
Call for Papers

Theme: Enduring Discoveries of the Cosmopolitan, Multicultural,
Expansive and Relative Orthodoxies in the Study of East Asian
Buddhism, History, Manuscripts, Archaeology, Literature, Art, and
East-West Exchanges
Subtitle: In Memoriam Antonino Forte (1940–2006)
Type: International Three-session Conference
Institution: Glorisun Global Network for Buddhist Studies
   FROGBEAR Project, University of British Columbia
   Princeton University
   Geumgang University
   Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale"
Location: Princeton (USA) / Nonsan (South Korea) / Naples (Italy)
Date: 4.–5.7.2020 / 14.–15.8.2020 / 10.–11.10.2020
Deadline: 30.3.2020


The Glorisun Global Network for Buddhist Studies, with the assistance
of the FROGBEAR Project based at the University of British Columbia
(frogbear.org), the Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” in
Naples of Italy and La Scuola Italiana di Studi sull’Asia Orientale
(ISEAS) in Kyoto of Japan, the Geumgang University 金剛大學 in Nonsan
of South Korea, and Princeton University in New Jersey, USA,
cordially invites proposals for an international, three-session
conference. The conference is to honour the remarkably enduring
influence of Antonino Forte (1940–2006) upon the fields of Buddhist
studies, medieval Chinese and Japanese history, Silk Road studies,
East Asian art and archaeology, and beyond in North America, Europe,
Oceania, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and China. Characteristic of Professor
Forte and his work, the “Enduring Discoveries of the Cosmopolitan,
Multicultural, Expansive and Relative Orthodoxies in the Study of
East Asian Buddhism, History, Manuscripts, Archaeology, Literature,
Art, and East-West Exchanges” conference will be a unique tripartite
confluence: geographically cross-regional, and thematically as
cross-cultural, cross-religious, and interdisciplinary as possible.

The three sessions of the conference are to be held in North America,
East Asia and Europe: at (1) Princeton University in Princeton, New
Jersey, USA, (2) Geumgang University in Nonsan, South Korea, and (3)
the Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” in Naples, Italy.
Each session respectively focuses on three major aspects of Prof.
Forte’s broad research interests: (1) the Transmission of Buddhism in
Asia and beyond (for the North American session, July 4–5, 2020), (2)
Buddhism as a Medium for Cultural Communication: Sui-Tang China
(581–907) and Its Neighbouring Powers in East Asia (for the East
Asian session, August 14–15, 2020), and (3) Buddhism and Other
Religious Traditions in Medieval East Asia (for the European session,
October 10–11, 2020).

Known to his many friends, teachers, and students as “Nino”,
especially at the ISEAS in Kyoto, Japan, Professor Forte’s
scholarship changed the way we—across the globe—think, research, and
teach about the medieval world in Asia. He relished every opportunity
to utilize archaeological discoveries in multiple languages from
Chinese Central Asia, and particularly the cache of manuscripts found
near Dunhuang at the turn of the 20th century, to rewrite the
narrative of the history of the Buddhist religion in medieval China,
Central Asia, and Japan. Moreover, his meticulous attention to
critical analysis of sources transformed the way anyone studies
Chinese history. It is difficult to imagine any undergraduate student
who takes a course in the disciplines of Chinese or Japanese history,
or Buddhist or Asian studies is not exposed to the fruits of Prof.
Forte’s outstanding and enduring research. His investigations ranged
from apocryphal or Buddhist texts composed or compiled in China, to
those translated from Indic languages, colossal edifices, and a
clock. He examined powerful personalities who shaped the enigmatic
age of Empress Wu Zetian 武則天  (624–705), and pursued the case of a
2nd century Iranian prince held hostage in China. He explored the
multifaceted translation processes from Indic languages into Chinese
and Japanese, manuscripts from Dunhuang and Nanatsudera (in Japan),
as well as researched science, architecture, Daoist and religious
studies, art and iconography in medieval China and Japan. As a member
of the École Française d’Extrême Orient (EFEO) in Kyoto from 1976 to
1985, and as director of the Italian School of East Asian Studies,
Prof. Forte contributed much more than merely his own research. He
also dedicated ceaseless time and attention to editing and
contributing entries to Hōbōgirin 法寶義林: Dictionnaire
encyclopédique de bouddhisme d’après les sources chinoises et
japonaises with Paul Demiéville (1894–1979), Anna Seidel (1938–1991),
and his close friend Hubert Durt (1936–2018). Prof. Forte’s expert
guidance led to the publication of numerous groundbreaking monographs
by the Italian School of East Asian Studies.  Prof. Forte played a
seminal role in introducing a generation of junior and senior
scholars from around the world to leading experts in Japan including,
but not limited to, Makita Tairyō 牧田諦亮 (1912–2011) and Yanagida
Seizan 柳田聖山 (1922–2006). Perhaps the most enduring contribution
Prof. Forte made was to inspire others to follow his lead to track
down as many—archaeological and manuscript—sources as possible about
a given topic, critically assess received, edited documents, and
question the veracity of geographical, doctrinal, historiographical,
and disciplinary boundaries.

