
Call for Publications

Theme: Constructing Islam
Subtitle: Politization of Muslim Identity in Contemporary World
Publication: Islamology. Journal for Studies of Islam and Muslim
Date: Special Issue (2020)
Deadline: 1.6.2020


Journal Islamology invites you to participate in special issue in
2020 which will be devoted to constructing of Muslim identity.

“A practice is Islamic because it is authorized by the discursive
traditions of Islam, and is so taught to Muslims—whether by an ‘alim,
a khatib, a Sufi shaykh, or an untutored parent”, writes Talal Asad
drawing attention on heterogeneity of the Islamic tradition. But what
if, in contemporary public space, this pluralism is reduced to simple
and seemingly understandable markers of ‘European’ or ‘radical’
Islam? The actors of public discourse employ the rhetoric of ‘social
integration’, defined on the basis of political and cultural
categorization of ‘our’ moderate Muslims and ‘not-our’/’alien’
extremist Muslims. Such actors also utilize the ideas of ‘formatting
Islam’ (K. Stöckl), whereby a pluralistic Islamic tradition is
replaced by the discussions about themes, such as ‘how a European
Islam is compatible with the values of Western democracy’. First,
this leads to what Olivier Roy calls the ‘essentialization of Islam’,
or ‘an attempt to explain everything through Islam, thus forming a
negative attitude towards the “Muslim community”’. Second, this also
results in politicization of the very Muslim identity, as pointed out
by Rogers Brubaker while describing the category of 'groupism' in his
identity theory.

How do various actors ‘format’ Islam in the public space? How do
established discourses politicize and transform the Muslim identity?
Finally, how does the Muslim community respond to requests to
unify/standardize its representation, and what effect does this exert
on pluralism within the Muslim community? What new meanings emerge
from such interaction?

In this issue we invite authors to examine in-depth the phenomenon of
politicization of Muslim identity: on the one hand, what image is
being shaped in different sectors of public space? and, on the other
hand, how does the Muslim community react to the set frames? In what
cases and why does a certain community position itself as ‘Muslim’?
As a rule, even if these questions are examined in both Russian and
Western historiography, the selection of cases does not allow to
observe a comparative perspective. For example, ‘Euro-Islam’ is
analyzed separately, as is the phenomenon of the Russian "traditional
Islam" and the ‘soft Islam’ of Indonesia. The aim of this issue is to
consider various models of constructing Islam in public space using
broad (first of all, from the geographical point of view) empirical
material, which enables their comparative analysis. Authors are
welcome to focus on the following questions and topics, but not
limited to them:

- What does it mean to be a Muslim? Identity theories and their
  applicability to Muslim communities;

- What are the mechanisms for constructing Muslim identity in public
  space? Securitization and domestication of Islam; narratives of the
  ‘clash of civilizations’; neo-imperial discourse and the categories
  of ‘tradition’ and ‘history’ in the construction of Islam;

- ‘Formatting’ of Islam and politicization of Muslim identity: images
  of Islam constructed in various segments of public space (mass
  media, political parties, academic research, etc.);

- ‘European’, ‘Russian’, ‘British’, ‘French’ Islam: transformation
  and sources of national Islamic discourses;

- The problems of terrorism, extremism, migration, security,
  citizenship in the discourse of various Muslim communities.

The authors are welcome to submit their proposals as abstracts with a
title (not more than 500 words) to guest editor Sofya Ragozina
(sofyaragoz...@gmail.com) by June 1, 2020. If proposal is accepted,
the full text of the article should be submitted by September 1, 2020.

The languages of the journal are Russian and English; you can send
abstracts and articles in either of those languages.

We remind you that articles in the journal are produced using the
sixth edition of the APA Styleguide (APA 6th ed.). For more details
on the rules, click here:

In case of positive reviews, the authors will have to reformat their
texts in accordance with our requirements, if the original form of
the article did not adhere to them.


Sofya Ragozina
Email: sofyaragoz...@gmail.com or pa...@islamology.in
Web: http://islamology.in


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