Podcasts permit a shift of listening time from a set appointment to virtually 
any convenient occasion.  I do it while taking my daily (more or less) 3 mile 
walk, while I’m “plodding along”.

While there are thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of great podcasts from 
other sources, the ones sponsored via public radio have been vetted through the 
worthy objectives of the medium. 

Here’s what I’ve been listening to recently.  I hope you might find these 
suggestions — in roughly 90 minute bites -- helpful in enhancing your own 
enjoyment of radio, our favorite medium.
__ __

“Ukraine - the moral case for ceding land for peace”
It’s now nearly two years since Russia began its full scale invasion of 
Ukraine. Hopes that Ukraine might seize back its territory have been dashed, in 
a conflict that’s become deadlocked. At first it felt clear – the invasion is 
wrong, Putin must fail and be seen to fail, Ukraine’s defiance and bravery must 
be supported with everything its allies can provide. But as the death, 
destruction and bloodshed continues, with little sign of progress on either 
side, questions have been raised about how the war might ever be brought to an 
How realistic is it for Ukraine to aspire to recapture all of its land, even 
Crimea? This year’s US presidential election has sharpened the focus: A Trump 
victory could threaten Ukraine’s future supply of arms. Some believe Russia 
would settle for the land it has already captured. If so, for Ukraine the 
bitter pill of ceding some 20% of its territory would at least bring the war to 
an end. But what’s the moral case for this? What’s the real value of peace – 
bought at the cost of justice? If western powers are seen to allow aggression 
to win the day in Ukraine, what message would that send to Vladimir Putin and 
other tyrants around the world? In Ukraine, what’s the moral case for ceding 
land for peace? (57”)

“The rise of the right in Germany and the resurgence of the magazine”
LATE NIGHT LIVE - ABC RN (Radio National)
The revelations about the plans of the far right in Germany and their deep 
networks prompted more than a million people to take to the streets across the 
country. A panel discusses  why magazines are enjoying a resurgence in 
popularity - is it just about digital fatigue or is it more than that?  (54”)

— — 

A compendium of these suggestions, plus on occasion additional pertinent 
material, is published in most editions of the CIDX Messenger, the monthly 
e-newsletter of the Canadian International DX Club (CIDX).  For further 
information and membership information, go to www.cidx.ca

John Figliozzi
Editor, "The Worldwide Listening Guide”
NEW!!!!  11th EDITION available from universal-radio.com, amazon.com. 
amazon.co.uk <http://amazon.co.uk/>, amazon. <http://amazon.com/>de and 

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