Not merely a devoted scholar, Prof. Forte was also a keen promoter of
international education. His work benefitted a number of younger
scholars around the globe. In addition to being an inspiring mentor,
he is also fondly remembered as a caring friend. He endeavoured to
boldly break down boundaries he perceived might prevent the
enhancement of scholarship or hinder communication among different
cultures and peoples. This barrier-shattering desire must have
underlain his heroic effort to establish and maintain for so many
years the ISEAS in Kyoto, a heaven and haven for so many
international students of East Asian Studies and Buddhology working
in Kyoto.

Erika Forte, Nino’s beloved daughter and a scholar of Buddhist art
and archaeology in Eastern Central Asia and China, prepared a
complete list of publications by Antonino Forte (“Antonino Forte –
List of Publications,” JIABS 30.1–2 (2007 [2009]): 17–31). For the
purposes of this tripartite conference, we have broken the persistent
legacy of Forte’s research into three areas of academic inquiry, as
mentioned above. The theme for the first session of this
three-session conference, The Transmission of Buddhism in Asia and
beyond (for the North American session, July 4–5, 2020). This session
will highlight exacting, pioneering scholarship about how the
teachings and practices of Buddhism were communicated, shared, and
applied by diverse groups and individuals along the so-called Silk
Roads—or western regions in Chinese—across time and space. Topics may
include, but are not limited to: translation and translators; textual
study, paleography and codicology; monastic and lay administration,
monasteries, temples, and archaeological remains of religious sites;
manuscript Buddhist canon(s) and compendia; inscriptions, epigraphy,
and variant sources used to study the transmission of Buddhism.

The second session, Buddhism as a Cultural Tie: Sui-Tang China
(581–907) and Its Neighboring Powers in East Asia (for the East Asian
session, August 14–15, 2020), will present cutting-edge research
about the era cherished most by Prof. Forte: chronologically leading
up to the reign of Empress Wu Zhao and its repercussions across East
Asia until 10th century. Topics may include, but are not limited to:
cosmopolitan religion, politics, trade, and economic activity tied to
self-described East Asian Buddhist monarchs, particularly those who
stimulated, emulated or altered the specific policies of Wu Zhao.

The third session, Buddhism and other religious traditions in
medieval East Asia (for the European session, October 10–11, 2020),
will address considerable developments in the study of medieval
Buddhism and non-Buddhist East Asian religions (e.g., Daoism,
Manichaeism, Zoroastrianism, Nestorian Christianity, Confucian
thought, Kami worship [or Shinto], etc.) that can be linked to Silk
Roads commerce and trade. Paper proposals ought to address, but need
not be limited to: emphasized significance of archaeological
discoveries that increasingly shape how we understand the academic
study of religion during this key period in the 21st century.

The organizing committee welcomes paper proposals related to any
aspect(s) of the multidisciplinary, inter-cultural, and
cross-regional study of these three research areas. Priority will be
given not only to proposals from scholars who have had interaction
with Prof. Forte either in person or through work during his prolific
life, but also to emerging scholars who, though not in direct
dialogue with Prof. Forte, are influenced by or have responded to his
research. All conference-related costs, including local
transportation, meals and accommodation during the conference period,
will be covered by the conference organizers, who—depending on
availability of funding—may also provide a travel subsidy to selected
panelists who are in need of funding.

Please email proposals and CVs, by March 30, 2020, to:

Please kindly indicate which conference session(s) you would like to
participate in and, in the case of multiple preferences, please rank
them to help us accommodate your preferences, which may or may not be
fully honored though due to practical concerns.

The conference organizers will collect all the papers in English,
plus the English translations of major papers written in non-English
languages to produce conference volumes dedicated to the enduring
legacy of Forte. Publication of multiple Chinese volumes is also
planned and will include the Chinese versions for all non-Chinese
papers in addition to those papers originally presented in Chinese.
Only scholars who are confident in finishing their draft papers by
the middle of June (for the North American session), by the end of
July (for the East Asian session), or by the end of September (for
the European session) and publishable papers by the end of 2020 are
encouraged to apply.

The North American session and the East Asian session are also
planned as components of, respectively, the annual summer program on
Buddhism and East Asian religions (at Geumgang in August this year)
and the annual intensive program on Buddhism (at Princeton in June
and July this year). Both are administered by the FROGBEAR Project.
Details for the two programs will be announced separately, although
information about the two programs is available:



Young scholars (postdoctoral fellows and graduate students) applying
for one or both of these two conference sessions are strongly
encouraged to participate in the Princeton and/or Geumgang training
programs. Likewise, successful applicants for either program are
encouraged to apply for either of the two concurrent conference

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