
Call for Applications

Type: Research Associate in Intercultural AI Ethics
Institution: Alan Turing Institute
Location: London (United Kingdom)
Date: 2020–2022
Deadline: 15.3.2020


The Alan Turing Institute, UK, is hiring a Research Associate in
Intercultural AI Ethics for a new project – PATH-AI: Mapping an
Intercultural Path to Privacy, Agency, and Trust in Human-AI
Ecosystems. This project is a cooperation between The Alan Turing
Institute, the University of Edinburgh, and RIKEN – Japan’s largest
comprehensive research institution.

The project will investigate the values of privacy, agency, and trust
from a comparative and intercultural perspective, focussing on the UK
and Japan, while also framing the issues surrounding AI ethics and
governance in a broader global context. The research will endeavour
to enrich and widen understanding of these ideas and to inform policy
formation from an intercultural point of view. The project’s final
phase will involve the international co-design an AI governance
framework. More specifically, the work of the Research Associate will
contribute directly to the achievement of the objectives of the
PATH-AI project, including:

- Develop a global vision of the AI ethics landscape by taking a
  multidisciplinary and comparative approach to researching and
  understanding privacy, agency, and trust
- Integrate cultural, religious, philosophical, psychological,
  political, sociological, and legal studies (alongside computer and
  data science) into current and future dialogues on AI ethics
- Build sustainable intercultural networks and communication channels
  between policy-makers, civil society, research institutions,
  industry actors, and citizens within and between the UK and Japan
- Lead an international bottom-up co-design process for
  interculturally-grounded AI governance frameworks and policy

This position is for a fixed time period of 2.5 years. 

Deadline for applications: 15 March 2020.

If you want to know more, please see the link:


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