Podcasts permit a shift of listening time from a set appointment to virtually 
any convenient occasion.  I do it while taking my daily (more or less) 3 mile 
walk, while I’m “plodding along”.

While there are thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of great podcasts from 
other sources, the ones sponsored via public radio have been vetted through the 
worthy objectives of the medium. 

Here’s what I’ve been listening to recently.  I hope you might find these 
suggestions — in roughly 90 minute bites -- helpful in enhancing your own 
enjoyment of radio, our favorite medium.
__ __

“Meet the Man who Changed the World Forever”
THE SCIENCE SHOW - ABC RN (Radio National)
Sir Mark Oliphant of Adelaide was the main person missing from the film 
Oppenheimer.  It was Sir Mark who carried the letter from European scientists 
to New York to convince the American President that Hitler was trying to make 
an atomic bomb and needed to be beaten to the chilling quest. It led to the 
Manhattan Project.  Mark also gave us microwave power, initially to equip 
planes, later to give us microwave ovens; he helped establish the ANU; was the 
first President of the Australian Academy of Science and became governor of 
South Australia.  He was the 'right hand man' of Sir Ernest Rutherford of NZ 
who revealed the atomic nucleus and won the Nobel Prize in 1916.  It is often 
reported that they "split the atom" and so enabled the incredible power therein 
to be released.  It was this, as well as the Manhattan Project, that made Sir 
Mark Oliphant such a voice for peace and tolerance, as this Science Show from 
1986 remembers. (54”)

"Haiti — the Background to Political and Social Chaos”
REAR VISION - ABC RN (Radio National)
The gang violence that is gripping the Caribbean nation of Haiti, is the most 
recent disaster in a long line of political, economic, and natural disasters. 
Today Haiti is one of the poorest and most unstable countries on the planet, 
but this was not always the case, it was once France’s richest colony and the 
world’s first black-led republic. So why has Haiti become such a political and 
economic mess?  Guests: 
Laurent Dubois, Professor of History at the University of Virginia, and 
Co-directs the Democracy Initiative. Author of 'A Colony of Citizens: 
Revolution and Slave Emancipation in the French Caribbean; 1787-1804', 
'Avengers of the New World: The Story of the Haitian Revolution' and 'Haiti: 
The Aftershocks of History'.
Robert Fatton, Professor of Politics in the Department of Politics at the 
University of Virginia. He is the author of 'Haiti’s Predatory Republic: The 
Unending Transition to Democracy' (2002); 'The Roots of Haitian Despotism' 
(2007); and 'Haiti: Trapped in the Outer Periphery' (2014).
Alyssa Sepinwall, Professor of history at California State University San 
Marcos. Author of 'Haitian History: New Perspectives'.

— — 

A compendium of these suggestions, plus on occasion additional pertinent 
material, is published in most editions of the CIDX Messenger, the monthly 
e-newsletter of the Canadian International DX Club (CIDX).  For further 
information and membership information, go to www.cidx.ca

John Figliozzi
Editor, "The Worldwide Listening Guide”
NEW!!!!  11th EDITION now available from universal-radio.com, amazon.com. 
amazon.co.uk, amazon.de, amazon.com.au <http://amazon.com.au/>
Constructive reviews from purchasers welcomed on the Amazon site.

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