consider the following class:

class Example {
  private $x = 0;

  public function getIncer () {
return function () {

  public function show () {
$this-reallyShow ();

  protected function reallyShow () {
echo {$this-x}\n;


Reflection::export(new ReflectionClass('Example'));

will yield (among other things):

  - Methods [4] {
Method [ user public method getIncer ] {
  @@ /home/christian/dev/php5.3/c-tests/reflection.php 6 - 10

Method [ user final public method 
__compiled_lambda_/home/christian/dev/php5.3/c-tests/reflection.php_0 ] {

  @@ /home/christian/dev/php5.3/c-tests/reflection.php 7 - 9

Method [ user public method show ] {
  @@ /home/christian/dev/php5.3/c-tests/reflection.php 12 - 14

Method [ user protected method reallyShow ] {
  @@ /home/christian/dev/php5.3/c-tests/reflection.php 16 - 18

So lambda functions appear simply as additional methods in the class,
with their generated name.

Of course, the ReflectionMethod / ReflectionFunction classes could be
extended so that it provides and additional method isLambda() in order
to determine whether a function actually is a lambda function. But I'd
rather do that in a separate step and a separate patch.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] [RFC] Closures and lambda functions in PHP

2008-06-17 Thread Chris Stockton

Great patch and a much needed feature. One thing I do not agree with is the
point in the lexical key word, seems it should be natural to inherit the
outer scope. I guess the choice of adding lexical and going slightly against
the grain of typical closure implementations like scheme or ecmascript is
that is not really consistent with php so i can understand disagreement and
your note you made on performance. Seems like the right choice to force
manual inheritance of outer scope. But great work on this, hope it gets
added and none of the core developers say it is not the php way or is only
useful in brainless languages.


Re: [PHP-DEV] deprecation status of $str{42} versus $str[42]

2008-06-17 Thread Chris Stockton
On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 2:21 AM, Steph Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Seems like you are missing some PHP programming basics. Strings are not an
 array of chars, please go back to making ping pong in java c# or whatever
 other little comp sci classes you took. PHP is not any of them.
 Foreach(foo as $key = $char) {}, after learning, please be quiet and
 andi answer my question on his ideas he had for improvements to the
 and once favored syntax.

 Please, keep this kind of personal abuse off the core development list. It
 adds absolutely nothing to the debate, and we're all very, very bored with

I was trying to have a productive discussion on the topic, his response is
the one that added no value, was nothing but a troll.

Anyways, I like the fact my response brought up iterating strings, which I
think as far as code points or bytes etc, go, really its the same problem as
$str{0} on a Unicode string, im sure PHP6 will fix this with Unicode
strings. Still, I wish this was not being removed I have a lot of legacy
code around that uses it and am sure many companies do as well, and it has
always felt more correct _to_me_ but it is what it is. Case closed I guess.


Re: [PHP-DEV] extensions status, to move to pecl or to drop

2008-06-17 Thread Nuno Lopes

 What would rock is to have it supported by gcov (by us or
 somewhere else with a public report), would it be possible?

 How can I get this done?

I'm adding Nuno to the loop, he is the one leading the gcov initiative
and will surely explain the setup in a better way than me :)

I can add it, as long as you provide me instruction on what I need to 
install and how the configure options should look like. Also I will need to 
know if there's some file/environment var that needs to be modified in order 
to run the tests.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] [RFC] Closures and lambda functions in PHP

2008-06-17 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Christian, Johannes,

Tuesday, June 17, 2008, 2:24:01 PM, you wrote:

 Hi Marcus,

 I now have revised my patch to include your suggestions:

 The changes to the previous version:

   - \0 at the start of the compiled lambda function name is dropped.
   - lambdas which are class members are now marked as final
   - the generated name of the lambda is now also stored within the
 op_array (before op_array-function_name was simply lambda)
   - your suggestions for code cleanups in zend_compile.c

 Actually how does it integrate with reflection?

