InterPhil: ANN: Cross-cultural Trolley Papers

2021-04-23 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil


Theme: Cross-cultural Trolley Papers


I am looking for papers that investigate cross-cultural differences
in responses to trolley problems, i.e., empirical experiments that
compare the responses of people from different cultures to some of
the standard cases. That includes both papers that (a) explicitly
compare judgments across cultures on a single scenario, or (b) look
for differences in choices between two standard trolley scenarios for
a non-WEIRD population. I am interested in both published and
unpublished studies.

The full list of papers I have found so far is below. If you know of
anything that is not listed, would you be able to send it to me?

The last two items on my list are things I am having trouble getting
hold of/ getting hold of in english (Xiang, 2014, and Yamamoto, &
Yuki, 2019). If you have either of them in English and can send them
to me, I’d be very grateful.

Natalie Gold

Cross-cultural trolley references

Abarbanell, L., & Hauser, M. D. (2010). Mayan morality: An
exploration of permissible harms. Cognition, 115(2), 207-224

Ahlenius, H., & Tännsjö, T. (2012). Chinese and Westerners respond
differently to the trolley dilemmas. Journal of Cognition and
Culture, 12(3-4), 195-201.

Arutyunova, K. R., Alexandrov, Y. I., & Hauser, M. D. (2016).
Sociocultural influences on moral judgments: East–west, male–female,
and young–old. Frontiers in psychology, 7, 1334.

Awad, E., Dsouza, S., Shariff, A., Rahwan, I., & Bonnefon, J. F.
(2020). Universals and variations in moral decisions made in 42
countries by 70,000 participants. Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences, 117(5), 2332-2337.

Gold, N., Colman, A. M., & Pulford, B. D. (2014). Cultural
differences in responses to real-life and hypothetical trolley
problems. Judgment and Decision making, 9(1), 65-76.

Hauser, M., Cushman, F., Young, L., Kang‐Xing Jin, R., & Mikhail, J.
(2007). A dissociation between moral judgments and justifications.
Mind & language, 22(1), 1-21.

Michelin, C., Tallandini, M., Pellizzoni, S., & Siegal, M. (2010).
Should more be saved? Diversity in utilitarian moral judgment.
Journal of cognition and culture, 10(1-2), 153-169.

Moore, A. B., Lee, N. L., Clark, B. A., & Conway, A. R. (2011). In
defense of the personal/impersonal distinction in moral psychology
research: Cross-cultural validation of the dual process model of
moral judgment. Judgment and Decision Making, 6(3), 186-195.

O’Neill, P., & Petrinovich, L. (1998). A preliminary cross-cultural
study of moral intuitions. Evolution and Human Behavior, 19(6),

Rehman, S., & Dzionek-Kozłowska, J. (2020). The Chinese and American
Students and the Trolley Problem: A Cross-cultural Study. Journal of
Intercultural Communication, 20(2), 31-41.

Rhim, J., Lee, G. B., & Lee, J. H. (2020). Human moral reasoning
types in autonomous vehicle moral dilemma: a cross-cultural
comparison of Korea and Canada. Computers in Human Behavior, 102,

Sheskin, M., Chevallier, C., Adachi, K., Berniūnas, R., Castelain,
T., Hulín, M., ... & Baumard, N. (2018). The needs of the many do not
outweigh the needs of the few: the limits of individual sacrifice
across diverse cultures. Journal of cognition and culture, 18(1-2),

Sorokowski, P., Marczak, M., Misiak, M., & Białek, M. (2020). Trolley
Dilemma in Papua. Yali horticulturalists refuse to pull the lever.
Psychonomic bulletin & review, 1-6.

Winking, J., & Koster, J. (2021). Small-scale utilitarianism: High
acceptance of utilitarian solutions to Trolley Problems among a
horticultural population in Nicaragua. Plos one, 16(4), e0249345.

Winskel, H., & Bhatt, D. (2020). The role of culture and language in
moral decision-making. Culture and Brain, 8(2), 207-225.

Xiang, X. (2014). Would the Buddha Push the Man Off the Footbridge?:
Systematic Variations in the Moral Judgment and Punishment Tendencies
of Han Chinese, Tibetans and Americans (Doctoral dissertation,
Harvard University).

