On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, Sergey Kartashoff wrote:

>spn> It failed complaining about "ext/mysql/phpmysql.c: undefined reference
>spn> to mysql_create_db". I downloaded the latest php-extension from
>spn> www.mnogosearch.org (mnogosearch-php-extension-1.7.3.tar.gz) and
>spn> replaced the contents of ext/mnogosearch with the files in this archive
>spn> and it all worked a treat (with a quick edit to remove the second
>spn> reference to -lmysqlclient in the EXTRA_LIBS line the PHP Makefile...
>spn> but I think that mnoGo's fault!)
>Could it be because of twice --with-mnogosearch string in configure ?

> I thought that error could be
>caused by buggy linker, since gcc does support multiple references to the
>same library. The second reference to libmysqlclient come from udmconfig
>script while configuring php. It return compiler swithes that used to
>compile mnogosearch. E.g. -lmysqlclient -L/usr. It worked for many users

    It should return the -L/path/to/dir where it thinks libmysqlclient is.
    Doesn't it?

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