
Call for Papers

Theme: Philosophy of Migration and Asylum
Type: International Conference
Institution: Institute of Philosophy, NOVA University of Lisbon
Location: Lisbon (Portugal)
Date: 16.–17.6.2020
Deadline: 28.2.2020


The Institute of Philosophy of the NOVA University of Lisbon
organises an international conference on the philosophy of migration
and asylum.

Papers on all relevant field-related topics are invited, and
contributions from graduate students are welcome. In the light of the
so-called “refugee crisis” that has affected EU countries in recent
years, there will be a special focus on asylum. Contributions to the
philosophy of asylum are therefore particularly welcome, including
from political theorists working on the reform of the Common European
Asylum System and the integration of refugees in Europe.

Also, this year it will be twenty years since the publication of Phil
Cole’s "Philosophies of Exclusion” (Edinburgh University Press,
2000). The conference will therefore host a roundtable on the work of
Phil Cole. Participants may also consider sending in proposals for
short contributions to the roundtable discussion.

The deadline for receipt of submissions (max. 300 words plus a short
bio) is 28 February 2020. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by
10 March.

Proposals can be sent to the following address:

Keynote speakers:
Phil Cole, University of the West of England, Bristol
Sarah Fine, King’s College, London

Colégio Almada Negreiros (CAN)
Campus de Campolide
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
1099-032 Lisboa, Portugal


Dr. Gabriele De Angelis
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Av. de Berna 26
1069-061 Lisbon
Email: gabriele.deange...@fcsh.unl.pt


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