InterPhil: CFA: Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Ethics of War and Peace

2020-01-29 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Applications

Type: Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Ethics of War and Peace
Institution: Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace,
Stockholm University
Location: Stockholm (Sweden)
Date: 2020–2022
Deadline: 21.2.2020


The Stockholm Centre is looking to deepen and broaden its research
profile, especially with regards to the grounds, scope and nature of
the duty to rescue. This includes, for example, work on our duties to
refugees fleeing war and natural disaster, our duties in the face of
climate change, and the ethics of immigration policy, as well as the
ethics of direct and indirect humanitarian intervention. The
Stockholm Centre aims to reflect the fact that the best work in moral
and political philosophy is informed by research across philosophy,
as well as other cognate disciplines. We thus welcome applications
from researchers from a range of backgrounds (for example, those
working on causation, moral responsibility, rights, collective
action, philosophy of action, authority, as well as those already
working directly on the duty to rescue, war, climate ethics and
immigration). The Fellow will be expected to produce and publish
high-quality analytic, philosophical research, disseminate their
research via international conferences, and publish in high-quality
peer-reviewed journals. To this end, a generous research stipend is
attached to the post.

The Department of Philosophy is Sweden’s largest philosophy
department, and is divided into Theoretical Philosophy and Practical
Philosophy. It has a thriving research community and hosts regular
visiting speakers and conferences. Please note that there is no
requirement to speak Swedish to hold this post. The Fellow will be
expected to undertake research in English. Applicants are expected to
hold a doctoral degree, or be expected to attain such a degree no
later than August 2020.

The start date is negotiable, but will be no later than August 2020.
This is a pensionable position, subject to the favourable conditions
of standard Swedish social benefits, such as paid parental leave. The
Fellow will be expected to reside in Stockholm.

Stockholm University strives to be a workplace free from
discrimination and with equal opportunities for all.

Deadline for Applications: 21 February 2020

Full details of the post, including information on how to apply, can
found on the University’s vacancies webpage here:

Further information about the position can be obtained from Helen


Helen Frowe, Director
Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace
Department of Philosophy
Stockholm University
SE-10691 Stockholm


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InterPhil: CFA: Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Ethics of War and Peace

2014-01-26 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Call for Applications

Type: Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Ethics of War and Peace
Institution: Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace
(SCEWP), Stockholm University
Location: Stockholm (Sweden)
Date: 2014–16
Deadline: 10.3.2014


Two Year Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Reference number SU FV-0170-14

The Post-Doctoral Fellow will be attached to the Stockholm Centre for
the Ethics of War and Peace (SCEWP), which is funded by the
Wallenberg Foundation and part of the Department of Philosophy at
Stockholm University. The Centre is directed by Dr. Helen Frowe, and
aims to produce cutting-edge research in the ethics of war, foster
international collaboration with scholars, policy-makers and military
practitioners and improve public and policy debates concerning the
ethics of war and peace. The Department of Philosophy is Sweden’s
largest philosophy department, and is divided into Theoretical
Philosophy and Practical Philosophy. It has a thriving research
community and hosts regular visiting speakers and conferences. You
can find more information about the department here:


The Fellow will be expected to produce and publish high-quality
research within the Centre’s remit of the ethics of war and peace.
This could include (but is not limited to): humanitarian
intervention, national-defence, theoretical approaches to war (such
as pacifism or collectivism), terrorism, civil war, revolution, war
crimes, crimes against humanity, issues within jus ad bellum and jus
in bello, the moral status of combatants and non-combatants, war and
technology, reconstruction and reconciliation, the notion of ‘just
peace’, and legitimate authority. He or she will be expected to
disseminate his or her research via international conferences. To
this end, a generous research stipend is attached to the post.

The Fellow will also undertake administrative work related to the
running of the Centre, such as organising conferences and undertaking
editing work, and will be expected to attend and participate in the
Centre’s various events. He or she may engage in some teaching at
graduate and undergraduate levels. The Fellow will be expected to
undertake research in English.

Start date is negotiable, but should be no later than October 2014.

Deadline for applications is 10th March 2014.
More information, including how to apply, can be found on the
Philosophy department webpage here.


Dr. Helen Frowe, Director
Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace
Department of Philosophy
Stockholm University
SE-10691 Stockholm


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