On 12/13/22 11:30, Michael Voříšek - ČVUT FJFI wrote:
Hello everyone,
I am the author of https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/10007 proposal
and I would ask you for the green light to do so.
There are two kinds of unusefull branches:
a) the PHP-x-y-* branches - I would restrict the removal of branches
that HEAD commit matches git tag HEAD-1 commit
In theory the branches can be used somewhere, but they are pointless as
git tag HEAD-1 is a 1:1 replacement.
No data will/can be lost (and in theory, such branches can be restored
anytime locally).
b) the 10+ years old branches as mentioned in
I do not expect these branches to be used anywhere.
If 20 years old contribution is expected to be finished, the author
should have a local git/svn copy and open regular PR for it :)
Can we collectively agree?
With kind regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / S přátelským pozdravem,

Michael Voříšek

Release managers use these these branches for packaging RCs and incorporating any critical bug/security fixes between the RC and GA release.

See “Packaging a non-stable release (alpha/beta/RC),” step 3, here: https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/master/docs/release-process.md#packaging-a-non-stable-release-alphabetarc

To recommend this change, you will need also need to recommend changes to the release process.


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