Re: [Internauta] el burro de la meva tia surt als diaris

2004-11-08 Conversa Eduard Terradas Salgado
No és la pàgina que comentava en/na scp, però i pots trobar fotos de
l'ase i de congeneres seus.

I per qui estigui interessat en comprar llavors de les bèsties:

On Sun, 7 Nov 2004 23:21:48 +0100 (CET), Anna L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hola! 
> la podries passar, si us plau?? 
> gràcies! 
> Anna
> scp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Benvolguts llistaires :-)
> El burro de la meva  tia (ells en diuen català i jo no  ho esmenaré al menys
> no diuen americà quan guanya i català quan no!), surt en els diaris, primer
> en el Expositor, diari del comtat.
> vostre
> Hi ha unes fotos que no adjunto, una és la del títol mundial de jackstock i
> l'altre, ja més gran ( ha crescut dos pams). Si algú les vol, que ho digui.
> Photo caption: 
> Ozzy, owned by Lynn Pallotta of Goats r' Us Farm n' ALLEARZ in Quebeck, TN 
> On a cool, misty, day high in the Pyrenees, long before railroads ever
> existed, a string of men picks its way through steep terrain together with
> their towering Catalan Donkeys packed with tools and supplies and for the
> coming winter. On their previous descent into town, the donkeys! had carried
> the villagers' wares to be sold and traded at market. Now, completing the
> second half of an age-old cycle of commerce, the animals confidently make
> their way up, laden but uncomplaining, their large, dark, warm, intelligent
> eyes occasionally meeting those of their grateful human companions, as if in
> recognition of their shared destiny. 
> Centuries later, on a farm in the rolling, lush pastureland of Quebeck, TN.,
> a descendant of those ancient donkeys, a young Mammoth Donkey named Ozzy
> starts his day in a clean and comfortable stall by poking his big head out
> of his window with a loud and impatient EE-YAW!, EE-YAW!, as he waits for
> his owner, Lynn V. Pallotta of Goats r' Us Farm n' ALLEARZ in Quebeck, TN,
> to arrive with breakfast. Ozzy is excited about the prospects of romping and
> playing in the field with his miniature donkey friends, or maybe doing a
> training session, or what he enjoys most: getting "gussied up" and going to
> a donkey show. 
> Ozzy's life is a lot easier than that of his ancestors. For centuries,
> donkeys have transported human beings and their materials, enabling people
> to settle even in inhospitable or rugged areas. Because of their superior
> intelligence, strength, versatility and resistance, Catalan Donkeys and
> their descendants, Mammoth Donkeys, were a fixture on the human landscape of
> Europe and America until very recently in the history of man; only with the
> advent of the railroad and the automobile have did they begin to lose their
> importance in commerce and transportation. 
> People like Lynn Pallotta, however, help to publicize all of their excellent
> qualities by raising them and showing them in competitions. She has been
> breeding and training many types of animals for over 30 years, and it seems
> that she knows what to look for. She bought Ozzy, who was born at B & L
> Farms in Scurry, Texas, "on line" when he was two weeks old, and she
> definitely has not be! en disappointed. 
> Lynn has discovered that working with donkeys can be trickier than working
> with horses, since horses are easier to dominate due to the simple fact that
> it is easier to outsmart them. In fact, it is believed that the stubbornness
> of donkeys and mules stems partly from the fact that they think more about
> the task at hand than horses do. On the other hand, after mounting a donkey
> or mule for the first time, people who have ridden horses all their lives
> have been known to exclaim things such as "I can't believe I've been wasting
> all this time with horses!". 
> Ozzy, who at his tender age stands nearly 15 hands high, conserves all of
> the traits of the Catalan Donkey, the forerunners of the Mammoth Donkey,
> that make him so desirable as a working animal or fine show animal. Ozzy is
> registered with the ADMS (American Donkey and Mule Society), AMJR (American
> Mammoth Jackstock Registry), and NASMA (North American Saddle Mule
> Association). At! only 16 months, Ozzy has an amazing show record: 
> Virginia "Cheers for Ears"-ADMS NATIONALS A-rated 
> 1st place-ADMS reg. Mammoth Donkey 
> 1st place-Donkey Mammoth Jacks@ halter 
> 1st place NASMA in -hand trail 
> ADMS reg. CHAMPION donkey at halter. 
> Great Celebration Mule & Donkey Show, Shelbyville, TN A-rated 
> 1st place-yearling halter 
> CHAMPION Donkey to halter 
> Winner of 2004 Bill Trice Memorial Trophy 
> 2004 ALL Star Mule and Donkey Show and Futurity, Columbia, Missouri A-rated 
> 1st place -Jack, weanling or yearling halter 
> 20

