Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Constructor Property Promotion

2020-04-08 Thread Nikita Popov
On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 1:56 PM Nicolas Grekas 

> I would like to submit the following RFC for your consideration:
> I love it :)
> Just one question:
> Shouldn't default values be copied on the signature? That would be
> expected for me.
> (and that would make the properties still initialized when child classes
> don't call the parent constructor for whatever reasons.)
> class Point {
> public function __construct(
> public float $x = 0.0,
> <==>
> class Point {
> public float $x = 0.0;
> public function __construct(
> float $x = 0.0,
> Nicolas

Some reasons why the default value is not duplicated into the property are
discussed in
It's primarily about forward-compatibility concerns.

But apart from that, I strongly believe that you should not, ever, specify
a default value on a property that is initialized in the constructor. You
can have a default, or you can have explicit initialization in the
constructor -- both together do not make sense.


Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Constructor Property Promotion

2020-04-08 Thread Nicolas Grekas
> I would like to submit the following RFC for your consideration:

I love it :)

Just one question:
Shouldn't default values be copied on the signature? That would be expected
for me.
(and that would make the properties still initialized when child classes
don't call the parent constructor for whatever reasons.)

class Point {
public function __construct(
public float $x = 0.0,


class Point {
public float $x = 0.0;

public function __construct(
float $x = 0.0,


Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Constructor Property Promotion

2020-04-02 Thread Nikita Popov
On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 3:47 PM Markus Fischer  wrote:

> Him
> On 02.04.20 12:07, Nikita Popov wrote:
> > Reflection will see the state after desugaring. That is, it just sees
> > normal properties and normal constructor args. I've made this more
> explicit
> > in the RFC now:
> Thanks!
> Another one, also related a bit to your PHP-Parser (?): will the
> tokenization process "see" the code before desugaring?
> I'm wondering how automated translation tool can detect that a certain
> code is not "sugared" and promote this?

Tokenization and parsing both happen before the desugaring, they see the
code in its original form. They would detect promoted properties by
checking whether a constructor parameter has a visibility modifier.  Of
course, tooling might want to perform the desugaring transformation
internally, so it sees a uniform representation of everything.


Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Constructor Property Promotion

2020-04-02 Thread Markus Fischer


On 02.04.20 12:07, Nikita Popov wrote:

Reflection will see the state after desugaring. That is, it just sees
normal properties and normal constructor args. I've made this more explicit
in the RFC now:


Another one, also related a bit to your PHP-Parser (?): will the 
tokenization process "see" the code before desugaring?

I'm wondering how automated translation tool can detect that a certain 
code is not "sugared" and promote this?

- Markus

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Constructor Property Promotion

2020-04-02 Thread Nikita Popov
On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 1:35 AM Markus Fischer  wrote:

> Hi,
> On 2020-03-26 14:30, Nikita Popov wrote:
> > I would like to submit the following RFC for your consideration:
> >
> >
> > This is based on one off the suggestions made in
> >, and some existing discussion on the
> > topic can be found in that thread.
> >
> > The primary motivation for this feature is to close the currently rather
> > wide gap between the use of ad-hoc array structures, and the use of
> > well-defined and type-safe value objects. The latter is what we want
> people
> > to use, but the former is, unfortunately, what is *easy* to use.
> The amount of boilerplate this would cut down for e.g. projects using DI
> and DTOs is unfathomable.
> How does this work together with reflection? Will reflection see the
> properties _and_ the extended constructor definitions?

Reflection will see the state after desugaring. That is, it just sees
normal properties and normal constructor args. I've made this more explicit
in the RFC now:


Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Constructor Property Promotion

2020-04-01 Thread Markus Fischer

On 2020-03-26 14:30, Nikita Popov wrote:

I would like to submit the following RFC for your consideration:

This is based on one off the suggestions made in, and some existing discussion on the
topic can be found in that thread.

The primary motivation for this feature is to close the currently rather
wide gap between the use of ad-hoc array structures, and the use of
well-defined and type-safe value objects. The latter is what we want people
to use, but the former is, unfortunately, what is *easy* to use.

The amount of boilerplate this would cut down for e.g. projects using DI 
and DTOs is unfathomable.

How does this work together with reflection? Will reflection see the 
properties _and_ the extended constructor definitions?

- Markus

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Constructor Property Promotion

2020-03-26 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

> I would like to submit the following RFC for your consideration:

I like this shortcut. I am not sure though I understand why callable is
not allowed? Can't it just create a non-typed property?

Stas Malyshev

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Constructor Property Promotion

2020-03-26 Thread Nikita Popov
On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 5:02 PM David Rodrigues 

> Hello!
> With all respect, seems a bit confuses to me, without in fact offer a new
> feature, just a shortcut. I hope it's me seeing it the wrong way.
> What happen if I rename the constructor parameters on a child class
> constructor?
> Example (
> class A {
> public function __construct(public int $x) { ... }
> }
> class B extends A {
> public function __construct(public int $y) { ...;
> parent::__construct($y); }
> }

Constructors (in general, independent of this feature) are per-class and do
not participate in classical signature-based inheritance (the exception
being abstract constructors, but those aren't relevant here). The notion of
"renaming" a constructor parameter doesn't make sense in that regard,
because the parameters of the child constructor have absolutely no relation
to the parameters of the parent constructor.

