Re: InterPhil: CFP: Territorial Escape (date corrected)

2014-02-19 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Call for Papers

Theme: Territorial Escape
Subtitle: Anti-Authoritarian, Fugitive and Subterranean Spaces of
Historical Agency
Type: Interdisciplinary Conference
Institution: California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS)
   Institute for Comparative Modernities, Cornell University
Location: San Francisco, CA (USA)
Date: 23.–25.10.2014
Deadline: 15.5.2014


A follow up to the 2012 conference entitled “Anarchism: No Gods, No
Masters, No Peripheries,” held at Cornell University’s Institute for
Comparative Modernities, this conference examines spaces of
resistance and prefigurative manifestations of anti-authoritarian
practice in historical perspective. Territoriality, the foundation of
modern Nation-States, is critically challenged by archetypes of
physical and symbolic itinerancy. To the legal incarceration of
citizens (and nomads, slaves, etc.) into bounded territorialities and
objectified identities, the revolutionary and internationalist
suggestion is that “spaces in-between” are not just the itinerant
transgressions of migrant peoples in a globalized world, as
post-colonial and post-national critics would have it; they also hark
back to the multiplicity of forms of social action, political praxis
and representations of freedom that accompanied pressures on communal
societies and fragmentations of Empire, preceding and accompanying
the rise of modern States, eluding and undermining bonds of terror,
servitude and colonialism.

These hidden stories are a veritable treasure-trove of historical
memory for the purposes of contemporary transnational and cooperative
resistance to global capitalism and its neo-fascist,
ultra-nationalist and individualist antinomies. Whether explicitly
anarchist, nominally utopian, couched in idioms of tradition or
insurgency, fugitive and subterranean forms of historical agency are
often uncategorized in academic and intellectual discourse because
they defy preconceived notions of power, modernity, liberation and

The conference invites an open and non-partisan discussion of their
commonalities and contradictions, and their lessons for present-day
redefinitions of social activism as necessarily grounded in what
Kamau Brathwaite called “cores and kernels, resistant local forms,
roots, stumps, survival rhythms and growing points.” The conference
will result in a collective interdisciplinary volume of relevance to
both academic inquiry and cultural/socio-political resistance.

Submit paper abstracts (max 500 words, 5 key words), title,
institutional affiliation, and E-mail address to the Coordinators
by 15 May 2014:

Geoffroy de Laforcade, Norfolk State University, USA

Andrej Grubacic, California Institute of Integral Studies, USA


Andrej Grubacic
California Institute of Integral Studies
1453 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94103


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:



InterPhil: CFP: Territorial Escape

2014-02-19 Thread Bertold Bernreuter

Call for Papers

Theme: Territorial Escape
Subtitle: Anti-Authoritarian, Fugitive and Subterranean Spaces of
Historical Agency
Type: Interdisciplinary Conference
Institution: California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS)
   Institute for Comparative Modernities, Cornell University
Location: San Francisco, CA (USA)
Date: 9.–11.10.2014
Deadline: 15.5.2014


A follow up to the 2012 conference entitled “Anarchism: No Gods, No
Masters, No Peripheries,” held at Cornell University’s Institute for
Comparative Modernities, this conference examines spaces of
resistance and prefigurative manifestations of anti-authoritarian
practice in historical perspective. Territoriality, the foundation of
modern Nation-States, is critically challenged by archetypes of
physical and symbolic itinerancy. To the legal incarceration of
citizens (and nomads, slaves, etc.) into bounded territorialities and
objectified identities, the revolutionary and internationalist
suggestion is that “spaces in-between” are not just the itinerant
transgressions of migrant peoples in a globalized world, as
post-colonial and post-national critics would have it; they also hark
back to the multiplicity of forms of social action, political praxis
and representations of freedom that accompanied pressures on communal
societies and fragmentations of Empire, preceding and accompanying
the rise of modern States, eluding and undermining bonds of terror,
servitude and colonialism.

These hidden stories are a veritable treasure-trove of historical
memory for the purposes of contemporary transnational and cooperative
resistance to global capitalism and its neo-fascist,
ultra-nationalist and individualist antinomies. Whether explicitly
anarchist, nominally utopian, couched in idioms of tradition or
insurgency, fugitive and subterranean forms of historical agency are
often uncategorized in academic and intellectual discourse because
they defy preconceived notions of power, modernity, liberation and

The conference invites an open and non-partisan discussion of their
commonalities and contradictions, and their lessons for present-day
redefinitions of social activism as necessarily grounded in what
Kamau Brathwaite called “cores and kernels, resistant local forms,
roots, stumps, survival rhythms and growing points.” The conference
will result in a collective interdisciplinary volume of relevance to
both academic inquiry and cultural/socio-political resistance.

Submit paper abstracts (max 500 words, 5 key words), title,
institutional affiliation, and E-mail address to the Coordinators
by 15 May 2014:

Geoffroy de Laforcade, Norfolk State University, USA

Andrej Grubacic, California Institute of Integral Studies, USA


Andrej Grubacic
California Institute of Integral Studies
1453 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94103


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:
