InterPhil: CFP: Migration, Adaptation and Memory

2017-04-17 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Papers

Theme: Migration, Adaptation and Memory
Type: 6th International Interdisciplinary Memory Conference
Institution: University of Gdańsk
   McGill University
   InMind Support
Location: Gdańsk (Poland)
Date: 21.–22.9.2017
Deadline: 23.7.2017


How do we remember and represent our migration experiences? Who is
involved in these processes? How does history remember these events
and experiences? What helps migrants and societies to adapt? The
significance of these and related questions have made their way into
our daily lives. From the refugee crisis to policy decisions,
individual psychotherapy to (re)building identities, communities, and
memories, this year's conference themes are ever-present. We strongly
believe in the value of approaching these topics from an
interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary perspective, in order to
engage various perspectives on these pressing issues we encounter

The previous editions of the Memory series conferences, which have
brought together more than five hundred scholars from around the
world, have addressed the relationship between memory and solidarity
(“Solidarity, Memory and Identity”, 2012), memory and dreams
(“Dreams, Phantasms and Memories”, 2013), memory and forgetting
(“Memory: Forgetting and Creating”, 2014), memory and nostalgia
(“Memory, Melancholy and Nostalgia”, 2015), and trauma and recovery
(“Memory, Trauma and Recovery”, 2016).

In 2017, we turn our attention to processes that are integral to
human experience: migration, adaptation, and memory. We are
interested in all aspects of migration and adaptation experience, in
their individual and collective dimensions, in the past and in the
present-day world. We would like to examine the role of memory, the
processes of migrating and adapting to various dynamic life
circumstances, across time, space, culture, language, and discipline.

Therefore, we strive to represent and discuss the crossroads of
migration, adaptation, and memory in their multiple representations:
psychological, social, historical, cultural, philosophical,
religious, neurological, organizational, methodological, economic,
political, and many others. As usual, we will also devote
considerable attention to how these phenomena appear and transform in
artistic practices: literature, film, theatre, and visual arts. This
is why we invite researchers representing various academic
disciplines: anthropology, history, psychiatry, psychology,
psychoanalysis, sociology, politics, philosophy, economics, law,
history of literature, theatre studies, film studies, design, project
management, memory studies, migration studies, consciousness studies,
dream studies, gender studies, postcolonial studies, medical
sciences, cognitive sciences, and urban studies, to name a few.

Different forms of presentations are encouraged, including case
studies, theoretical inquiries, personal reflections,
problem-oriented arguments, comparative analyses, and creative

We will be happy to hear from experienced scholars and young
academics, doctoral and graduate students, as well as professionals
from various disciplines. We also invite all persons interested in
participating in the conference as listeners, without the obligation
to give a presentation.

Our repertoire of suggested topics includes but is not limited to:


- Literature, poetry, film, theatre, etc. as adaptive mediums
- Adaptation through artistic creation and destruction
- Artistic imagination and adaptation
- Migration as represented in arts
- Art created during migration
- Creative expression through memories


- Adaptation across history
- Memory processes in writing history
- Documenting history and memories in migration

Humanitarian work, Governments and NGOs

- Roles and responsibilities
- Management of temporary and transitory spaces
- Project management and evaluation
- Best practices
- Welcome contexts

Medical sciences

- Genetics/epigenetics in adaptation processes
- Neurobiology and biochemistry of adaptation and memory
- Evolutionary approaches to memory, adaptation and migration
- Chronic diseases, memory, and adaptation

Philosophy and Worldviews (Eastern, Western, Indigenous…)

- Epistemology and metaphysics
- Existential and postmodern adaptation
- Ethics in migratory context
- Philosophy of memory

Political Sciences and Law

- Policies related to migration and adaptation
- Human rights and migration
- Bureaucracy in relation to migration policies
- Judiciary systems
- Political agendas, memory and migration
- Objective vs. subjective memory in politics
- International politics and adaptation

