
Call for Publications

Theme: Transcendental Africanity
Subtitle: The Key to Defeating Afrophobia and Reclaiming Global Africa
Publication: Edited Book
Deadline: 31.1.2023


The scope of this book project is fourfold:

1. It explores the conceptual, historical, and contemporary
meaning(s) of Africanity and transcendental Africanity as an
identitary paradigm. 

2. It scrutinizes Afrophobia, a contemporary outcome of the ages-old
racialistic biases leveled at Africans and Afro-descendants.

3. It identifies and analyzes critical reasons why transcendental
Africanity is the key to defeating Afrophobia in the 21st century and
how this key can and must be leveraged to that end.

4. The book argues that (a) Global Africa, that is, the worldwide
collectivity of Africans and Afro-descendants generically referred to
in the foreign-generated narrative as “Black people”, must be
steadfast in re/building itself and empowering its constituents from
within in order to defeat Afrophobia and advance together toward the
bright horizons it ambitions to reach.

Hence, the book is envisioned as an interdisciplinary,
multiperspectival study of what, in primordial and quintessential
terms, makes Africans and Afro-descendants who they are and what they
are as a global collectivity, beyond all the nuances and differences
that the peripeties of history, geography, and culture have created
among and between the multiple communities in which they exist.

The book delves into transcendental Africanity, which is posited as
that which underlies the identitary nexus that makes all Africans and
Afro-descendants worldwide one primordial collectivity and triggers
an instinctive drive for intra- and inter-communal bonding, whether
conscious or subconscious, whenever core components of the shared
identity are under assault anywhere in the world. The
self-invigorating responses of Africans and Afro-descendants of the
Western world to the birth of Pan-Africanism in the 19th century and
its growth into a transcontinental movement in the early 20th century
is a case in point. Another is the fraternal pride and support that
far-away communities such as Africans in the continent and
Afro-descendants in India (locally referred to “Untouchables” or
“Dalits” and relegated to the dehumanizing bottom of India’s
caste-based stratification) responded to the Civil Rights Movement in
the 1950s and 1960s in the United States of America. A third and more
recent case in point is the spontaneous solidarity that Global Africa
lent to the African American community’s Black Lives Matter movement
that erupted across the United States following the murder of George
Floyd in 2020.

Furthermore, the book is an equally interdisciplinary and
multiperspectival study of the multifaceted racialism that Global
Africa has endured from various “non-Black” forces over the centuries
and that has culminated into the phenomenon that we call here
Afrophobia. Afrophobia is understood in this study as an admixture of
hate, resentment and, quite significantly, fear toward Global Africa
whose challenges to racism and slow but assertive breaking of glass
ceilings toward meaningful progress and steady collective
self-empowerment alarm those for whom “Black people” are only good
for enslavement, colonization, neo-colonization and now,

Among the core hypotheses made in this book is that unless and until
Africa attains the degree of self-empowerment, development, and
respectability it needs and deserves on the world stage by virtue of
its immense human and natural resources, the freedom, dignity, and
well-being of every person of African descent around the world will
remain vulnerable to the worldwide recrudescence of Afrophobia.
Another dialectically related hypothesis is that Global Africa is the
only genuine and legitimate force that can and should help the
African continent free itself from meta-colonialism and become the
true base from which the worldwide collectivity of Afro-descendants
will launch their offensive for complete liberation and steady

Scholars interested in contributing to this book project are invited
to submit chapter proposals along with their short bios to Professor
Mohamed Saliou Camara by January 31, 2023:

Each proposal is expected to include the following:
1. A clear statement of what the author plans to study in the chapter;
2. The hypothesis or assumption upon which the study will be based;
3. The theoretical framework of the study;
4. The central questions to be addressed;
5. The research methodology to be used.

Proposers will be notified of acceptance or decline within a month of
submission. Those whose proposals are accepted will receive detailed
author guidelines to follow while writing their chapters. Also, they
will have until July 31, 2023, to submit the completed chapters. The
maximum length of each chapter is set for 30 pages double space, font
12 Times New Roman, including notes, tables, figures, and references.

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