Re: Same global address on Multiple Interface of an IP6 node

2003-07-24 Thread Roy Brabson
> Can a single global address (say ::) be configured on multiple
> interfaces of a single ip6 node.

Yes, it can.  There are a few ways to accomplish this.  If all the 
interfaces are on the same lan, then you could have a "primary" and a 
"backup" interface.  If the interfaces are on different lans, you can run 
a dynamic routing protocol and advertise the address as being reachable 
through each physical interface on a node.  In this case, the address 
isn't really configured on the multiple interfaces per-se (you instead 
have a "virtual" interface which is assigned the IP address), but the 
result is any interface on the node may be used.  There are other methods 
which may be used as well.

> If so is there any specific purpose for doing that ??

Redundancy.  If one interface goes down, traffic will automatically switch 
to the another interface without disrupting existing connections.

> What about link-local address, how would it be used, if single link 
> address is configured on multiple interface of a same node.

I'm not sure it is particularly useful.  Link-local addresses are really 
intended to be used for bootstraping, configuration discovery, route table 
maintenance, and the like.  Most, if not all, of these protocols work on a 
per-interface basis.  I suppose it could allow an interface to act as a 
"hot standby" for another interface, automatically switching over if the 
primary interface fails.  But this would only work if the interfaces are 
on the same physical lan.  If they are on different lans, then the two 
interfaces are in different link-local scope zones and are treated as 
unique addresses.


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Re: M & O Bits was: draft-ietf-ipv6-node-requirements-01.txt

2003-02-07 Thread Roy Brabson
> Not knowing the background of all readers of the doc, it might be good 
> put your explicit warning in the text:
>An IPv6 node that does not include an implementation of DHCP will be
>unable to obtain any IPv6 addresses aside from link-local addresses
>when it is connected to a link over which it receives a router
>advertisement with the 'M' flag (Managed address configuration) set
>and which contains no prefixes advertised for Stateless Address
>Autoconfiguration (see section 4.5.2).  In this situation, the IPv6
>Node will be unable to communicate with other off-link nodes.

This isn't strictly true - a node may use manually configured global or 
site-local IPv6 addresses and still be able to communicate with off-link 
nodes.  Maybe the first sentence should be updated to indicate the node 
will not be able to dynamically obtain any IPv6 addresses, as an IPv6 may 
be statically assigned to a node, and the last sentence to indicate a node 
will require manual configuration in the absence of DHCP support when 
Stateless Address Autoconfiguration is not being used?  Something like:

   An IPv6 node that does not include an implementation of DHCP will be 
   unable to dynamically obtain any IPv6 addresses aside from 
   link-local addresses when it is connected to a link over which it 
   receives a router advertisement with the 'M' flag (Managed address 
   configuration) set and which contains no prefixes advertised for 
   Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (see section 4.5.2).  In this 
   situation, the IPv6 Node will be unable to communicate with other 
   off-link nodes unless a global or site-local IPv6 address is 
   manually configured. 


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RE: Proposal for site-local clean-up

2002-11-13 Thread Roy Brabson
> > I miss something here. How do you make sure that nodes 
> > configure just site local and not global address on seeing an 
> > RA ? Are you keeping them in separate networks i.e not mixing 
> > nodes that require globals and site locals ? If so, then I 
> > can do the same with globals with appropriate partitioning 
> > i.e subnet 1 - 100, is for private use only. Then the check 
> > is very simple. Could you clarify ?
> Same network, hearing RA's, just local policy on the restricted box to
> only configure based on SL prefixes. 

So, instead of filtering global addresses at the firewall, you go to each 
individual box in the network which you want to restricted access to/from 
and configure it to only use restricted (i.e., site-local) addresses? And, 
as a bonus, you get to deal with all the complexity and problems which are 
introduced when using site-locals in a non-isolated environment.  How, 
exactly, does this improve anything?