 Consider the following class:

 class Example {
private $x = 0;

public function getIncer () {
  return function () {

public function show () {
  $this-reallyShow ();

protected function reallyShow () {
  echo {$this-x}\n;


 Reflection::export(new ReflectionClass('Example'));

 will yield (among other things):

- Methods [4] {
  Method [ user public method getIncer ] {
@@ /home/christian/dev/php5.3/c-tests/reflection.php 6 - 10

  Method [ user final public method 
 __compiled_lambda_/home/christian/dev/php5.3/c-tests/reflection.php_0 ] {
@@ /home/christian/dev/php5.3/c-tests/reflection.php 7 - 9

  Method [ user public method show ] {
@@ /home/christian/dev/php5.3/c-tests/reflection.php 12 - 14

  Method [ user protected method reallyShow ] {
@@ /home/christian/dev/php5.3/c-tests/reflection.php 16 - 18

 So lambda functions appear simply as additional methods in the class,
 with their generated name.

 Of course, the ReflectionMethod / ReflectionFunction classes could be
 extended so that it provides and additional method isLambda() in order
 to determine whether a function actually is a lambda function. But I'd
 rather do that in a separate step and a separate patch.

Yep, Reflection details can and should be addressed separately.

I think the next step is confirming with the rest of the core team that we
all ewant this. IMO it has often enough been requested and your patch
solves every tiny piece that was missing so far. And if people agree then
unfortunately you need to provide a patch for HEAD first. Actually you
could do so just now.

Johannes, what's your take on this one for 5.3?

Best regards,

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] [RFC] Closures and lambda functions in PHP

2008-06-17 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


Johannes, what's your take on this one for 5.3?

I'm not Johannes and I didn't review the proposal in detail yet, but I 
think we have enough for 5.3 right now. I'd think we better concentrate 
on tying the loose ends and rolling beta out and then moving towards the 
release than adding more and more features and never releasing it. 5.3 
is not the final release until the end of times, there will be 5.4 etc. 
and 6, so there will be ample opportunity to add stuff. And 5.3 has 
enough stuff to be released, there's no rush to add more new things, 
especially radically new ones. My opinion is that we better take some 
time with it and not tie it to 5.3.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] [RFC] Closures and lambda functions in PHP

2008-06-17 Thread Steph Fox

I'm not Johannes and I didn't review the proposal in detail yet, but I 
think we have enough for 5.3 right now. I'd think we better concentrate 
on tying the loose ends and rolling beta out and then moving towards the 
release than adding more and more features and never releasing it. 5.3 
is not the final release until the end of times, there will be 5.4 etc. 
and 6, so there will be ample opportunity to add stuff. And 5.3 has 
enough stuff to be released, there's no rush to add more new things, 
especially radically new ones. My opinion is that we better take some 
time with it and not tie it to 5.3.

Amen to that.

- Steph

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] [RFC] Closures and lambda functions in PHP

2008-06-17 Thread Alexey Zakhlestin
On 6/17/08, Stanislav Malyshev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm not Johannes and I didn't review the proposal in detail yet, but I
 think we have enough for 5.3 right now. I'd think we better concentrate on
 tying the loose ends and rolling beta out and then moving towards the
 release than adding more and more features and never releasing it. 5.3 is
 not the final release until the end of times, there will be 5.4 etc. and 6,
 so there will be ample opportunity to add stuff. And 5.3 has enough stuff to
 be released, there's no rush to add more new things, especially radically
 new ones. My opinion is that we better take some time with it and not tie it
 to 5.3.

although I really want to have this functionality right now, I agree with Stas.
5.3 has a lot of new things already. this should go to HEAD, and,
hopefully, it will attract more people to actually try php-6

Alexey Zakhlestin

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] [RFC] Closures and lambda functions in PHP

2008-06-17 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Stanislav,

  nicely put but not in agreement with the PHP world. First we cannot add
a new feature like this in a mini release as it comes with an API change.
And second PHP is not anywhere close so we'd have to do it in a PHP 5.4
and personally I would like to avoid it.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008, 9:19:56 PM, you wrote:


 Johannes, what's your take on this one for 5.3?

 I'm not Johannes and I didn't review the proposal in detail yet, but I 
 think we have enough for 5.3 right now. I'd think we better concentrate 
 on tying the loose ends and rolling beta out and then moving towards the 
 release than adding more and more features and never releasing it. 5.3 
 is not the final release until the end of times, there will be 5.4 etc. 
 and 6, so there will be ample opportunity to add stuff. And 5.3 has 
 enough stuff to be released, there's no rush to add more new things, 
 especially radically new ones. My opinion is that we better take some 
 time with it and not tie it to 5.3.
 Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
 (408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Best regards,

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] [RFC] Closures and lambda functions in PHP

2008-06-17 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


  nicely put but not in agreement with the PHP world. First we cannot add
a new feature like this in a mini release as it comes with an API change.
And second PHP is not anywhere close so we'd have to do it in a PHP 5.4
and personally I would like to avoid it.

