InterPhil: CFP: Global Governance

2019-06-03 Thread Bertold Bernreuter via InterPhil

Call for Papers

Theme: Global Governance
Subtitle: Cross-Cultural Communication and Values Consensus
Type: International Conference
Institution: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (RVP)
   Liaoning University
Location: Shenyang (China)
Date: 27.–28.12.2019
Deadline: 20.8.2019


In the age of globalization, global governance has been put on the
agenda. Many common challenges must be thought and solved through
global governance. However, different countries have different
opinions on how to conduct global governance. Although there have
been some achievements in this regard since the second half of the
20th century, there are still serious differences in fundamental
issues. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the needs for the
reform of global governance have been growing. Many questions have
arisen: How to improve the global governance effectively? What are
the basic values of global governance? Can different values of
different countries and different cultures achieve a mutual respect
based on equality? How to build consensus among differences? The
discussion of these issues requires an international perspective and
dialogue among scholars from different cultural backgrounds. With the
theme of "Global Governance: Cross-cultural Communication and Value
Consensus", this conference will provide a platform of communication
and conversation for scholars with different perspectives.

The following issues will be focused during the conferences:

1. Global issues related to global governance
2. Cross-cultural communication and dialogue
3. Value consensus and building a community with a shared future for


Please send 300 words and a brief CV to Gao Siyang
[] and [] by August 20, 2019. Full
paper will be due on October 30, 2019. Well-developed papers will be
considered to be published by the RVP in its publication series
"Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change."


There is no registration fee. Participants will cover their own
travel costs and the local organizers will provide accommodations.


Xie Xiaojuan & Gao Siyang
School of Marxism
Liaoning University
Shenyang, P.R. China

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InterPhil: CFP: Global Governance

2014-02-16 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Call for Papers

Theme: Global Governance
Subtitle: Engaging New Norms and Emerging Challenges
Type: 2014 ACUNS Annual Meeting
Institution: Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS)
   Kadir Has University
Location: Istanbul (Turkey)
Date: 19.–21.6.2014
Deadline: 3.3.2014


Seventy years after Dumbarton Oaks, as the international community
also prepares in one more year to mark the seventieth anniversary of
the founding of the United Nations, the 2014 ACUNS Annual Meeting at
Kadir Has University offers an opportunity for scholars and
practitioners to address a number of questions concerning the health
and vitality of contemporary global governance. Across broad and
critical themes of global conflict and security resolution, political
economy, environment and sustainable development, justice and human
rights, social affairs, and multilateral diplomacy, ACUNS members and
others are invited to pose their own questions of power and
knowledge, agency, architecture, accountability and responsiveness;
of strengths, weaknesses, and continuing gaps in global leadership at
different levels; of newly emerging or declining norms, practices,
and instruments; of institutional and relational adaptation or stasis.

What has been achieved, and what appears to have failed, in efforts
to provide or promote good global governance processes and outcomes
related to issues in these thematic areas? What has not (yet) been
attempted? What lessons have been learned from successes and from
failures, and what still needs to be learned? Who or what is, or
should be, responsible  – multilateral organizations and
institutions, states (which ones?), the private sector, NGOs and
civil society – and under what conditions? What can or should the UN
– as a political body, as an international organization, and as a set
of ideas and values – reasonably be expected to accomplish in
providing global governance leadership? What are the viable
alternatives, if any?

You are invited to discuss these, and many other challenging issues,
at the 2014 ACUNS Annual Meeting.

Plenary Sessions

1. Conflict Management Norms, State Interests, and Civilian Protection
2. Sustainable Development and Resilient Cities in the Post-2015
3. Local Ownership, Global Collective Action, and Addressing Fragile
4. Can the United Nations Survive ‘Patchwork Multilateralism’?

Online Submissions

The Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) is now
accepting workshop paper and panel proposals. Proposals on the Annual
Meeting theme – “Global Governance: Engaging New Norms and Emerging
Challenges” – and on the subthemes and issues raised in the
introductory note, in addition to other topics relating to the UN
system and the broader mandate of the Council, will be considered.

Proposals will be accepted and evaluated, and panel spaces will be
allotted, on a first-come rolling basis subsequent to
the issuance of this Call. Once all panel spaces have been filled, a
waiting list will be established for any subsequent proposals

Current ACUNS members in good standing (including new or
newly-renewed members) will be given priority consideration for their
proposals, but non-members are welcome to submit proposals.

NB: In order to present at the AM14 workshops, Council membership
will be required: this includes all persons participating in a full
panel team proposal.

To register, and to submit proposals for presentation, visit:

To submit an individual proposal or a full panel proposal, you will
be required to upload full contact information, the paper/panel
title(s), abstract(s) of no more than 200 words, and biographical
note(s) of no more than 250 words.

The deadline for submitting proposals is Monday March 3rd, 2014.

Event location:
Kadir Has University, Turkey

For questions about submissions contact the ACUNS Secretariat at:

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