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Questions on Configured Tunnel MTU and TOS Byte Settings

2002-11-11 Thread Roy Brabson
I've got a few of questions on configured tunnels, as described in 

- Section 3.2 discusses how to set the tunnel MTU.  It covers the case 
  where the tunnel MTU size is manually configured, with a default of 
  1280.  While it discusses capping the tunnel MTU at 4400 when IPv4 
  path MTU discovery is used, it doesn't discuss a maximum configured
  value for the tunnel.  Does this mean there is no cap when manually 
  configuring the tunnel MTU (i.e., the configured tunnel MTU may be as 
  large as 65515, or even larger if jumbograms are used?)

- The same section does not discuss what a host should do if it receives a 

  Router Advertisement with an MTU option.  Should the MTU value received 
  be used?  If so, is there a cap associated with this MTU value?  In 
  other words, if it exceeds 4400 bytes should the value be used?

- In section 3.5, the TOS byte is defined as being set to 0 unless 
  otherwise specified.  What exactly does this mean?  That, if RFC 2893 is 

  followed the DSCP in the TOS byte may be set to a non-zero value?  Or 
  that RFC 2893 and RFC 3168 should explicitly NOT be implemented for 
  configured tunnels?  If the latter, I think some discussion on exactly
  WHY these two RFCs are not to be implemented would be helpful.

- In section 3.6, the TOS byte of the inner packet is left unmodified at 
  the tunnel egress.  This seems to contradict some of the referenced. 
  For instance, RFC 3168 defines both limited-functionality and 
  full-functionality support for ECN support over tunnels.  For 
  limited-functionality, which seems to most closely match what is 
  described in this draft, it discusses what to do at the tunnel egress if 

  the CE option is set in the outer packet header but not the inner packet 

  header.  This processing does not seem to match what is described in 
  this draft.  Is this intentional?


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Re: Questions on Configured Tunnel MTU and TOS Byte Settings

2002-11-11 Thread Roy Brabson
Oops - I meant for this to go to NGTRANS and V6OPS.


> I've got a few of questions on configured tunnels, as described in 
> draft-ietf-ngtrans-mech-v2-01.txt. 
> - Section 3.2 discusses how to set the tunnel MTU.  It covers the case 
>   where the tunnel MTU size is manually configured, with a default of 
>   1280.  While it discusses capping the tunnel MTU at 4400 when IPv4 
>   path MTU discovery is used, it doesn't discuss a maximum configured
>   value for the tunnel.  Does this mean there is no cap when manually 
>   configuring the tunnel MTU (i.e., the configured tunnel MTU may be as 
>   large as 65515, or even larger if jumbograms are used?)
> - The same section does not discuss what a host should do if it receives 
>   Router Advertisement with an MTU option.  Should the MTU value 
>   be used?  If so, is there a cap associated with this MTU value?  In 
>   other words, if it exceeds 4400 bytes should the value be used?
> - In section 3.5, the TOS byte is defined as being set to 0 unless 
>   otherwise specified.  What exactly does this mean?  That, if RFC 2893 
>   followed the DSCP in the TOS byte may be set to a non-zero value?  Or 
>   that RFC 2893 and RFC 3168 should explicitly NOT be implemented for 
>   configured tunnels?  If the latter, I think some discussion on exactly
>   WHY these two RFCs are not to be implemented would be helpful.
> - In section 3.6, the TOS byte of the inner packet is left unmodified at 

>   the tunnel egress.  This seems to contradict some of the referenced. 
>   For instance, RFC 3168 defines both limited-functionality and 
>   full-functionality support for ECN support over tunnels.  For 
>   limited-functionality, which seems to most closely match what is 
>   described in this draft, it discusses what to do at the tunnel egress 
>   the CE option is set in the outer packet header but not the inner 
>   header.  This processing does not seem to match what is described in 
>   this draft.  Is this intentional?
> Roy

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Re: Default site-local behavior for routers

2002-10-30 Thread Roy Brabson
> This suggestion leads to the model where hosts with multiple
> interfaces will assume that all its interfaces are in the
> same site (e.g. have the same site-local zone id) unless
> explicitly configured to have multiple sites.  While routers
> will default to having a unique site-local zone id for each
> interface (thus rendering SLs to link-local behavior) unless
> explicitly configured to have multiple interfaces in the
> same site.
> This difference in behavior for hosts and routers leads to
> some interesting issues.  One big one is how the site-local
> zone ids are setup and potentially changed when a host
> becomes a router or vice versa.
> What are others' opinions on this issue?

