Some of the best radio comes from the public networks of the UK, Australia, 
Ireland, Canada, New Zealand and the U.S.  Podcasts permit a shift of listening 
time from a set appointment to virtually any convenient occasion.  

While there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of great podcasts from other 
sources, the ones sponsored via public radio have been vetted though the worthy 
objectives of the medium. 

Here’s what I’ve been listening to recently.  I hope you might find these 
suggestions helpful in enhancing your own enjoyment of radio, our favorite 

__ __

“A Year Of Wonders”
As extreme weather wreaks havoc around the globe we look at a natural disaster 
more than 200 hundred years ago that had far-reaching effects. This week, how 
the eruption of the Icelandic volcano Laki awed, terrified and disrupted 
millions around the world and changed the course of history. (41”)

“For Whom the Cowbell Tolls”
RADIOLAB - WNYC New York Public Radio
When Nancy Holten was 8 years old her mom put her in a moving van. She fell 
asleep, woke up in Switzerland, and she's been there ever since. Nancy is big 
into animal rights, crystals, and various forms of natural and holistic 
healing. She’s also a viral sensation: the Dutch woman apparently so annoying, 
her Swiss town denied her citizenship. In this episode we go to the little 
village of Gipf-Oberfrick to meet Nancy, talk with the town, and ask the 
question: what does it mean and what does it take to belong to a place? (59”)

— — 

A compendium of these suggestions, plus on occasion additional pertinent 
material, is published in most editions of the CIDX Messenger, the monthly 
e-newsletter of the Canadian International DX Club (CIDX).  For further 
information and membership information, go to

John Figliozzi
Editor, "The Worldwide Listening Guide”
10th EDITION available NOW from, 
and, Ham Radio Outlet.   

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