InterPhil: CFP: On Historicity of Cultural Identity/es (corrected)

2013-11-22 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Call for Papers

Theme: On Historicity of Cultural Identity/es
Type: 4th Intercultural Interdisciplinary Colloquium
Institution: polylog. Forum for Intercultural Philosophy
   Forum Scientiarum, University of Tübingen
Location: Tübingen (Germany)
Date: 10.–11.1.2014
Deadline: 15.12.2013


(deutsche Version unten)

From 10 to 11 January 2014, 'polylog. Forum for Intercultural
Philosophy' is organising its 4th Intercultural Interdisciplinary
Colloquium, in cooperation with the Forum Scientiarum at the
University of Tübingen. The topic of the colloquium is:

On Historicity of Cultural Identity/es

A culture neither is a homogenous entity nor does she seal herself
and block influences from other cultures. On the contrary, cultural
reality ever since has been coined by the exchange between different
social groups and their respective cultural life forms. This holds
true for intra- just as for intercultural dimensions. Therefore,
cultures must not be differentiated by any kind of essential
character. However, the notion of culture does not become meaningless
either. Cultures do not dissolve and merge into a transcultural
society in which all different cultural life forms would mix at will.

One important reason for the consistency of cultures despite their
heterogeneity and their continuous alteration may be found in their
historicity. Alteration due to intra-cultural changes or
intercultural exchange does not contradict historical continuity but,
on the contrary, is part of the history of any culture. Any life form
of any social group is influenced by its own history at least to some
extend; the historical dimension, therefore, cannot easily be
ignored. Traditions may be critically reflected or even defied, but
by doing so cultural history still is perpetuated. Also, while life
forms from different cultures often can easily be adopted, their
particular history usually cannot. It may be described or even
explained but it does not become one's own history thereby.

It is the historicity of cultural life forms which resists adoption
and the dissolution of cultural differences in a global society.
Coming from these considerations papers are invited on the following

- Concepts of identity
- The notion of culture
- The notion of history
- Historicity of identities
- Historicity of cultures
- Intercultural concepts
- Transcultural concepts
- Breaks of identity
- Postcolonial identities
- Identity and otherness

Submission of contributions:
Potential contributors from philosophy and any related science are
invited to submit a proposal. Please send your abstract (up to 3.000
characters) together with a short biographical note before 15th
December 2013 to:

English and German (there will be no translations)

30 minutes (plus 30 minutes each for discussion)

Forum Scientiarum, University of Tübingen, Germany

15 December 2013: Deadline for abstract submissions
20 December 2013: Notification of acceptance
10–11 January 2014: Colloquium in Tübingen

Participants can book accommodation in the Tübingen Youth Hostel (10
minute walk from Forum Scientiarum; approx. 28 EUR per person per
Unfortunately no travel funding is possible.

Niels Weidtmann (Tübingen) and Bertold Bernreuter (Mexico City)

Website of the Colloquium:


Dr. Niels Weidtmann
Forum Scientiarum
University of Tübingen
Doblerstr. 33
D-72074 Tübingen
Tel.: +49 (0)7071 40716-0
Fax:  +49 (0)7071 40716-20


Von 10. bis 11. Januar 2014 organisiert 'polylog. Forum für
interkulturelle Philosophie' in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Forum
Scientiarum der Universität Tübingen sein 4. Interkulturelles
Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium zum Thema:

Zur Geschichtlichkeit kultureller Identität(en)

Kulturen sind weder in sich homogen noch verschließen sie sich
gegenüber fremden Einflüssen. Tatsächlich ist der Austausch zwischen
verschiedenen sozialen Gruppen und ihren jeweiligen kulturellen
Lebensformen kein exklusives Kennzeichen der gegenwärtigen
Globalisierung, sondern hat die kulturelle Wirklichkeit seit jeher
geprägt. Das gilt sowohl auf der intra- als auch auf der
interkulturellen Ebene. Es ist darum unmöglich, Kulturen anhand
einzelner Wesensmerkmale voneinander zu unterscheiden. Und doch lösen
sich die Kulturen nicht einfach auf. Es gibt keine transkulturelle
Gesellschaft, in der sich die verschiedenen kulturellen Lebensformen
beliebig durchmischen würden.