The correct default really depends on the intended use of the node. Having 
interfaces default to being in different site-local scope zones makes 
sense for specialized boxes whose purpose is to be a site boundary router, 
like a home gateway router which has a WAN interface and one or more LAN 
interfaces.  For these types of specialized nodes, it probably makes sense 
to default the WAN interface to one site-local scope zone and the LAN 
interface(s) to a separate site-local scope zone.

The same type of logic could be applied to nodes which act as firewalls, 
where the "public" interfaces are in one site-local scope zone and the 
"private" intranet interfaces are in a different site-local scope zone. In 
this case, other configuration information can be used to derive the 
default site-local scope zones for the firewall's interfaces.

For a typical host or router, though, a better default would be to have 
all interfaces in the same site-local scope zone.  This is more consistent 
with what is shipping today.  Indeed, many of the routers which ship today 
are not capable of being configured as a site boundary router, much less 
default to that behavior.  Keep in mind that vast majority of hosts also 
support IP forwarding (although it may not be enabled by default), so this 
effectively says these hosts must be capable of being multi-sited.  And I 
don't think we have a good enough grasp on what the impacts are to support 
multi-sited hosts.

Not to mention the problem Brian raises above on having different defaults 
based on whether a node is a host or a router - the site-local scope zone 
IDs will change as IP forwarding is enabled or disabled.  Since the scope 
zone ID is part of the sockaddr structure and is needed to identify the 
remote partner when using non-global addresses, this could (and very well 
may) result in loss of connectivity for active connections.

Assuming that the use of site-local addresses is not restricted to sites 
which are not connected to the global internet or other sites (which is my 
preference), what I'd like to see is this (or another) WG define exactly 
what support is needed to make this work.  This includes standards to 
define what a site boundary router needs to implement, including updates 
to routing protocols and the forwarding logic as defined in the scoped 
addressing architecture.  It should also include a BCP which defines 
application impacts associated with using site-local addresses in these 
environments and gives guidance on how to work around the problems.  For 
hosts, we should indicate that the current standards only specify how a 
single-sited host should behave, and multi-sited host support is undefined 
pending possible future standards work.  But lets stop trying to define 
the default site-local scope zone configuration for hosts and routers.  If 
a router can act as a site boundary router, the router vendor can decide 
the appropriate default configuration for their product, and whether 
certain interfaces should be in the same site-local scope zone or in 
different site-local scope zones by default.


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RE: Limiting the Use of Site-Local

2002-10-28 Thread Roy Brabson
> I have a basic problem with this thread. We have a few people discussing
> fundamental changes in close to a vacuum. At best the result of this
> discussion should be a separate BCP, but before that happens operators
> of networks that actually use 1918 space need to be engaged to find out
> their requirements. 
> The whole idea that SL should be revoked if a global is available is
> bogus. It is certainly reasonable for the manufacturer of light switches
> to only support SL/LL rather than potentially multiple global prefixes.
> There is no reason for those devices to interact across a scope
> boundary, so the peer nodes that may also need global access MUST keep
> their SL to interact in the limited scope. 

I thought global addresses could be used to communicate with peers using 
addresses of any scope as long as the interface over which the packet is 
sent is in the same scope zone as that peer.  As such, a node with a 
global address does not require a site-local address to communicate with a 
node which has a site-local address but lacks a global address, as long as 
the two nodes reside within the same site.


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Re: Node Requirements Issue 3

2002-10-28 Thread Roy Brabson
> > When a multi-sited implementation gets site-local addresses from
> > the DNS (assuming that it runs two-faced DNS and returns site-locals),
> > how will the multi-sited host know which site the addresses are in?
> My guess, and tentative implementation is that the resolver library
> completes the scope id to the address using the interface from which
> the DNS reply came in.

