

Theme: New Horizons
Subtitle: Sustainability and Justice
Type: 2020 HDCA Conference
Institution: Human Development & Capability Association (HDCA)
   College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Massey University
Location: Online
Date: 30.6.–2.7.2020


Due to the recent outbreak of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), it
is no longer possible to run the 2020 HDCA Conference in its original
format. The duty of care of both the event organisers at Massey
University and the HDCA is not compatible with the idea of large
groups of speakers and audience, many coming from different regions
across the globe, travelling to Auckland and congregating in large

What is more, on 14 March the New Zealand Prime Minister announced
that any person from any country, excluding the Pacific islands, is
now required to self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival to New Zealand.
Other countries are implementing similar measures.

At this stage, it is impossible to reliably predict the course of
this pandemic. However, it appears highly unlikely that unhindered
international movement (that does not put the health of travellers
and their communities at risk) will be reinstated by June 2020.
Consequently, after consultation with the HDCA Executive Council, we,
the organisers of the 2020 HDCA Conference, have decided to change
the set-up of the event to a pure online format.

Fortunately, we had been planning to run a Video-Conferencing Pilot
all along, so we are well-prepared for this change. In effect, we are
now increasing the scale of the online element. Anyone who previously
submitted a proposal for contributions will be given the following

- Change their submission to an application for a live
  video-conferencing slot
- Change their submission to an application for a virtual
  poster-presentation or pre-recorded video slot
- Withdraw their submission

We will contact everyone who previously made a submission in the
coming days, and we hope that as many of them as possible choose
options one and two.

We similarly encourage everyone who previously planned to join our
conference as part of the audience in Auckland to participate in the
online event. Please check the conference website regularly for
information and further updates: http://www.2020hdca.com

Due to the change of format, the conference registration fees have
been adjusted. Conference registration will open soon.

Important dates change as follows:
- March 21, 2020: Announcement of acceptance/rejection
- April 4, 2020: Deadline for scholarship applications
- April 17, 2020: Announcement of scholarship recipients
- May 16, 2020: Deadline for conference registration at early-bird
- June 6, 2020: Final deadline for conference registration at
  standard rates
- June 15, 2020: Submission of posters/videos

With our best wishes for your health and general well-being,
The 2020 HDCA Conference Organisers

For questions, you can reach us at:

Conference website:


InterPhil List Administration:

InterPhil List Archive:



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