You meant PHP 6 not anywhere close? well, if we keep adding completely 
new stuff to 5.3 then 5.3 would not be anywhere close so what we earn by 
that? I understand that we all want new and cool stuff in PHP, but 
endlessly delaying 5.3 is not the answer.
And this feature is a big thing, it's not adding yet another module or 
function - it should be thoroughly reviewed and seen how it affect all 
other things. It's probably very cool addition, but yet more reason to 
consider all the side effects and surprises on the way.
Pushing it in now would mean we'd either have to delay 5.3 yet another 
half-year or we'd release buggy 5.3 and then we'd be bound by API 
compatibility and couldn't fix things that we might want to fix. I think 
as much as we want to add yet another cool feature - we have to release 
versions for the users to actually be able to enjoy features we already 
added, from time to time. And time for 5.3 is very much due, and we 
still have a bunch of work to do on it.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] [RFC] Closures and lambda functions in PHP

2008-06-17 Thread Christian Seiler


I'm not Johannes and I didn't review the proposal in detail yet, but I 
think we have enough for 5.3 right now. I'd think we better concentrate 
on tying the loose ends and rolling beta out and then moving towards the 
release than adding more and more features and never releasing it. 5.3 
is not the final release until the end of times, there will be 5.4 etc. 
and 6, so there will be ample opportunity to add stuff. And 5.3 has 
enough stuff to be released, there's no rush to add more new things, 
especially radically new ones. My opinion is that we better take some 
time with it and not tie it to 5.3.

I would like to see 5.3 released first before we add really cool
features like this. I'm really +1 for closures but I please for 5.4 and

If I may add my own personal (and biased ;-)) opinion (which may not
count much but I'd like to present the arguments): I'd like to see it in
PHP 5.3. Mainly because of two reasons:

First: My patch is quite non-intrusive, it only adds things in a few
places (new opcode, a few checks). If you only look at the non-generated
files (i.e. excluding files generated by re2c or zend_vm_gen.php), the
patch is actually not even that long:
Except for the introduction of a 'lexical' keyword I carefully designed
the patch not to have *any* impact *at all* on PHPs other behaviour. I'd
be genuinely surprised if any code breaks with my patch. I also don't
see how this would delay 5.3 - of course things have to be tested but at
least as far as I can tell the major showstoppers currently are class
inheritance rules and namespaces which still cause quite a few headaches
of their own.

Second: If closures are not supported in PHP 5.3, even with the release
of PHP 6 backwards compability will be a hindrance in using them. Since
PHP 6 will have Unicode support and thus quite a few semantic changes,
this will of course not matter much for the actual PHP applications
since these will have to change anyway. But think of class libraries:
There are many things that can be implemented in class libraries where
unicode support doesn't matter at all - such as for example advanced
date and time calculations (beyond timelib), financial calculations etc.
Such libraries will probably want to maintain compability with PHP 5.3
as long as possible. But these libraries may profit from closures.

If you still decide to include closures only from post PHP 5.3, I
suggest to at least declare 'lexical' a reserved keyword in PHP 5.3.

Just my 2 cents...

As to the patch for HEAD: I thought it best to wait for
unicode.semantics to go away along with the if (UG(unicode)) checks
before implementing it (everything else would be a waste of time - since
if I'm not mistaken someone is actually currently removing those). If I
really am mistaken in my interpretation of the discussions here on this
topic and they are not going away (at least not in the short term), I
can of course provide one now (meaning the next few days).


