InterPhil: CFA: Dissertation Fellowship in Cross-cultural Philosophy

2020-03-02 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Applications

Type: Philosophy Dissertation Fellowship
Institution: APRA Foundation Berlin
Location: Berlin (Germany)
Date: 2020–2023
Deadline: Ongoing


The purpose of the APRA Foundation Berlin Philosophy Dissertation
Fellowship is to motivate pursuit of a well-rounded education in
philosophy that prepares the applicant to flourish in a variety of
professional environments – whether academic or otherwise – that
demand cross-cultural knowledge, logical reasoning, and recognition
of the extent to which Western culture is rooted in the more ancient
cultures of the Near and Far East. To this end, it requires of the
applicant prior completion of a background program of philosophical
study that extends beyond the scope of most undergraduate and
graduate degree requirements, in its inclusion of required coursework
in logic, Eastern philosophy, and the Arabic and Jewish thinkers in
Medieval philosophy. In this way, the Fellowship Applicant
Credentials establish a foundation for advanced philosophical study
that cultivates both familiarity with philosophical approaches from a
variety of non-Western traditions, and also the shared tools of
consistent reasoning and analysis through which to reintegrate them
into meaningful relation with the Western tradition. This will serve
all Fellowship applicants well whether they actually win the
Fellowship or not.

The successful applicant will receive a grant of € 12,000.00/year,
divided into 12 sequential monthly payments of € 1,000.00 each, for a
period of 36 sequential months, running from September of the first
year through August of the third sequential year.

The Fellowship is portable to any accredited philosophy dissertation
program in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, or North America. It is
the responsibility of the Fellow to gain admission to such a doctoral
program at an accredited institution, to obtain a dissertation
advisor, and to discharge the academic and administrative
requirements described above. The Fellow agrees to teach no more than
one course per semester at the most, in addition to researching and
writing the dissertation, during the Fellowship period.

For further information, please visit:


APRA Foundation Berlin
Postfach 288 52
10131 Berlin
Tel./Fax: +49 30 4403-9244


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InterPhil: CFP: Social Development of Humanity from the Perspective of Multiculturalism

2020-03-02 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Papers

Theme: Social Development of Humanity from the Perspective of
Type: International Conference
Institution: Nanchang University
Location: Nanchang (China)
Date: 25.–26.7.2020
Deadline: 15.4.2020



Since the birth of culture in the world of human existence, there
have always been many types of classifications, and differences
between one culture and another. Even in the same historical era,
different cultural types emerged in different geographical areas.
Multiculturalism is important for different cultural carriers to
characterize their own people, country or nation. Although different
cultural types have their own characteristics, there have been always
cultural exchange and cooperation in the process of cultural
development. No culture can be isolated from other cultures, because
diverse cultures are interacting and cooperating within a large
system of the world culture. The process of cultural development is
open and dynamic, without communication and cooperation with external
cultures, it is impossible to achieve one’s own growth.

The history of the development of world culture is the history of
exchanges among different and diverse cultures. With the acceleration
and deepening of economic globalization, the popularization and
utilization of modern science and technology has enabled cultural
exchanges to be much broader and more frequent. The rapid development
of the Internet has made peoples around the world either passively or
actively engage in the process of globalization in various aspects.
There exists not only a communication between traditional and
advanced cultures, but also the conflict between local and foreign
cultures. We are facing many challenges in such a process, especially
in the human social development. There might be conflicts when
cultures and peoples encounter one another partly due to their
differences. However, this could be also a learning process to
understand each other better. Thus it is necessary to examine the
issue of human social development from a multicultural perspective.

The conference will focus the following sub-themes:

1. Cultural exchanges and construction of a community of shared human
2. Justice and human social development
3. Non-traditional security and international cooperation
4. Global ecological crisis and responses and strategies
5. Multiculturalism and globalization
6. China's poverty reduction and world anti-poverty


Please send 300 words and a brief CV to Deng Yangqi [],
Li Ren [] and [] by April 15, 2020.
Full paper will be due on June 1, 2020. Well-developed papers will be
considered to be published by the RVP in its publication series
"Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change."


There is no registration fee. Participants will cover their own
travel costs and the local organizers will provide accommodations.


Deng Yangqi and Li Ren
School of Marxism
Nanchang University
Email: and

Conference website:


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