[PHP-DEV] Pre-RFC discussion: nameof

2023-05-01 Thread Robert Landers
Hello internals,

After seeing some discussions about using enum values as keys, I
thought of my own implementation of `nameof` (from C#) that is very
hackish: https://github.com/withinboredom/nameof

I'd like to propose making it a real thing (with better behavior than
my hack). An operator like this has a few niche uses, mostly for
better error messages but also for making strings of things that you
normally can't get the string value of. Here are some examples:

nameof(func(...)) === 'func'
nameof($party) === 'party'
nameof($captain->planet) === 'planet'
nameof(Class::Prop) === 'Prop'

I first attempted this as an extension, but this belongs at the
parsing/compiling level and not during runtime (this gets turned into
a constant zval).

I use my (very hacky) implementation to handle stringifying enums
(mostly), as well as better, easier-to-refactor error messages:

throw new InvalidArgumentException(nameof($var) . ' has an unexpected value');

Without it, the name of the variable can be missed in a refactor,
making the error message useless or incorrect.

The code to make this possible (without much error checking) is
relatively simple: https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/11172

Robert Landers
Software Engineer
Utrecht NL

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Current RFC process and project decisions

2023-05-01 Thread Jakub Zelenka

On Mon, 1 May 2023, 18:00 Dan Ackroyd,  wrote:

> On Mon, 1 May 2023 at 12:21, Jakub Zelenka  wrote:
> > It seems that in the current definition, the RFC is just for blocking
> > rejected features to get to the next release rather than requiring
> accepted
> > features to be in the next releaseIt means it requires some
> > sort of consensus between core developers or at least no objections from
> > some core developers.
> It might be better to think of the RFC process for new features to be
> a decision on "should this feature be in PHP?" rather than a "must
> this feature be in PHP?".

Yes this exactly what I was trying say. One of the reasons for this thread
was actually to prevent misconception that accepted RFC is a final decision
which I have feeling some voters might think.

This is essentially mainly meant for technical changes where such RFC
decision does not make any sense IMHO. Basically we decide about anything
technical in RFC that explicitly allows leaving decision of merging for

> As far as I can remember, there is a single RFC that wasn't merged in
> the next planned release:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/null_coalesce_equal_operator
> The vote was passed on 2016/04/02 so 7.1 was the next release version,
> but it wasn't merged until 2019/01/22 and so was in PHP 7.4.
> That was due to a technical problem with the implementation - I don't
> recall/understand the exact details. But it wasn't (afaik) a
> controversial decision to not merge it until the patch was good
> enough.

Just to clarify I don't have any problem with that. Personally I think the
RFC process works fine for user facing changes and proposing changes with
minimal implementation is fine in my eyes.

> This was possible to happen because we don't require a complete patch
> that is ready to merge. Ironing out all of the minor details for a new
> feature is a huge amount of work (that people in userland are usually
> completely oblivious to) which would increase the burden of passing
> RFCs.
> Seeing as one of the big long term problems PHP has, is that many
> contributors stop contributing after they get burnt out by doing an
> RFC, I would oppose making RFCs take more work.

I agree and I would personally prefer not to do RFC for changes that are
not controversial. Certainly I wouldn't want to make it worse.

> Once an RFC is passed the conversation changes from whether the RFC is
> a good idea or not, to being a conversation about how to best
> implement it, and whether the patch has some show-stopper issues or
> not.
> > This is largely undefined as almost always the core
> > developers would follow the decision in RFC but technically there is
> > nothing in our process that would require them to do so.
> Technically correct. Though the situation where all of the core
> contributors refuse to merge a PR, probably means the PR shouldn't be
> merged.
> > The idea is to maybe create a single document in the wiki collecting both
> > linked RFCs with extended clarifications and maybe mirror it in git so
> the
> > future proposal are easier to do.
> At the risk of being a senior programmer; what problem are you trying to
> solve?

The proposed single document is not meant to solve problems but improve
things and make the rules clear and easy to find for new contributors. It
should also remove all conflicting statements and it should also make the
modification easier.

> I mean, clearly there have been problems that could do with clarifying:
> * when are and what types of code cleanups allowed to happen? What
> notice should be given, to avoid causing work for other developers,
> who might have large existant branches they've been working on?