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Algorithm Optimizations - string search

2008-06-17 Thread Nuno Lopes


Sorry for taking so long to answer, but I'm trying to catch up last stuff.
It's known that usually to optimize things for longer inputs you usually end 
up making things for short inputs worst. So IMHO, I think you should have 
the len==1 optimization and then use the KMP algorithm. Your implementation 
can be further optimized (at least on 32 bits machines), but seems ok for 
I suggest you to produce a final patch, send it here, and then move on to 
optimize other things (like strtr() that I'm sure wikipedia guys will 


- Original Message -

Hello again
I have setup small page where I am publishing all the profiling and 
evaluation results. It is here: standard15/
So far I have put there function usage profile, zend_memnstr  analysis, 
stripos and strrpos analysis including some charts etc. CVS  diffs where 
applicable are also posted along with comparison of  original and patched 


On 2008-06-11, at 09:47, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:


Here are some statistics:
- average haystack length: 624.2
- average needle length: 1.9 ! - 63% of needles of length 1
- avg length of haystacks shorter than avg: 41.0 - 85% of all 

- avg length of haystacks  longer than avg: 5685.11

I think it would be interesting to see same excluding 1-char  needles 
since in this case it should do one-char lookup (btw, if we  don't do it 
on C level, it might be a good idea to).

Although strpos implements fix for that, some other functions  don't. My 

is than to implement ZEND_MEMNSTR once again in shape:
if (needle_len = 1)
here just linear sweep
else if haystack_len  5000 (5000 is arbitrary - maybe some more  tests
needed to choose good value)
original implementation (as it is the best one in this case)
BM/KMP (i think BM will be better in this case, as some people

I'm not sure very big haystacks really worth the trouble - how many  of 
them are used? It may be interesting to see medians instead of  averages 
for that. But len=1 I think worth having special case.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] [RFC] Closures and lambda functions in PHP

2008-06-17 Thread Christopher Jones

Christian Seiler wrote:
 As a followup to the discussion in January, I'd like post a revised
 patch to this list that implements closures and anonymous functions
 in PHP.

Did I miss seeing its phpt tests?
A really thorough test suite might the case for inclusion in PHP 5.3.


Christopher Jones, Oracle
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel:  +1 650 506 8630
Blog:   Free PHP Book:

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Re: [PHP-DEV] [PATCH] [RFC] Closures and lambda functions in PHP

2008-06-17 Thread Larry Garfield
On Tuesday 17 June 2008, Christian Seiler wrote:

  - I am a little confused about the OOP interaction.  How does a function
  become a public method of the class?

 To clarify: the public method ist just the internal representation of
 the lambda function and has *nothing* to do with the semantics of
 calling the lambda itself. The method only means that the lambda
 function defined inside another method can access the class members and
 public only means that the lambda function can still be called from
 outside the class.

If one knew how to access it, which it seems is not possible/feasible for 
user-space code.  

  class Example {
private $a = 2;
function myMethod($b) {
  $lambda = function() {
lexical $b;
return $this-a * $b; // This part I get
  return $lambda;
  $e = new Example();
  $lambda = $e-myMethod();

 No, that's not what my patch does. My patch does:

 class Example {
private $a = 2;

public function myMethod ($b) {
  return function () {
lexical $b;
return $this-a * $b;

 $e = new Example ();
 $lambda = $e-myMethod (4);
 var_dump ($lambda ()); // int(8)
 $lambda2 = $e-myMethod (6);
 var_dump ($lambda2 ()); // int(12)

 So esentially, it does not matter whether you define a lambda function
 inside a method or a function (or in global scope, for that matter), you
 always use it the same way. The in-class-method lambda function only has
 the additional advantage of being able to access the private and
 protected class members since *internally* it is treated like a public
 class method.

I see.  It would be great if you could update the RFC with this information so 
that it's clearer.  

 If you want to add methods dynamically to classes, why not use the
 runkit extension? I really don't see a point in making lambda functions
 and closures something they are not.

I was asking if they could be used for that, not to make them into a different 
animal.  As for using runkit, do I really need to answer that? :-)

Two other questions that just occurred to me:

1) What is the interaction with namespaces, if any?  Are lambdas as 
implemented here ignorant of namespace, or do they take the namespace where 
they are lexically defined?

2) What happens with the following code?

class Foo {
  private $a;

$f = new Foo();

$b = 5;

$f-myfunc = function($c) {
  lexical $b;
  print $a; // This generates an error, no?
  print $b; // This prints 5, right?
  print $c; // Should print whatever $c is.


Or is the above a parse error entirely?

Larry Garfield  AIM: LOLG42

If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of 
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, 
which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to 
himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession 
of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it.  -- Thomas 

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