
Call for Papers

Theme: On the Boundaries of Here and Now
Type: International Symposium
Institution: Department of Asian and North African Studies,
Ca'Foscari University of Venice
Location: Venice (Italy)
Date: 1.–2.10.2020
Deadline: 30.4.2020


Today, more than ever before, interconnections, flows,
interdependencies, crises and/or re-articulations of models and
identity challenge the firmness of boundaries and the idea of
homogeneity of presupposed, imagined identity communities that are
predicated on these boundaries. In this instance, the academia across
various disciplines has been facing the challenge of turning from
post-colonial approaches towards a global and transcultural vision of
the world.

Central to these scholarly reflections has been the question of how
to conceptualize cultural encounters without falling into dichotomous
categorizations such as the East/West, centre/periphery, etc. This
symposium aims to reflect on and contribute to the methodological
lenses introduced by the recent scholarship and is an attempt to
develop a critical understanding of the disputed spaces in Eurasia.
Simultaneously, it seeks to investigate how boundaries are
negotiated, (re-)made, resisted and/or unmade within spaces of
cultural (re)production in the contemporary world, where, for
instance, a populist wave of nationalist ideologies fuels tensions
and conflicts globally.

Boundaries; aesthetic, ideological, epistemic or physical boundaries
that are temporal and spatial compositions and, at the same time,
embody (trans-) cultural conceptions of time and space that shape
socio-political sensitivities and crises. We encourage participants
across different disciplines to present their research and reflect
with us on how to open a passage for understanding Boundaries of Here
and Now in Eurasian spheres.

Where are boundaries located? How do they conceptualize past, present
or future?

How do individuals, at the micro-level, create and /or participate in
the (re)formation of boundaries, and how their acting is connected to
the larger transformations at a global level? Furthermore, it is at
the centre of our symposium to ask how boundaries are resisted and by
whom? Are there ways, visions etc., that attempt to transcend
boundaries? These are some of the questions that we would like to
address at the symposium. We welcome any innovative way of
approaching case studies related to the topic.

We especially welcome applications from graduate students as well as
post-doc and early-career researchers, but we will also consider
submissions from scholars in more advanced stages of their career.

The symposium will be opened by a keynote address delivered by
Professor Joseph Massad from Columbia University.

Application Deadline:
30 April 2020 

For applying please email us the following documents in PDF format:
- an abstract of 250-350 words including the title of presentation
- a short biography (max. 150 words) 

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