Yes this is exactly something that should not be addresed by the RFC IMO

> * are pull-requests that merely add comments allowed? This is
> something some long-time core contributors have strong feelings about,
> which I and other people disagree strongly with, but we haven't had a
> framework to discuss it without shouting.

This is in some way the same as the above. Basically for me the main issue
is that the RFC is the only place where conflicting technical issues
between developers are decided.

I think having such framework is really something that would be great to
have. The TC proposal is such an attempt actually.

> And there are probably other non-userland affecting code maintenance tasks.
> But as far as as I'm aware, there hasn't been a problem with an RFC
> passing and the core contributors refusing to accept it. So please can
> we discuss the exact problem you want to solve, so that we can agree
> it's the right problem to solve, before suggesting solutions?

As I said it was mainly about improvements and making things clear at this
stage which should allow further changes in the future. In terms of those
chnges that I would like to see is to mainly having some framework for
dealing with technical changes.




Re: [PHP-DEV] Current RFC process and project decisions

2023-05-01 Thread Dan Ackroyd
On Mon, 1 May 2023 at 12:21, Jakub Zelenka  wrote:

> It seems that in the current definition, the RFC is just for blocking
> rejected features to get to the next release rather than requiring accepted
> features to be in the next releaseIt means it requires some
> sort of consensus between core developers or at least no objections from
> some core developers.

It might be better to think of the RFC process for new features to be
a decision on "should this feature be in PHP?" rather than a "must
this feature be in PHP?".

As far as I can remember, there is a single RFC that wasn't merged in
the next planned release:

The vote was passed on 2016/04/02 so 7.1 was the next release version,
but it wasn't merged until 2019/01/22 and so was in PHP 7.4.

That was due to a technical problem with the implementation - I don't
recall/understand the exact details. But it wasn't (afaik) a
controversial decision to not merge it until the patch was good

This was possible to happen because we don't require a complete patch
that is ready to merge. Ironing out all of the minor details for a new
feature is a huge amount of work (that people in userland are usually
completely oblivious to) which would increase the burden of passing

Seeing as one of the big long term problems PHP has, is that many
contributors stop contributing after they get burnt out by doing an
RFC, I would oppose making RFCs take more work.

Once an RFC is passed the conversation changes from whether the RFC is
a good idea or not, to being a conversation about how to best
implement it, and whether the patch has some show-stopper issues or

> This is largely undefined as almost always the core
> developers would follow the decision in RFC but technically there is
> nothing in our process that would require them to do so.

Technically correct. Though the situation where all of the core
contributors refuse to merge a PR, probably means the PR shouldn't be

> The idea is to maybe create a single document in the wiki collecting both
> linked RFCs with extended clarifications and maybe mirror it in git so the
> future proposal are easier to do.

At the risk of being a senior programmer; what problem are you trying to solve?

I mean, clearly there have been problems that could do with clarifying:

* when are and what types of code cleanups allowed to happen? What
notice should be given, to avoid causing work for other developers,
who might have large existant branches they've been working on?

* are pull-requests that merely add comments allowed? This is
something some long-time core contributors have strong feelings about,
which I and other people disagree strongly with, but we haven't had a
framework to discuss it without shouting.

And there are probably other non-userland affecting code maintenance tasks.

But as far as as I'm aware, there hasn't been a problem with an RFC
passing and the core contributors refusing to accept it. So please can
we discuss the exact problem you want to solve, so that we can agree
it's the right problem to solve, before suggesting solutions?

If nothing else, some problems are unsolvable by lots of documentation
and bye-laws.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] PHP Technical Committee

2023-05-01 Thread Jakub Zelenka

Thanks for the feedback.

On Mon, May 1, 2023 at 4:09 PM Benjamin Außenhofer 

> I found this idea of a TC interesting on the outset, but after carefully
> consideirng I voted no on this RFC because
> a.) i believe it to be too much bearucracy for the little benefit

I wouldn't say that having some rules in place is a little benefit but what
I gather is that you and Levi, who also mentioned it, don't like forming
some new entity with bunch of new rules so I guess it's probably a fair
point even though I don't agree with it.

