
Call for Applications

Type: PhD Course on the Ethics of War
Institution: University of Oslo
Location: Oslo (Norway)
Date: 26.–29.5.2020
Deadline: 30.3.2020



This course will provide a general introduction to the main
approaches within just war theory and explore in detail several
contested issues under debate, such as: Under what circumstances is
it permissible to initiate a war? How should we understand the notion
of proportionality? What is the role of blame to liability to
defensive harm? What is the ethical impact of new military
technologies, especially AI? Do combatants on either side of the war
have the same moral status?  Who incurs a duty of compensation to the
victims of war, and what does it consist in? Is it permissible to
impose collateral damage to save important cultural heritage? Are
non-combatants always illegitimate targets in war? What is the role
of ‘legitimate authority’ in political violence? In what ways does
terrorism differ from war?

The course is organised at the Univeristy of Oslo, Department of
Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, in collaboration with
the Research School on Peace and Conflict.

Instructors will be Professor Jeff McMahan (Oxford), Lars Christie
(Oxford, Oslo), Greg Reichberg (PRIO).


No prior knowledge of just war theory will be assumed, but
participants will be expected to do the set reading in advance. The
course will be delivered by a combination of interactive lectures and
reading group-style seminars, based on readings circulated before the
start of the course.

Upon full participation and the satisfactory completion of a course
essay, the course equals 5 ECTS according to the standards of the
University of Oslo. Participants must get an overview of the
readings, participate actively in the lectures and submit a course
essay that is marked as "pass". 

Appliciation deadline:
30th March 2020

Please send your application (statement of interest and CV) to Maria
Seim: maria.s...@ifikk.uio.no


Maria Seim
Doctoral Research Fellow in Practical Philosophy
Department of Philosophy, IFIKK, University of Oslo
Email: maria.s...@ifikk.uio.no


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