Yamamoto, S. & Yuki, M. (2019). What causes cross-cultural difference
in reactions to the trolly problem? A cross-cultural study on the
roles of relational mobility and reputation expectation. Research in
Social Psychology, 35(2), 61-71.


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InterPhil: CFP: The Ethics of Business, Trade, and Global Governance

2021-04-23 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Papers

Theme: The Ethics of Business, Trade, and Global Governance
Type: Interdisciplinary Conference
Institution: Center for Ethics in Society, Saint Anselm College
   Department of Finance, University of Vienna
   Centre for Responsible Banking and Finance, University of St.
Location: Wentworth-by-the-Sea, NH (USA) / Online
Date: 3.–4.12.2021
Deadline: 31.8.2021


The Saint Anselm College Center for Ethics in Society, in cooperation
with the Department of Finance at the University of Vienna and the
University of St. Andrews Centre for Responsible Banking and Finance,
announces a call for proposals for a conference on the economics,
ethics, and governance of global commerce.

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the global economy. Because this
has been a time of disruption and shifting economic power, it is an
opportunity to reassess ethical and governance questions and debates
about international trade and capital flows that will be essential to
address in the post-COVID-19 recovery period. The goal of this
interdisciplinary conference is to bring together ethicists,
economists, political scientists, international relations scholars,
policy experts, and business leaders to examine not only the
political and economic impact of globalization but also how
international trade and investment can be conducted more ethically as
we move towards a “new normal” in a post-pandemic global context.

Suggested topics or questions that a proposal could address include:

* International Commerce

- Economic and trade rebalancing - The rise of China and other
  emerging countries are shifting economic activity. How will this
  affect trade and commerce?
- Acceleration of new technologies – New and disruptive technologies
  are advancing faster than the ability to manage and harness them.
  Digital platforms and automation are affecting production, trade,
  and workstyles: do they necessitate new business models/frameworks?
- Uncertainty - Political and market instability create economic
  hardship, nationalism, and extremism, increasing risk and
  uncertainty. What are the effects on international trade and
- Demographic Shifts – Emerging and developing economies have younger
  populations than developed economies. How will these demographic
  shifts change trade?
- Do the benefits of portfolio liberalization, in terms of financial
  deepening, counteract its systemic risks?
- What are the “externalities” of trade or foreign direct investment
  for democracy, human rights, civil peace, and state autonomy?
- How does the global low interest rate environment affect the
  viability of exchange rate management?
- How will big-data affect decision making about trade policy?
- How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected trade and global supply

* Ethics

- Are nations right to prioritize their own interests in the global
  economy, whether in trade or vaccine distribution?
- Is globalization beneficial or detrimental to political
- What are the rights and responsibilities of economic actors
  engaging in the global economy?
- Does free trade demand the free movement of peoples?
- Do participants in international trade have a responsibility to
  ensure a more equitable distribution of benefits?
- Should there be a shared responsibility to ensure that trading
  practices enable sustainable development and the recognition of
  human rights?
- What responsibilities do multinational firms have to the
  communities where they do business?
- Is offshoring morally problematic? Is offshoring necessarily part
  of a free trade system?
- Should nations ensure that they produce essential goods within
  their own borders?

* Global Governance

- What are the social and political challenges to governing
  international trade and the movement of global capital?
- What are the respective roles of corporations and governments in
  determining trade policy?
- Are there advantages to bilateral as opposed to multilateral trade
- Sustainability and Environmental Degradation – Rising demand is
  straining supplies of energy, food, water, and other resources.
  Unrestricted trade and commerce threaten the land, air, and water,
  and promote global warming. What national or global mechanisms
  should be in place to prevent further environmental degradation?
- Who has the authority to make and enforce the rules and laws
  involved in the global economy?
- How does international trade affect collective bargaining rights
  across nations?
- What is the relationship between economic development and
  international trade?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of international
  organizations in regulating international economic relations?
- Is the WHO’s Covax program an effective vehicle for shared global
  responsibility in vaccination distribution?

Details for Preparing Proposals: