
Call for Publications

Theme: Human Rights in Africa
Publication: Stichproben. Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische
Date: Special Issue, No. 23 (2012)
Deadline: 31.12.2011


The journal "Stichproben. Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische
Afrikastudien/ Vienna Journal of African Studies" is preparing a
special issue on "Human Rights in Africa" to appear in fall/winter
2012 (Stichproben No 23/2012) and invites anyone interested in
contributing an article, a research note, or a book review to submit
proposals by 31st of December, 2011 to the editors of the volume (see
below for contact adress).

Focus of the issue

The issue of human rights receives considerable attention in social
and political practice and constitutes an inexhaustible theme in
legal, political and social sciences. Moreover, the framework of
human rights offers useful guidelines for international comparison of
standards and practices in various social and political fields.
However, the concept itself remains contested and (re)gains its
meanings through the context of its usage and the theoretical
underpinnings of the respective debate.

In regards to Africa, the unresolved tension between different
universalist and particularist viewpoints further contributes to the
complexity of the debate. This volume aims to offer new insights into
the ongoing and evolving discourse on human rights. It should
contribute to both empirical research as well as established and
innovative theoretical approaches. An understanding of the ambiguity
of different conceptualizations of human rights should be developed
throughout the issue. Contributions from a social science perspective
are particularly welcome.

Papers could address, but are not limited to, the following issues:

Social dimension, e.g.:
- Migration; Asylum; Social welfare; Poverty
- Race and ethnicity; Gender; Women's Rights
- Human rights and culture

Philosophical, political, economic and historical dimension, e.g.:
- Human rights discourse(s); ‘Generations’ of rights; Theoretical
- Human rights scholarship in Africa
- Development and human rights; Right to Development
- Human rights and the global political economy
- Democratization; Foreign intervention
- Colonialism and human rights; Human rights since political

Specific instruments, institutions, concerned groups or case studies,
- Specific rights; Minority group rights; Human rights violations
- Human rights and the OAU; African Charter on Human and Peoples'

Abstracts of the proposed papers should be sent to the editors by

Martina Ciganikova
Email: martina.ciganik...@univie.ac.at

Miša Krenčeyová
Email: michaela.krencey...@univie.ac.at

The deadline for the first draft of the article is 01.03.2012.
The final version of the article needs to be completed by 15.07.2012.

The journal

"Stichproben. Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien" is an
interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal of African Studies,
published twice a year and based at the Department of African Studies
of the University of Vienna (Austria).

The journal’s focus is on contemporary issues concerning Africa and
the wider African diaspora. It mainly publishes in German and
English, but also accepts articles in French, and occasionally, in
major African languages (with translations in German added).

Past issues of the journal can be accessed free of charge online
under: http://www.univie.ac.at/ecco/stichproben/


STICHPROBEN-Editorial Team
c/o Department of African Studies
University of Vienna
UniCampus, Hof 5.1
Spitalgase 2-4
A-1090 Vienna
Tel: +43 (0)1 4277432-09 (or -55)
Email: stichproben.afrikanis...@univie.ac.at
Web: http://www.univie.ac.at/afrika/stichproben_23_callforpapers.pdf

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