PLease read this it is REALLY sad and if you dont read this that means you
are EXTREMELY mean and selfish
I'm 11 years old. 








>>>>My mommy worked on the 20th floor 








>>>> in the World Trade   Tower.








>>>>On Sept. 11 2001 my daddy drove my mom to work. 








>>>>She was running late so she left her purse in the car. 








>>>>My daddy saw it so he parked the car and went 








>>>>to give her the purse. 








>>>>That day after school my daddy didn't 

>>come to pick me up. 








>>>>Instead a police man came and took me to foster care . 








>>>>Finally I found out why my daddy never came... 








>>>>I really loved him.... 






They never found his body... 

My mom is in the the Hospital since then... 

She is losing lots of blood... 

She needs to go through surgery... 

But since my daddy is gone and no one is working... 

We have no money ... 

And her surgery cost lots of money...

So the Red Cross said that...

for every time this email is fwd we

Will get 10 cents for my mom's surgery.

So please have a heart and fwd this to everyone you know 

I really miss my daddy 

and now I don't

want to lose my mommy too.......

R.I.P. Daddy..(James Thomas) (L)

Please foward this e-mail to as many ppl you know, each person you send it
to, the red cross will donate 10 cents for mom's operation! 
>        * Please Guys ! If you all spare 2 minutes by forwarding it!



Ma. Amanda Q. Sta. Rosa

MAQ | Customer Interaction Associate | TELUS INTERNATIONAL - FFH Care |

TELUS Privileged and Confidential | Restricted use only - not to be
forwarded or copied without the express consent of the originator

TELUS | the future is friendlyR | 





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