You may also need to send the DNS query into each site-local scope zone in 
order to obtain all necessary results, or even to obtain any results, if a 
given host name only resolves to site-local addresses in one of the 
site-local scope zones.  If the DNS name server is on a muti-sited host 
(which I suppose makes sense if it is performing name-to-address 
resolution for hosts which are muti-sited), then it needs to be configured 
to return different site-local addresses for each given site to which it 
is connected.

Since Stateless Address Autoconfiguration or (eventually) DHCPv6 may be 
used to configure addresses, the DNS name server also needs to understand 
the site-local scope zone over which a DNS registration is made, placing 
"global" addresses into the "global" pool and "site-local" addresses 
associated with the site-local scope zone over which the registration is 
received.  Likewise, the host performing the registration needs to 
restrict the site-local addresses which are registered to the site-local 
scope zone in which they are  valid.

There are probably other requirements for this to work as well.  The only 
point I'm trying to make is it isn't just as simple as connecting to 
multiple sites and having this work properly without additional standards 
being defined.


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RE: Node Requirements Issue 3

2002-10-25 Thread Roy Brabson
> How do site-locals work?
> For a single-sited host, I think the main requirement is
> draft-ietf-ipv6-default-addr-select-09. For applications that send
> addresses to correspondents (note this is a small minority of
> applications) it can get more complicated but it's still not bad - see
> kre's recent emails about this. I know MS is porting/developing such
> applications but I'm not involved.

I'd agree as long as the single-sited host is not connected to the global 
internet.  When connected to the global internet, many applications will 
work just fine.  But there are some application protocols as currently 
defined which do not work.  It would seem useful to try to identify the 
classes of applications which break in these configurations and what 
actions need to take to occur to update the protocols and/or applications 
to allow this to work.  Once this is understood, it would be easier to 
gauge whether using site-local addresses when a site is connected to the 
global internet is worth the effort.

> For DNS, I implemented draft-ietf-ipngwg-site-prefixes-05 and it works
> great. Unfortunately since that draft seems to be dead, I think the
> fall-back for now is that to use site-locals you'll need a two-faced
> DNS.

Yes, although not pretty two-faced DNS works for single-sited hosts.

> For a multi-sited host, one additional requirement is that applications
> should deal with sockaddrs instead of directly with addresses, so that
> the scope-id is preserved & passed around as needed. Another additional
> requirement is routing table lookup needs to be cognizant of scoping.

If the DNS resolver fills in the appropriate scope zone ID for site-local 
addresses, then the application can use the sockaddr for communication. 
How the scope zone ID gets filled in, and how the DNS resolver queries 
two-faced DNS name servers in different sites and consolidates the (now 
different) responses is what has not been defined.  For instance, since 
each site would need to run two-faced DNS to allow site-locals to be 
placed in DNS, each may return different results for the same host. 
Depending on which site the DNS query is sent and how DNS is configured, 
the resolver may receive no addresses, only global addresses, or a mixture 
of global and site-local addresses.  This was covered on this list 
previously with no agreed-upon resolution on how to make this work, not to 
mention any IDs with concrete proposals to be reviewed.

There are, of course, additional issues for multi-sited hosts.  At a 
minimum, there are the routing changes which have been discussed here 
previously, and possibly others which have yet to be identified.

None of this is insurmountable.  With sufficient architecture and updates 
to susceptible applications, support for multi-sited hosts can likely be 
made functional.  Whether it is worth the effort is a different question, 
though, and one which only this WG can answer.

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RE: Node Requirements Issue 3

2002-10-24 Thread Roy Brabson
> This is craziness. We (I don't mean just MS) have shipping
> implementations that support site-locals. We have operational
> deployments using site-locals. We have applications that work just fine
> with site-locals.