> b.) potentially harmful depending on who is on the TC.

This point really saddens me as it was mentioned in all no votes reasoning
and it shows that there is obviously not much trust in core devs (people
that can candidate). This is not a format that would be something new and
it works well for other projects (NodeJS, Python and many others) so
apparently they trust more their candidates. Also the scope here is even
more limited than elsewhere as I mentioned before.

It's good that you provided such feedback though as it is clear that model
based on maintainers wouldn't most likely work either as such risk is much
higher in such model.

> c.) There is also no process of overuling the TC, or voting a TC out due
> to no confidence or something. Without the votes known of TC members,
> voters of the TC have no insights into who they might want to boot or keep
> in the next election. However introducing these data points would make
> everything even more complicated.

This is a valid point and probably something that should be there.

Ultimately, already at the moment each controversial change can be asked to
> be RFCed and then the voters can decide with arguments made by people
> knowledgable in the area. Yes, there is always some politics involved, but
> the same would be true of the TC decisions.

Just to clarify this is actually not exactly correct as RFC is not meant to
be used for those decisions and it has no weight unless I'm
misunderstanding the currently voted rules (see my analysis in other
thread). So technically RFC is just a poll for such decisions. But yeah we
currently use it in such way which effectively makes some sort of undefined

However the main problem with the RFC process is that for purely technical
changes it could result in a set of rules that will limit core development.
When the previous disagreement happened, it ended up with this sort of RFC:
https://wiki.php.net/rfc/code_optimizations . I know that it was later
withdrawn but just imaging the impact of this being accepted and honoured.
And also why should something like this be decided by people that have
nothing to do with a core development? That was actually one of the main
triggers for this initiative and we wanted come up with something sensible
that would decide those sort of things in a better way.



Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] PHP Technical Committee

2023-05-01 Thread Benjamin Außenhofer
On Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 12:01 PM Jakub Zelenka  wrote:

> Hi,
> The vote is now open for the RFC about introduction of the PHP Technical
> Committee:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/php_technical_committee

I found this idea of a TC interesting on the outset, but after carefully
consideirng I voted no on this RFC because

a.) i believe it to be too much bearucracy for the little benefit
b.) potentially harmful depending on who is on the TC.
c.) There is also no process of overuling the TC, or voting a TC out due to
no confidence or something. Without the votes known of TC members, voters
of the TC have no insights into who they might want to boot or keep in the
next election. However introducing these data points would make everything
even more complicated.

Ultimately, already at the moment each controversial change can be asked to
be RFCed and then the voters can decide with arguments made by people
knowledgable in the area. Yes, there is always some politics involved, but
the same would be true of the TC decisions.

> Regards
> Jakub

Re: [PHP-DEV] [VOTE] PHP Technical Committee

2023-05-01 Thread Jakub Zelenka

Thanks for the feedback and explaining your no vote. That's really
appreciated and would be great if other no voters could do so as well.

On Sun, Apr 30, 2023 at 10:36 PM Pedro Magalhães  wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 11:00 AM Jakub Zelenka  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The vote is now open for the RFC about introduction of the PHP Technical
>> Committee:
>> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/php_technical_committee
>> Regards
>> Jakub
> Hi Jakob.
> Sorry for not participating in the discussion phase but I would like to
> give my explanation on why I voted No.
> You made a good job in distinguishing the user-facing from the technical
> changes to say what can and can't be decided by the TC, but the first can't
> live with the second.

Well obviously you cannot have user facing change without implementation.
But you can have a general idea accepted without the implementation (or
with just some base implementation showing that it might work). This is
actually how the spec based languages work. Firstly the spec is created and
then it is implemented. I know PHP is not a spec based language but there
is no requirement for the implementation in the current RFC process. It is
all just about the proposal. Of course there is a better chance to get it
accepted with a good implementation done but it is not a requirement.

Then, it allows the TC to have conversations and vote in private in matters
> that until today have always been public. Of course developers are allowed
> to talk to each other wherever they want, but what matters is said in
> public.
> "unless the provided implementation would result in introduction of new
> bugs, side effects not mentioned in the RFC, significant performance
> penalties not mentioned in RFC, or if there is an equivalent implementation
> in progress that the TC finds more appropriate." is ample enough that it
> can allow anything to be rejected.
So the fact that the RFC passes does not necessarily mean that the
implementation will be merged. It will most likely won't get merged if it
introduces some security issues or problems that were not envisioned during
the RFC process. This is just to make that decision about quality of the
implementation more formal and have some process to decide it.

> Overall, the idea of having a group of people that developers can ask for
> some guidance from is great, but that group shouldn't have any extra rights
> to block anything whatsoever.
> To demonstrate good faith and unequivocally show that this is not an
> attempt at a power grab, it would be a nice gesture for the authors of the
> RFC to include their withdrawal from ever holding a seat in the technical
> council in the text of the RFC itself.

Well this is a collaboration effort which you can see in the linked PR.
Being an author does not really mean anything here. The proposal is to have
5 people in the committee that need to be already a core developers and
they react only to issues raised by other core developers. So I can't
really imagine how this could significantly change things and be a "power
grab". It is purely about deciding the conflicts between people that have
got already powers to potentially block things. It is basically just about
finding an agreement between core developers.

I have just done some analysis of the current RFC process in
https://news-web.php.net/php.internals/120167 where you can hopefully see
that this does not take any powers from the current RFC process.



[PHP-DEV] Current RFC process and project decisions

2023-05-01 Thread Jakub Zelenka

First of all the intention of this email is to try to clarify and later
better define the current RFC process and project decision processes. The
ultimate goal is to have a single document that would define project bylaws
and except other things be a guide for new contributors to quickly get an
idea how the project decisions are done.

Currently the RFC voting in defined in [1]. This defines all necessary
details about a discussion, proposing changes and voting. However it
doesn't say anything about the actual proposals so it can be more or less
anything impacting PHP. Also it doesn't say anything about implications of
the accepting of the idea (e.g. if it needs be merged) or when it should be

There is another accepted RFC about release process [2] that defines better
for what RFC should be used. Specifically it states that it should be used
for the features in the following sentence:

> New features or additions to the core should go through the RFC process.

It is important to note that the RFC specifically states "SHOULD" and not
"MUST" which is something that has been probably applied to many smaller
features that didn't go through RFC over the years. It is not exactly clear
if this is actually allowed as there is a conflicting note regarding
release cycle that kind of says that the feature can get to the next
release as long as it gets accepted:

> The shorter release cycle also ensures that a given feature can get into
the next release, as long as the RFC has been accepted.

This could be taken that only RFC accepted feature can go to the next
release which kind of conflict with the "SHOULD" above.

As you can see it's pretty vague and not exactly something that has been
really accepted in practice. The fact is that there is also no definition
of the feature so if we took it to the extreme, it could mean any technical
change would also need an RFC. I think we all agree that would be really
inconvenient so that's something that we should probably better clarify.

We then have rules for RMs but they are mainly based around releases. I
think it would be good to define that part as well but will leave it aside
for now as it is much clearer and less impacting the core development. The
only important thing to note is that RM decides about bugs going to the

It seems that in the current definition, the RFC is just for blocking
rejected features to get to the next release rather than requiring accepted
features to be in the next release. It means if the RFC is accepted, it can
get to the next release but it does not mean that it must get to the next
release. Obviously if RFC is rejected, it means that it cannot get to the
next release.

The implication of that is that to fully accept the feature, it requires
someone to merge it and no one to revert it... It means it requires some
sort of consensus between core developers or at least no objections from
some core developers. This is largely undefined as almost always the core
developers would follow the decision in RFC but technically there is
nothing in our process that would require them to do so.

In terms of conflicts between developers, the RFC does not even have much
meaning because of the above. It could be used just as some sort of poll
and honour the decision as such but it has no deciding factor in it.

This is at least how I understand the linked RFCs so please comment if you
think that the analysis is incorrect or I missed anything. I think it would
be good to define this somewhere so we can potentially make tweaks into it
in the future.

The idea is to maybe create a single document in the wiki collecting both
linked RFCs with extended clarifications and maybe mirror it in git so the
future proposal are easier to do.


[1] https://wiki.php.net/rfc/voting
[2] https://wiki.php.net/rfc/releaseprocess