Re: [Internauta] el burro de la meva tia surt als diaris

2004-11-07 Conversa Anna L
la podries passar, si us plau??
Annascp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Benvolguts llistaires :-)El burro de la meva  tia (ells en diuen català i jo no  ho esmenaré al menys no diuen americà quan guanya i català quan no!), surt en els diaris, primer en el Expositor, diari del comtat.vostreSCPHi ha unes fotos que no adjunto, una és la del títol mundial de jackstock i l'altre, ja més gran ( ha crescut dos pams). Si algú les vol, que ho digui.OZZY: A WORLD CHAMPION MAMMOTH DONKEY IN OUR MIDST Photo caption: Ozzy, owned by Lynn Pallotta of Goats r' Us Farm n' ALLEARZ in Quebeck, TN On a cool, misty, day high in the Pyrenees, long before railroads ever existed, a string of men picks its way through steep terrain together with their towering Catalan Donkeys packed with tools and supplies and for the coming winter. On their previous descent into town, the donkeys!
 carried the villagers' wares to be sold and traded at market. Now, completing the second half of an age-old cycle of commerce, the animals confidently make their way up, laden but uncomplaining, their large, dark, warm, intelligent eyes occasionally meeting those of their grateful human companions, as if in recognition of their shared destiny. Centuries later, on a farm in the rolling, lush pastureland of Quebeck, TN., a descendant of those ancient donkeys, a young Mammoth Donkey named Ozzy starts his day in a clean and comfortable stall by poking his big head out of his window with a loud and impatient EE-YAW!, EE-YAW!, as he waits for his owner, Lynn V. Pallotta of Goats r' Us Farm n' ALLEARZ in Quebeck, TN, to arrive with breakfast. Ozzy is excited about the prospects of romping and playing in the field with his miniature donkey friends, or maybe doing a training session, or what he enjoys most: getting "gussied up" and going to a donkey show.
 Ozzy's life is a lot easier than that of his ancestors. For centuries, donkeys have transported human beings and their materials, enabling people to settle even in inhospitable or rugged areas. Because of their superior intelligence, strength, versatility and resistance, Catalan Donkeys and their descendants, Mammoth Donkeys, were a fixture on the human landscape of Europe and America until very recently in the history of man; only with the advent of the railroad and the automobile have did they begin to lose their importance in commerce and transportation. People like Lynn Pallotta, however, help to publicize all of their excellent qualities by raising them and showing them in competitions. She has been breeding and training many types of animals for over 30 years, and it seems that she knows what to look for. She bought Ozzy, who was born at B & L Farms in Scurry, Texas, "on line" when he was two weeks old, and she definitely has not be!
 disappointed. Lynn has discovered that working with donkeys can be trickier than working with horses, since horses are easier to dominate due to the simple fact that it is easier to outsmart them. In fact, it is believed that the stubbornness of donkeys and mules stems partly from the fact that they think more about the task at hand than horses do. On the other hand, after mounting a donkey or mule for the first time, people who have ridden horses all their lives have been known to exclaim things such as "I can't believe I've been wasting all this time with horses!". Ozzy, who at his tender age stands nearly 15 hands high, conserves all of the traits of the Catalan Donkey, the forerunners of the Mammoth Donkey, that make him so desirable as a working animal or fine show animal. Ozzy is registered with the ADMS (American Donkey and Mule Society), AMJR (American Mammoth Jackstock Registry), and NASMA (North American Saddle Mule Association). At!
 only 16
 months, Ozzy has an amazing show record: Virginia "Cheers for Ears"-ADMS NATIONALS A-rated 1st place-ADMS reg. Mammoth Donkey 1st place-Donkey Mammoth Jacks@ halter 1st place NASMA in -hand trail ADMS reg. CHAMPION donkey at halter. Great Celebration Mule & Donkey Show, Shelbyville, TN A-rated 1st place-yearling halter CHAMPION Donkey to halter Winner of 2004 Bill Trice Memorial Trophy 2004 ALL Star Mule and Donkey Show and Futurity, Columbia, Missouri A-rated 1st place -Jack, weanling or yearling halter RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION DONKEY 2004 NASMA WORLD SHOW, Oklahoma State Fair, Oklahoma City, Ok. A-rated 1st place-Yearling Donkey Halter 2004 WORLD SHOW WORLD CHAMPION Donkey 2004 North Carolina State Fair Mule and Donkey Show, Raleigh, N.C. A-rated 1st place-Standard and Mammoth Jacks GRAND
 CHAMPION DONKEY 2004 OPEN TO THE WORLD MULE SHOW, WHITE CO. FAIR, Sparta, TN 1st place: Jack 3 years and under. Lynn Pallotta's hard work with Ozzy has really paid off, although Ozzy, a born "ham",  would love to claim all the credit for himself! He loves to be shown, and he loves to "mug" for the camera. He and his owner can look forward to Ozzy having a very successful career as an excellent example of an excellent br

[Internauta] el burro de la meva tia surt als diaris

2004-11-07 Conversa scp

llistaires :-)

El burro de la meva  tia (ells en diuen català i jo no  ho esmenaré al
menys no diuen americà quan guanya i català quan no!), surt en els
diaris, primer en el Expositor, diari del comtat.