Could you (or someone else who has this working) publish an ID which 
describes how site-locals work?  I've seen many postings on various 
aspects of site-locals which do not work as currently defined, from DNS to 
routing to applications using site-locals in referrals.  There have been 
some proposals on how to address some of these issues, such as updates to 
dynamic routing protocols, but others (like DNS) don't seem to have any 
agreed upon solutions in multi-sited configurations and, arguably in the 
case of DNS, single-sited configurations.  Without standards, or at least 
standards-track IDs, its hard to see how site-locals can be viewed as 
useful beyond a single-site configuration, with anything beyond that being 
experimental and/or proprietary.


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Comments on draft-ietf-ipv6-scope-api-00.txt

2002-08-29 Thread Roy Brabson

While working on supporting and exploiting the scoped address 
architecture, I've noticed I need several new APIs to implement the 
support within applications and library routines.  For instance, I've 
found that I need versions of inet_pton() and inet_ntop() which support 
scoped addresses.  I guess one option here would be to deprecate both of 
these APIs and instead use getnameinfo() and getaddrinfo() to perform the 
function, but that just doesn't feel right when processing link-local 
addresses or multicast addresses.  I've also found a need for APIs to map 
a scope zone index to a scope zone name and vice-versa, similar to how 
if_nametoindex() and if_indextoname() work for interface indices and 

How are others dealing with supporting scoped addresses within their 
applications and library routines?  While I could define proprietary API 
extensions to support these functions (and will have to if there are no 
standard ones available), it seems to me that others who implement the 
scoped address architecture will need similar APIs.  Is this something 
which needs addressing, and if so should the APIs be standardized?  If the 
answers are yes, then it would seem to me the logical home would be the 
new scoped address API draft.  Is anyone actively working to update this 
draft to include new scope-aware APIs?  If not, and if there is interest, 
I'd be willing to take a stab at defining the API extensions needed to 
support the scoped address architecture.


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Scoped Address Extensions to the IPv6 Basic Socket API

2002-07-29 Thread Roy Brabson

I was happy to see this draft, as I've been struggling to understand 
how applications will work in the presence of limited scope addresses.
I've got a few questions and comments regarding the draft.  Some of 
these may be more appropriate for the Scoped Address Architecture draft, 
especially in the areas surrounding DNS behavior (some of which has 
already been discussed on the mailing list).  

Note that most of my confusion surrounds hosts connecting to more than 
one site-local zone. If this support was omitted from this and the Scoped 
Address Architecture draft, then many of my questions below would 

- I don't see versions of inet_ntop() and inet_pton() which support the 
  proposed address format for limited scope addresses.  I would have 
  thought both would be needed.  Or are these APIs being deprecated in 
  favor of using getaddrinfo() and getnameinfo() to perform this 
  mapping (both for unicast and multicast addresses)?  Either way, I 
  think it would be good to address this within this draft.

- I would like to see new APIs to map between a zone index and zone name 
  provided, similar to the if_nametoindex() and if_indextoname() calls.  
  At a minimum, these will be needed for the updated resolver APIs, 
  which becomes important given many platforms port their resolver from 
  the BIND distribution.

- getaddrinfo() 
  - What value should sin6_scope_id be set to for limited scope 
    addresses, such as a site-local address?  Should it be the scope 
    index for the given zone into which the query is sent?  If so, does 
    a resolver need to send the same query into each zone to which it is 
    attached?  I find the whole interaction between the resolver, DNS 
    name server, and limited scope addresses is extremely confusing.  

  - If the host name includes a scope ID, should this restrict the zones 
    into which the DNS query is sent?  I would assume so, but have 
    questions based on the next bullet.

  - If the host name includes a scope ID, but the scope ID is not valid 
    at the invoking host, what should be done?  Should the query fail?  
    Or should the scope ID be included on the limited scope addresses 

  - If the host name includes a scope ID, but the scope ID is not valid 
    for all the limited scope addresses which need to be returned, what 
    should be done?  For instance, if a local hosts file includes both 
    link-local and site-local addresses, but the scope ID is only valid 
    for the site-local addresses, what should occur?  Should the call 
    fail, or should only the site-local addresses be returned?