The way to write your example would be:

class A {
public function __construct(public int $x) {}

class B extends A {
public function __construct(int $x) {
// Your extra logic here.


Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Constructor Property Promotion

2020-03-26 Thread Ben Ramsey
> On Mar 26, 2020, at 08:30, Nikita Popov  wrote:
> Hi internals,
> I would like to submit the following RFC for your consideration:
> This is based on one off the suggestions made in
>, and some existing discussion on the
> topic can be found in that thread.
> The primary motivation for this feature is to close the currently rather
> wide gap between the use of ad-hoc array structures, and the use of
> well-defined and type-safe value objects. The latter is what we want people
> to use, but the former is, unfortunately, what is *easy* to use.

Will this cause any problems with ReflectionClass? (I’m assuming not, but 
wanted to ask anyway.)


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Constructor Property Promotion

2020-03-26 Thread Michał Brzuchalski
czw., 26 mar 2020 o 14:31 Nikita Popov  napisał(a):

> Hi internals,
> I would like to submit the following RFC for your consideration:
> This is based on one off the suggestions made in
>, and some existing discussion on the
> topic can be found in that thread.
As I already said in linked topic. IMHO this is wrong and can be easily

A list of properties is changed into a list of constructor method arguments
can be easily overused on long argument lists and when the time comes to
have attributes then the list of promoted arguments with their annotations
and some extra blank lines then to improve readability could lead to
long constructor signature list on a different level of indentation which
also then always has to be un-collapsed in IDE and on the top of a class to
keep the track of properties where usually list of properties exists with
additional named constructors (always at the top).

Not even mentioning that mix of promoted and un-promoted argument list
would just feel awkward and that kind of mixed constructor where some of
arguments are assigned magically and some of them not can make it harder to

And I'm not saying this cause I'm preparing another proposal for filling
the gap
between the use of ad-hoc array structures, and the use of well-defined and
type-safe value types.
I'm saying this because PHP was always verbose and easy to read/decipher
this solution IMHO has more drawbacks regarding readability than benefits.

Michał Brzuchalski

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Constructor Property Promotion

2020-03-26 Thread Sara Golemon
On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 8:31 AM Nikita Popov  wrote:

> I would like to submit the following RFC for your consideration:
> This is based on one off the suggestions made in
>, and some existing discussion on the
> topic can be found in that thread.
> Similar to an RFC you submitted six years ago:
I think the availability of typed properties makes the syntax for this much
more sensible and I look forward to +1ing it.


Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Constructor Property Promotion

2020-03-26 Thread Chase Peeler
On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 9:33 AM Paul M. Jones  wrote:

> > On Mar 26, 2020, at 08:30, Nikita Popov  wrote:
> >
> > Hi internals,
> >
> > I would like to submit the following RFC for your consideration:
> >
> Big fan. Thanks for this.
I like this too. One question (and apologies if I overlooked this in the
RFC), but is type-hinting required, or would the following be accepted:

class bar {
   public function __construct(public $foo){}

> --
> Paul M. Jones
> Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP
> Solving the N+1 Problem in PHP
> --
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
> To unsubscribe, visit:

Chase Peeler

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Constructor Property Promotion

2020-03-26 Thread David Rodrigues

With all respect, seems a bit confuses to me, without in fact offer a new
feature, just a shortcut. I hope it's me seeing it the wrong way.

What happen if I rename the constructor parameters on a child class

Example (

class A {
public function __construct(public int $x) { ... }

class B extends A {
public function __construct(public int $y) { ...;
parent::__construct($y); }

David Rodrigues

Em qui., 26 de mar. de 2020 às 12:45, Sebastian Bergmann 

> Am 26.03.2020 um 14:30 schrieb Nikita Popov:
> > I would like to submit the following RFC for your consideration:
> >
> Looks good to me! Thanks.
> --
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
> To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Constructor Property Promotion

2020-03-26 Thread Sebastian Bergmann

Am 26.03.2020 um 14:30 schrieb Nikita Popov:

I would like to submit the following RFC for your consideration:

Looks good to me! Thanks.

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Constructor Property Promotion

2020-03-26 Thread Paul M. Jones

> On Mar 26, 2020, at 08:30, Nikita Popov  wrote:
> Hi internals,
> I would like to submit the following RFC for your consideration:

Big fan. Thanks for this.

Paul M. Jones

Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP

Solving the N+1 Problem in PHP

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

[PHP-DEV] [RFC] Constructor Property Promotion

2020-03-26 Thread Nikita Popov
Hi internals,

I would like to submit the following RFC for your consideration:

This is based on one off the suggestions made in, and some existing discussion on the
topic can be found in that thread.

The primary motivation for this feature is to close the currently rather
wide gap between the use of ad-hoc array structures, and the use of
well-defined and type-safe value objects. The latter is what we want people
to use, but the former is, unfortunately, what is *easy* to use.