Psychology and Psychiatry

- Mental health and adaptation
- Abnormal behaviors and adaptation
- (Mal)adaptive memory processes
- Social and transcultural psychiatry
- Perception/cognition/attention
- Personality
- Psychoanalysis

Sociology and Anthropology

InterPhil: CFP: Comparativism, Identity, Communication

2017-04-17 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Papers

Theme: Comparativism, Identity, Communication
Type: 10th International Conference (CIC2017)
Institution: Faculty of Letters, University of Craiova
   Society of Philological Sciences
Location: Craiova (Romania)
Date: 13.–14.10.2017
Deadline: 15.9.2017


By bringing the concepts of “comparativism”, “identity”,
“communication” together, the conference will focus on the complex
identities interactively engaged in the society “conquered by

Transmodern globalized communication implies rapid, spectacular,
misleading and ambivalent processes: communication can be seen as a
means of emancipation of the individual / nations, but also as a
means of controlling them. It is necessary, therefore, to rethink
“human condition” in the context of interculturalism and “netocracy”
and from the point of view of mutual conditioning and interactive

The opening towards otherness, that accompanies the transgression of
the borders of communication supposes identity awareness.
Multicultural cohabitation is possible if individuals become aware of
symbols of identity and their value, if they consciously participate
in the intercultural dialogue and operate with flexible concepts and,
by all means, if they place themselves under the unifying sign of

Comparative studies provide new insights into the complex matters of
intercultural relations and identity issues, but they also provide
food for thought for the field of communication studies. While
focusing on general and comparative literature, it is not our
intention, though, to limit the scope of the conference to this area.
We envisage comparison as an all-encompassing scientific method,
which might apply to linguistics, anthropology, cultural studies etc.

The interdisciplinary perspective and the generous thematic spectrum
will, hopefully, allow the rethinking of the issues mentioned above.

Thematic areas:

1. Comparativism: influence, reception, intertextuality, palimpsestic
rewriting, comparative poetics, comparative imagology,
inter-aesthetic and inter-semiotic relations; comparison between
languages and linguistic phenomena.

2. Pragmasemantic aspects of communication: emotive meaning,
argumentative roles, illocutionary functions, implicit meaning,
linguistic / semantic context and extralinguistic or situational

3. The rhetorical aspects of communication: tropes, figures of
thought, sophisms; political, journalistic, didactic discourse.

4. New media / communication technologies and corresponding
anthropological mutations: cyber-culture and cyberspace, virtual
communities, “secondary” orality, re-reading of texts in different

5. Identity reconstruction and deconstruction: discourse on identity
and cultural diversity; post-communist transition and negotiation of
identity; “the writing” of the multicultural self in the media;
otherness and the dynamics of communicative relations.

6. Postmodern culture: hybridization, polyphony, interculturality etc.
Interdisciplinary perspectives: comparativism, cognitive
linguistics / poetics, discourse analysis, gender studies, imagology,
literary studies, philosophy, pragmatics, semiotics.

Deadline for registration and submission of abstracts:
September 15th 2017.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by September 25th 2017.

Please send the registration form and the abstracts by e-mail to:

Participation fee:
200 RON / 50 Euro; Ph.D. candidates: 150 RON / 40 Euro.
The conference fee includes the conference map, coffee / tea,
lunch, dinner and the publication of two volumes of selected

Conference languages:
Romanian, English, French, Italian, Spanish.

The papers presented should not exceed 20 minutes (+ 10 minutes for

The papers are subject to peer review. The selected papers will be
published in 2018 by Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova (CNCS: B
category). The proceedings of CIC2014 and CIC2015 have been published
by Universitaria (Craiova) and Cambridge Scholars Publishing, U.K.,
in 2015 and 2016.

Conference website:


Prof. Emilia Parpală Afana
Faculty of Letters
University of Craiova
13, A.I. Cuza Street
Craiova, 200585 


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