Ein entscheidender Grund dafür ist die Geschichtlichkeit von
Kulturen. Gerade Austausch und Wandel beschreiben die geschichtliche

InterPhil: CFP: On Historicity of Cultural Identity/es

2013-11-22 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Call for Papers

Theme: On Historicity of Cultural Identity/es
Type: 4th Intercultural Interdisciplinary Colloquium
Institution: polylog. Forum for Intercultural Philosophy
   Forum Scientiarum, University of Tübingen
Location: Tübingen (Germany)
Date: 11.–12.1.2014
Deadline: 15.12.2013


(deutsche Version unten)

From 11 to 12 January 2014, 'polylog. Forum for Intercultural
Philosophy' is organising its 4th Intercultural Interdisciplinary
Colloquium, in cooperation with the Forum Scientiarum at the
University of Tübingen. The topic of the colloquium is:

On Historicity of Cultural Identity/es

A culture neither is a homogenous entity nor does she seal herself
and block influences from other cultures. On the contrary, cultural
reality ever since has been coined by the exchange between different
social groups and their respective cultural life forms. This holds
true for intra- just as for intercultural dimensions. Therefore,
cultures must not be differentiated by any kind of essential
character. However, the notion of culture does not become meaningless
either. Cultures do not dissolve and merge into a transcultural
society in which all different cultural life forms would mix at will.

One important reason for the consistency of cultures despite their
heterogeneity and their continuous alteration may be found in their
historicity. Alteration due to intra-cultural changes or
intercultural exchange does not contradict historical continuity but,
on the contrary, is part of the history of any culture. Any life form
of any social group is influenced by its own history at least to some
extend; the historical dimension, therefore, cannot easily be
ignored. Traditions may be critically reflected or even defied, but
by doing so cultural history still is perpetuated. Also, while life
forms from different cultures often can easily be adopted, their
particular history usually cannot. It may be described or even
explained but it does not become one's own history thereby.

It is the historicity of cultural life forms which resists adoption
and the dissolution of cultural differences in a global society.
Coming from these considerations papers are invited on the following

- Concepts of identity
- The notion of culture
- The notion of history
- Historicity of identities
- Historicity of cultures
- Intercultural concepts
- Transcultural concepts
- Breaks of identity
- Postcolonial identities
- Identity and otherness

Submission of contributions:
Potential contributors from philosophy and any related science are
invited to submit a proposal. Please send your abstract (up to 3.000
characters) together with a short biographical note before 15th
December 2013 to:

English and German (there will be no translations)

30 minutes (plus 30 minutes each for discussion)

Forum Scientiarum, University of Tübingen, Germany

15 December 2013: Deadline for abstract submissions
20 December 2013: Notification of acceptance
11–12 January 2014: Colloquium in Tübingen

Participants can book accommodation in the Tübingen Youth Hostel (10
minute walk from Forum Scientiarum; approx. 28 EUR per person per
Unfortunately no travel funding is possible.

Niels Weidtmann (Tübingen) and Bertold Bernreuter (Mexico City)

Website of the Colloquium:


Dr. Niels Weidtmann
Forum Scientiarum
University of Tübingen
Doblerstr. 33
D-72074 Tübingen
Tel.: +49 (0)7071 40716-0
Fax:  +49 (0)7071 40716-20


Von 11. bis 12. Dezember 2014 organisiert 'polylog. Forum für
interkulturelle Philosophie' in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Forum
Scientiarum der Universität Tübingen sein 4. Interkulturelles
Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium zum Thema:

Zur Geschichtlichkeit kultureller Identität(en)

Kulturen sind weder in sich homogen noch verschließen sie sich
gegenüber fremden Einflüssen. Tatsächlich ist der Austausch zwischen
verschiedenen sozialen Gruppen und ihren jeweiligen kulturellen
Lebensformen kein exklusives Kennzeichen der gegenwärtigen
Globalisierung, sondern hat die kulturelle Wirklichkeit seit jeher
geprägt. Das gilt sowohl auf der intra- als auch auf der
interkulturellen Ebene. Es ist darum unmöglich, Kulturen anhand
einzelner Wesensmerkmale voneinander zu unterscheiden. Und doch lösen
sich die Kulturen nicht einfach auf. Es gibt keine transkulturelle
Gesellschaft, in der sich die verschiedenen kulturellen Lebensformen
beliebig durchmischen würden.

Ein entscheidender Grund dafür ist die Geschichtlichkeit von
Kulturen. Gerade Austausch und Wandel beschreiben die geschichtliche