
Call for Publications

Theme: Conversations on African Philosophy of Mind,
Consciousness and AI
Publication: Edited Collection
Deadline: 30.3.2020


Modern philosophers such as Rene Descartes, William Amo, and Patricia
Churchland, have all sought to unravel the mind-body dilemma in many
ways. What is immediately noticeable is the fact that the salient
perspectives of modern African philosophers like Kwasi Wiredu, Kwame
Gyekye and Jonathan Chimakonam – are rarely engaged. Furthermore, the
21st century has seen the rise in the development of artificial
intelligence systems and their effects on several aspects of human
life. Again, the salient contributions of African scholars have not
fully made their foray into philosophical questions concerning the
epistemology and ethics of AI.

To bridge these gaps, we invite full paper submissions for an edited
collection titled: Conversations on African Philosophy of Mind,
Consciousness and AI. This project is in keeping with the ongoing
efforts to build the African philosophy literature in different areas
not only for research but for classroom discussions. Contributions
from scholars outside the African philosophical tradition which
engages or unveils the African perspective to the associated issues
of mind, consciousness and AI are also welcome.

Topics of relevance include (but are not limited to):

1. Panpsychism and vitalism as theories of theory of mind
2. African approaches to the mind-body debate
3. African ethics of AI
4. Western models of the mind vs African models of the mind
5. Robots and personhood
6. African approaches to the hard problem of consciousness
7. Epistemology, rationality and mind
8. Is Africa ready for the fourth industrial revolution?
9. Transhumanism, singularity and the meaning of life
10. Being human in a techno-laden world
11. Robots and African communalism
12. African conceptions of the self and personal identity

Please submit an abstract (200 words max) along with a short bio to
(aribiahdavidat...@gmail.com) on or before the 30th of March 2020. We
are looking to publish this book with Springer Nature Publishers.

Important dates:

Submission of bio/abstracts: 30 March 2020
Notification of accepted abstracts: 30 April 2020
Submission of full papers: 15 October 2020


Aribiah D. Attoe csp, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Segun T. Samuel csp, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Victor Nweke csp, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
John-Bosco Umezurike csp, Nigeria Maritime University, Nigeria


Aribiah D. Attoe
The Conversational School of Philosophy
Email: aribiahdavidat...@gmail.com


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