
Call for Publications

Theme: Human Rights Protection in Epidemic Situation
Publication: Cross-cultural Human Rights Review (CCHRR)
Date: Special Theme Issue (2020)
Deadline: 30.6.2020



Over the past decade, the world has experienced health emergencies
that surface in the form of epidemics. In this regard, countries such
as Zimbabwe and Haiti faced the epidemic of acute diarrhea syndrome
and cholera. Several parts of the world were also impacted by the
Avian influenza A(H7N9), a subtype of influenza viruses that have
been detected in birds in the past. In the same vein, West Africa was
devastated by the deadly Ebola virus in 2014 and beyond. Now the
world is confronted with the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. In all
these epidemic situations the states are expected to provide
appropriate responses. It is against this backdrop that the CCHRR
issues a call for papers to examine the protection of human rights in
epidemic and possibly pandemic situations. 

Although epidemic situations, at first glance, seemingly refer to the
right to health, the experiences of past health emergencies have
shown that the interdependence and interconnectedness of human rights
means that many human rights are at stake. The diversity of necessary
measures taken by a state to prevent and control an epidemic
situation, especially when a large-scale epidemic occurs, will impose
certain restrictions on individual and community rights.
Consequently, in the process of epidemic prevention and control, it
is crucial to understand the various ways in which human rights
protection is directly or indirectly restricted. Therefore, in this
same process, how to prevent the violation of human rights and
protect all human rights in a balanced and reasonable way is a
particularly worthy academic issue. 

Human rights protection in epidemic situations involves a series of
rights, including but not limited to the right to know the epidemic
situation, the right to transmit epidemic information, the right to
obtain public health services for epidemic prevention, the right to
medical treatment, the right to basic living standards during
isolation, the right of residents in epidemic areas not to be
discriminated against, the right to privacy of the infected, the
personal freedom of the confirmed and suspected infected, and the
property rights of the expropriated, citizens’ right to know,
participate and supervise the epidemic prevention and control, etc.
In the context of the COVID-19 virus, questions of ‘new’ rights may
arise concerning misinformation or prevention of fear/scaremongering.
A summary and reflection of the protection of human rights in the
process of Anti-COVID-19 in 2019 to 2020 will help to improve the
relevant legal system, emergency management and human rights
protection in epidemic prevention and control.

Submission Guidelines

The CCHRR invites submission of papers for its 2020 Special Theme
Issue. Submissions must be sent by 30th June 2020.

- If you would like to submit, read more information about our
  Submissions process: http://www.cchrreview.org/submissions

- All submissions must be in Word .DOC format.

- The subject line should state: “CCHRR Paper Submission Special
  Call”. Submissions should be addressed to “Managing editor” and sent
  by email to cchrr....@vu.nl


Vivian Aiyedogbon, Managing Editor
Cross-cultural Human Rights Review
Email: cchrr....@vu.nl
Web: http://www.cchrreview.org/specialissue-epidemic


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