RE: [PHP-DEV] my last attempt at sanity with namespaces

2008-10-16 Thread Marc Boeren

 Read it and discuss.

Solution #1 is imho the best one to disambiguate everything, but the
readability problem is not to be overlooked. To keep this short, just
read the following rewrite of the lines for the problem code:


namespace one..step;
function two(){}
namespace one;
class step {
static function two(){}


include 'foo.php';

one..step::two(); // clearly namespace one, static method on class step
one..step..two(); // clearly namespace one..step, function two

Addressing the cons for the ::: separator:

1. all existing namespace code must still be rewritten, sorry about

Two sequential dots currently produce a syntax error, so the
implementation doesn't have to worry about ambiguity or bc-issues.

Disclaimer: I have not written any namespaced php code yet (so I'm not
worried about con #1 ;-)).

Ciao, Marc.

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RE: [PHP-DEV] moving extensions to pecl

2005-08-04 Thread Marc Boeren

Hiyall and Wez in particular,

 In general, unless the extension is a really ancient forgotten thing,
 the person moving it should coordinate with the current maintainer to
 set that up.

That would have been nice :-)

 Would you mind creating the appropriate package.xml file and tarball
 and releasing dbx via PECL, Marc?

I wouldn't mind but I don't know when I can find some time. Is there
some documentation available for the packaging process? I couldn't find
a clear pointer on

 Let me know if you need an account for the PECL site.

I'm not sure if I now have cvs permissions for dbx in the pecl folder, I
used to have them for the /ext folder. Username is mboeren. Anything
else I need to package dbx for pecl (and maintain it) would be
appreciated too.

Ciao, Marc.

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RE: [PHP-DEV] moving extensions to pecl

2005-08-04 Thread Marc Boeren


  Please note this: This was only removed from PHP 5.1-dev (HEAD),
  it still exists in the PHP_4_4 branch.. And AFAIK, there are no
  releases of PHP 5.1 (other than betas) out yet? :)

Still, some work needs to be done to make the transition to pecl
smoother, such as getting it in the packages list, perhaps the docs
should mention it is in pecl too, that kind of thing.

  Plus it does have a package.xml. Added in 2004/03/24..

Ah, I missed that. 
So what is needed to get it on the pecl site in the packages list?

Ciao, Marc.

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RE: [PHP-DEV] moving extensions to pecl

2005-08-04 Thread Marc Boeren


  So what is needed to get it on the pecl site in the packages list?
 1) It needs to become registered as a package:
 2) In order to be downloadable it needs a release:
 For all of these steps you need the necessary PECL Karma 
 which you can 
 apply to with this form:

Not if I want to keep my existing username :)
I'm following up this thread in pecl-dev with my request for pecl-karma.

Cheers, Marc.

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[PHP-DEV] moving extensions to pecl

2005-08-03 Thread Marc Boeren


A while back ext/dbx and ext/ircg were 'moved to pecl' (without any
discussion, but that's not the point).
However, there are no packages on pecl for either extension, which might
lead people to believe that a 'move to pecl' is more like a 'remove from
php' action. Should it not be policy to require the necessary packaging
for pecl _before_ the source is moved in cvs?

Ciao, Marc.

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Calling PHP functions from an extension

2004-07-22 Thread Marc Boeren

  Doesn't ext/dbx already do what you're doing?

 John wrote ADOdb so he is looking to speed it up.

Which is funny, as I just wrote a pure-PHP version of ext/dbx for use in
environments where the C dbx extension is unavailable :-)

Cheerio, Marc.

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RE: [PHP-DEV] PDO (was: SQLite API deficiency)

2004-05-24 Thread Marc Boeren


 I apologize for not going to the end of the thread to see if 
 you posted a link online somewhere to this, but I would love
 a copy none the less.

It wasn't posted yet, but you can find it here:

Cheerio, Marc.

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RE: [PHP-DEV] PDO (was: SQLite API deficiency)

2004-05-14 Thread Marc Boeren


 i'll update the checkout on my server but you will have it through
 PECL anyway in a week.

I'll wait :-)

  Great. What are the initial backends that will be supported? SQLite,
 SQLite and Oracle first. We're hoping that the exact two you mentioned
 follow very shortly after puttin pdo into pecl.

Good plan. I would follow that very shortly with MS SQL (which I don't
use but
should be supported for more corporate reasons)

Cheerio, Marc.

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RE: [PHP-DEV] differences in the RDBMS ext API's

2003-09-25 Thread Marc Boeren


 First of all, in my opinion it would be more useful to concentrate on a
 true cross-database PHP-level data-object API which can really hide
 the differences between db implementations, instead of using the exact
 same function names, and ignoring the implementation differences 
 between the various systems. I'd rather implement buffered queries at the
 PHP-level for all extensions instead of for Interbase only.

I just skim the php-dev list nowadays, but this seems a bit like what the
dbx extension does (I wrote that). Now I know dbx is just a lightweight
wrapper that doesn't try to emulate specific functionality, and it may still
need some more wrapper functions (like commit/rollback and parameter
binding) and support for more databases and a better efficiency, but one
thing it does is provide a common api and common behaviour for all supported
databases (no, Interbase is not among them, but feel free... :-)

It does return buffered resultsets for all queries (except when the
unbuffered flag is set). It also includes a testset that you can use with
any of the supported databases. There are now only very few quirks between

I've used it in production with MySQL, ODBC (MS Access really) and Oracle,
where I develop in MySQL and deploy in any other: the only modification I
must make before deployment is the dbx_connect call: it must specify the
correct parameters. Note that you should take care to make your
SQL-statements portable too.

Anyway, this plug has gone on too long now... :-)

Cheerio, Marc.

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RE: [PHP-DEV] differences in the RDBMS ext API's

2003-09-25 Thread Marc Boeren


 IMO there are some problems with the dbx extension:
 - it is a wrapper for PHP modules instead for the underlying 
 database API (therefore slower)

True, but this makes for a lot less build-headaches: dbx has no

 - you cannot rely on it if you depend on an ISP that does not support 
 this extension

True for any non-standard extension (however, for this case I usually make a
simple, pure-php wrapper with the dbx_function names mapped directly to the
database). I would like to see more ISPs include dbx of course, and since it
builds without any dependencies and has just a small footprint it should be
really easy to do. 

 - it does not include a C API that would be useful for custom PHP 
 modules to access a database

I have successfully used the dbx extension from within another
(C++)-extension, perhaps not as clean as I would have with an API, but ok.

 - it does not include an OOP API

OOP-ish :-)

 My dream is a full featured SQL extension completely replacing all 
 other database modules, fast, flexible, build-in by default, 
 recommended to be the best way to access databases in PHP.

Yeah, I would have liked that too ;-). I do like the way this is solved in
Python with its DB-API, however they have great namespace/module

 Just my two cents


Cheerio, Marc.

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