Hi ha unes fotos que no adjunto, una és la del títol mundial de
jackstock i l'altre, ja més gran ( ha crescut dos pams). Si algú les
vol, que ho digui.



Photo caption:

Ozzy, owned by Lynn Pallotta of Goats r' Us Farm n' ALLEARZ in Quebeck,

On a cool, misty, day high in the Pyrenees, long before railroads ever
existed, a string of men picks its way through steep terrain together
with their towering Catalan Donkeys packed with tools and supplies and
for the coming winter. On their previous descent into town, the donkeys
had carried the villagers' wares to be sold and traded at market. Now,
completing the second half of an age-old cycle of commerce, the animals
confidently make their way up, laden but uncomplaining, their large,
dark, warm, intelligent eyes occasionally meeting those of their
grateful human companions, as if in recognition of their shared

Centuries later, on a farm in the rolling, lush pastureland of Quebeck,
TN., a descendant of those ancient donkeys, a young Mammoth Donkey
named Ozzy starts his day in a clean and comfortable stall by poking
his big head out of his window with a loud and impatient EE-YAW!,
EE-YAW!, as he waits for his owner, Lynn V. Pallotta of Goats r' Us
Farm n' ALLEARZ in Quebeck, TN, to arrive with breakfast. Ozzy is
excited about the prospects of romping and playing in the field with
his miniature donkey friends, or maybe doing a training session, or
what he enjoys most: getting "gussied up" and going to a donkey show.

Ozzy's life is a lot easier than that of his ancestors. For centuries,
donkeys have transported human beings and their materials, enabling
people to settle even in inhospitable or rugged areas. Because of their
superior intelligence, strength, versatility and resistance, Catalan
Donkeys and their descendants, Mammoth Donkeys, were a fixture on the
human landscape of Europe and America until very recently in the
history of man; only with the advent of the railroad and the automobile
have did they begin to lose their importance in commerce and

People like Lynn Pallotta, however, help to publicize all of their
excellent qualities by raising them and showing them in competitions.
She has been breeding and training many types of animals for over 30
years, and it seems that she knows what to look for. She bought Ozzy,
who was born at B & L Farms in Scurry, Texas, "on line" when he was
two weeks old, and she definitely has not been disappointed.

Lynn has discovered that working with donkeys can be trickier than
working with horses, since horses are easier to dominate due to the
simple fact that it is easier to outsmart them. In fact, it is believed
that the stubbornness of donkeys and mules stems partly from the fact
that they think more about the task at hand than horses do. On the
other hand, after mounting a donkey or mule for the first time, people
who have ridden horses all their lives have been known to exclaim
things such as "I can't believe I've been wasting all this time with

Ozzy, who at his tender age stands nearly 15 hands high, conserves all
of the traits of the Catalan Donkey, the forerunners of the Mammoth
Donkey, that make him so desirable as a working animal or fine show
animal. Ozzy is registered with the ADMS (American Donkey and Mule
Society), AMJR (American Mammoth Jackstock Registry), and NASMA (North
American Saddle Mule Association). At only 16 months, Ozzy has an
amazing show record:

Virginia "Cheers for Ears"-ADMS NATIONALS A-rated

1st place-ADMS reg. Mammoth Donkey

1st place-Donkey Mammoth Jacks@ halter

1st place NASMA in -hand trail

ADMS reg. CHAMPION donkey at halter.

Great Celebration Mule & Donkey Show, Shelbyville, TN A-rated

1st place-yearling halter

CHAMPION Donkey to halter

Winner of 2004 Bill Trice Memorial Trophy

2004 ALL Star Mule and Donkey Show and Futurity, Columbia, Missouri

1st place -Jack, weanling or yearling halter


2004 NASMA WORLD SHOW, Oklahoma State Fair, Oklahoma City, Ok. A-rated

1st place-Yearling Donkey Halter


2004 North Carolina State Fair Mule and Donkey Show,

Raleigh, N.C. A-rated

1st place-Standard and Mammoth Jacks




1st place: Jack 3 years and under.

Lynn Pallotta's hard work with Ozzy has really paid off, although Ozzy,
a born "ham",  would love to claim all the credit for himself! He loves
to be shown, and he loves to "mug" for the camera. He and his owner can
look forward to Ozzy having a very successful career as an excellent
example o