
Call for Papers

Theme: Solidarity at the Crossroads
Subtitle: Concepts, Practices, and Prospects from an Interdisciplinary
Type: Joint Conference
Institution: BMBF Research Project 'Practices of Solidarity'
   Rottendorf Research Project 'Global Solidarity'
   Munich School of Philosophy
Location: Munich (Germany)
Date: 7.–9.10.2020
Deadline: 1.5.2020


From Karolin-Sophie Stüber <karolin-sophie.stue...@hfph.de>

Both in the public debate and the scientific discourse, reference is
increasingly made to ‘solidarity’. The popularity of the term can be
understood as a response to global social, political, cultural and
economic upheavals: From the increasing precarisation of certain
communities, the unease regarding a neoliberal world economy, the
escalation of the ecological crisis, the growing success of
right-wing populist movements, to the potential collapse of the
European Union. Against the background of this globalized dynamic of
change, different practices of solidarity have emerged in the recent
past, in the contexts of which people develop collective forms of
being, feeling, and acting cooperatively.

Importantly, the various research paradigms investigating these
practices imply both different conceptualisations of, and different
ways of reflecting, justifying and employing solidarity. From the
perspective of the history of ideas, ‘solidarity’ analytically and
empirically captures the mechanism of social integration somewhere
between cohesion and fragmentation. Most research paradigms share the
attempt to explain or problematize how social collectives of
different sizes and objectives cohere. Conceptually, however, the
analysis often remains fixed on the ‘social bond’ as a shared,
habituated feeling of unity and obligation. In light of this, it
seems theoretically more promising to focus on the practical
dimension of solidarity and to investigate how shifting,
solidarity-based initiatives interact with different institutional
structures. That way, practices of social solidarity beyond the
welfare state come into focus. It also provides the possibility to
improve our understanding of the role temporal change plays in
historical processes of negotiation, in everyday experiences, but
also in conflicts involving gender-specific codes, colonialism, the
environment, the interests of animals or the far future. This
practice-based approach also promises to shed light on how problems
are collectively perceived and processed, on the conditions of
cooperative action as well as on power and resource differentials.

The conference is interdisciplinary and brings together philosophy,
sociology, history, and political science.

Conference questions

- What is the conceptual core of solidarity in the different research
  paradigms and historical episodes?

- What are the preconditions of solidarity, i.e. who can be in
  solidarity with whom or what?

- What are the (geographical, temporal, systemic) limits of

- To what extent is solidarity conceptually distinguished from
  ‘justice’, ‘altruism’, ‘loyalty’, ‘community of interests’,
  ‘cooperation’, ‘humanitarian aid’ etc.? To what extent is it related
  to any of these?

- Can there be a unified concept of solidarity that provides equal
  insight into local, national, and transnational practices of

- How can solidarity be understood with respect to the tension
  between exclusion and inclusion?

- Is there a duty of solidarity, or must it be voluntary?

- To which current and historical problems do practices of solidarity
  react? To what extent do they become effective as alternatives to
  existing modes of action or institutions?

- What is the relationship between agents who act in solidarity?

- How can practices of solidarity be criticized? Does this necessarily
  require an external normative framework, or can criticism evolve
  from within the (respective) concept of solidarity?

- What role do practices of solidarity play for lived democracy?

- What contribution do practices of solidarity make to the generation
  of new moral norms?


Invited keynote speakers:
Prof. Dr. Frank Adloff (University of Hamburg)
Dr. Alasdair Cochrane (University of Sheffield)
Prof. Dr. Carol C. Gould (Hunter College & CUNY)
Dr. Benjamin Möckel (University of Cologne)
Prof. Dr. Sally Scholz (Villanova University)


The conference is part of the interdisciplinary research project
“transnational practices of solidarity”, funded by the Federal
Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). This project is a
cooperation between Prof. Dr. Stephan Lessenich (LMU Munich), Prof.
Dr. Michael Reder (Munich School of Philosophy), and Prof. Dr.
Dietmar Süß (University of Augsburg).

Further information:

The second partner of the conference is the research project “global
solidarity” at the Munich School of Philosophy. It is currently led
by Dr. Mara-Daria Cojocaru (Munich School of Philosophy).

Further information:


We look for contributions to the conference from philosophy,
sociology, history, and political science on any of the questions
raised above or on related questions. Note that the talks should be
between 20 and 30 minutes long. The conference language is English.

- Deadline: 1st of May 2020
- Send to: solidarit...@philhist.uni-augsburg.de
- Length: 1000 Words (in PDF)

Colleagues from outside of Europe and North America as well as
members of minorities in academia are encouraged to apply.

Accommodation in Munich can be provided and there will be limited
funding available to help with travel costs. Please state in your
email whether you need either or both.

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