
Call for Applications

Type: Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Intercultural Studies
Institution: Forum Scientiarum, University of Tübingen
Location: Tübingen (Germany)
Date: 2020
Deadline: Ongoing


The Forum Scientiarum of the University of Tübingen announces two
International Research Fellowships for a period of 6-12 months in the
field of Intercultural Studies. Applicants must have successfully
completed their dissertation and, if possible, already have some
initial postdoctoral research experience.

The Forum Scientiarum is an interdisciplinary oriented institute of
the University of Tübingen. One of the main areas of research is
interculturality. The Forum Scientiarum offers its own courses for
students of all subjects. It is supported in its work by a scientific
advisory board, in which representatives of all faculties meet. The
Forum Scientiarum is supported by the Udo Keller Foundation Forum

Applicants are expected to pursue their own research project in the
field of intercultural and global studies. The focus is on
fundamental questions regarding the awareness of the coexistence of
different cultures in the global world. Should the diversity of
intellectual and lived traditions be represented in the global
reality of contemporary societies? How can hidden power structures
and ascriptions of identity be uncovered? What does cultural
belonging mean at all? What is the impact of globalization on the
individual cultural belonging? What impact does the global
interlacement of cultures have on the self-understanding of Western
societies? Does the interlacement of cultures change our relationship
to nature? What does it mean for the humanities and even the

Successful applicants should contribute their research to a workshop
on "Belonging - the meaning of a fundamental structure of the human
being in the 21st century". In addition, the willingness to teach one
course per semester is expected. Fellows are required to take
residence in Tübingen; very good German and/or English language
skills are required. The research project must be conducted in one of
these two languages.

The University of Tübingen can offer you a monthly stipend of at
least 1.750,- EUR with a child allowance depending on the number of
children (400,- EUR + 100,- EUR for each additional child). A working
space will be provided. The scholarship can start in January 2020 or

Applications (research proposal, CV, letter of recommendation) are
welcome immediately:

Dr. Niels Weidtmann, Director
Forum Scientiarum
University of Tübingen
Doblerstr. 33
72074 Tübingen
Email: niels.weidtm...@fsci.uni-tuebingen.de

For further information please visit our homepage:


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