InterPhil: CFP: Development in Times of Conflict

2020-04-16 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Papers

Theme: Development in Times of Conflict
Subtitle: Ethical Pathways towards Peace and Justice
Type: 12th IDEA Congress
Institution: International Development Ethics Association (IDEA)
   Red para la formación ética y ciudadana (REDETICA)
   Universidad Autónoma LatinoAmericana (UNAULA)
   Universidad de Ibagué (UnIbagué)
Location: Medellín (Colombia)
Date: 1.–3.2.2021
Deadline: 15.6.2020


(Versión española abajo / Versão portuguesa abaixo)

Red para la formación ética y ciudadana (REDETICA), The Universidad
Autónoma LatinoAmericana (UNAULA), the Universidad de Ibagué
(UnIbagué) and International Development Ethics Association (IDEA)
invite scholars, practitioners, policy makers, and other interested
parties to submit proposals for presentations at a conference on the

Development in Times of Conflict: Ethical Pathways towards Peace and

Conference Theme

For decades, Colombia has lived through one of the most complex armed
conflicts in South America. More than fifty years of armed conflict
has deteriorated institutional foundations, torn at the basic social
fabric, created distrust in the figure of the State and hindered the
building of a common national project. These facts and ongoing
exclusion reflect a failure of development, which is as much a focus
for concern in conflict, and in the generation of conflict as it is
in a more orderly society. In some regions, violence, naturalized as
a means of resolving conflict, has come to constitute an ethos in
which resentment and revenge are habitual expressions, and the taking
up of arms is frequently seen as the only option to resolve the
disputes, while ongoing exclusion and recurring acts of injustice
make up Colombia’s national reality.

The signing of the peace agreement between the Colombian State and
the FARC guerrillas has given rise to a crucial moment in the
country’s development. In this new post-agreement period, words such
as truth, justice, reparation, non-repetition, forgiveness,
reconciliation, among others, signal the possibility of political and
moral pathways to conflict resolution. They open spaces for dialogue,
reflection and action in which an education in ethics must occupy a
central place; otherwise the construction of a pluralistic and
democratic society is impossible. The present context demands
proposals to maintain the peace, as well as the critical assumption
of new paradigms framed in a special jurisdiction for the peace
process and the realization of transitional justice.

It is of great importance for this region specifically, and for the
national and Latin American context in general, to promote spaces for
dialogue and research on the peace agreement, transitional justice,
the post-agreement environment, and community-building, among other
topics. Thus, conference organizers particularly encourage
submissions on the following themes as they apply to ethical

- Conflict, transitional justice and reconciliation
- Experiences of organizations and collective action in transforming
  territories for peace
- Peacebuilding and peacekeeping: the challenges
- Sharing and comparing experiences of peacebuilding from other
  regions of the world
- Internal and international displacement by conflict: immigration
  and refugees
- Pathways to peace: development, post-development, decolonial
  approaches, buen vivir and other aspirational ideas for dialogue
- Limits of the liberal peace paradigm
- Hybrid conceptions of peacebuilding

The congresses of the International Development Ethics Association
are open to proposals concerning all aspects of ethics in the context
of development; other foci include but are not limited to:

- Urban planning/displacement by development
- Development ethics in times of climate change
- Complexity, uncertainty, and sustainable development
- Social and grassroots innovation for transformative change
- Whose knowledge? Epistemic justice and ecology of knowledges

Presentations are encouraged from practitioners and scholars; they
may examine these issues from diverse practical, theoretical and
conceptual perspectives including philosophical arguments, empirical
analysis, observers’ and participants’ accounts, examinations of
policy, and action strategies. The conference will engage scholars
and practitioners from around the world, and from a wide variety of
disciplines and activities (including philosophy and other
humanities, social sciences, policy studies, development, social
work, NGOs, local and global agencies and organizations, government
officials and policy makers). IDEA particularly welcomes submissions
from scholars and practitioners in the global south.

Conference timeline and sessions

The main conference takes place from 1st to 3rd February 2021. The
4-5th of February will consist of an IDEA retreat and a field visit.

In addition to keynote 

InterPhil: PUB: The Semiotics of Nationhood

2020-04-16 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Publications

Theme: The Semiotics of Nationhood
Publication: Global Humanities
Date: Vol. 8 (Fall 2020)
Deadline: 15.5.2020


After a two year online-only period, the biannual journal Global
Humanities (ISSN: 2199-3939) eventually found a new home at Edizioni
Museo Pasqualino, the publishing house of the Museo Internazionale
delle marionette Antonio Pasqualino, Italy. It will continue to be
published in print and open access for back issues. 

The journal continues its attempt to strengthen interdisciplinary
research in all fields of the humanities in relation to its topical
issues. For the fall 2020, volume 8 is planned to deal with the
Semiotics of Nationhood in the broadest sense. We therefore ask
scholars at any step of their academic career to submit paper
proposals for this issue that could deal with, but are not limited
to, the following topics:

- Semiotics and national narratives
- Semiotics of nationalism
- The semiotic creation of the nation
- National remembrance and its semiotic expressions
- Semiotic nations

With regard to time period and theoretical approach, this call for
papers is totally open.

Please send your paper propoals (max. 300 words and a short
biographical note) to Frank Jacob ( and Francesco
Mangiapane ( by May 15, 2020. Papers are due by
June 30, 2020 and should have a lenght of 6,000-8,000 words. Style
sheets will be provided together with a decision about the proposals
by May 25.


Frank Jacob
Faculty of Social Science
Nord Universitet


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