- getnameinfo()
  - If NI_NUMERICSCOPE is not specified and the scope identifier cannot 
    be mapped to a scope zone name, what should this API do?  Should the 
    call fail, or should it return the numeric form of the scope 

  - What should be done if a nonzero scope identifier is included with 
    a global IPv6 address?  Should the call fail, or should it return 
    the numeric form of the scope identifier?

  - If a nonzero scope zone index is included, should it be used to 
    restrict the zone into which the DNS query is sent?  For instance, 
    if the address is of site-local scope, should the query only be sent 
    into the zone which is identified by the scope ID?  Or should the 
    resolver send the query into (any?  all?) zones?

  - For a limited scope address with a zero scope zone index, into which 
    zones should the resolver send the query?  Should it send it into 
    the "default" zone, any zone, or send the query into zones?  Since
    the host would send a packet using this address/zone index pair 
    into the "default" zone, it might make sense for the resolver to
    do the same.

  - The discussions from the Scoped Address Architecture draft on when 
    to include the scope ID in textual formats should probably be moved 
    into this draft.  For instance, the Scoped Address Architecture 
    draft talks about omitting the zone ID for the default zone on 
    textual displays.


Re: GETNAMEINFO questions ...............

2001-11-30 Thread Roy Brabson

On Thursday, 11/29/2001 at 08:55 EST, Lori Napoli/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS wrote:
> draft-ietf-ipngwg-rfc2553bis-04.txt section 6.2 states:
> The flags argument is a flag that changes the default actions of the
> function. By default the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) for the host
> shall be returned, but:
>   - If the flag bit NI_NOFQDN is set, only the node name portion of the
> FQDN shall be returned for local hosts.
>   - If the flag bit NI_NUMERICHOST is set, the numeric form of the
> host's address shall be returned instead of its name, under all
> circumstances.
>   - If the flag bit NI_NAMEREQD is set, an error shall be returned if the
> host's name cannot be located.
>   - If the flag bit NI_NUMERICSERV is set, the numeric form of the
> service address shall be returned (for example, its port number)
> instead of
> its name, under all circumstances.
>   - If the flag bit NI_NUMERICSCOPE is set, the numeric form of the
> scope identifier shall be returned (for example, interface index)
> instead of its name.  This flag is ignored if the sa argument is
> not an IPv6 address.
>   - If the flag bit NI_DGRAM is set, this indicates that the service is
> a datagram service (SOCK_DGRAM). The default behavior shall assume
> the service is a stream service (SOCK_STREAM).
> So what if NI_NUMERICHOST is not set and NI_NAMEREQD is not set.
> Getnameinfo attempts to resolve the name via DNS query and scan of the
> local files.  If the host name is not resolved, do we return the numeric
> form or an error?

You should return the numeric form.  The pertinent text which describes
this situation appears just prior to the flags you included above.

> Also, if NI_NUMERICSERV is not set, getnameinfo calls getservbyport to
> the local service name file and if the service name is not resolved we
> return the numeric form.  So, how can the application calling getnameinfo
> determine that the resolution of the service name failed since it can
> receive the numeric form regardless of NI_NUMERICSERV setting.  It would
> have to determine that numeric form was returned and NI_NUMERICSERV had
> been specified.  There doesn't seem to be a service name equivalent of
> NI_NAMEREQD.  Should getnameinfo return the numeric form of the service
> name if name resolution fails or should we return an error?

Again, the draft specifies that the numeric form be returned.  And you seem
to be correct - there isn't an equivalent to NI_NAMEREQD for the service
name.  I guess any application which was really interested whether the port
number could be found in the service name file would need to use strcmp()
to compare value returned to the value which was input, and if they are the
same and NI_NUMERICSERV was not coded infer (possibly incorrectly if
someone coded a numeric service name in the local file) that the name could
not be located.

Roy Brabson

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Re: IPv6 RAW packets

2001-09-26 Thread Roy Brabson

On Wednesday, 09/26/2001 at 12:49 AST, Lori Napoli/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS wrote:
> Just curious what other implementations are  doing with RAW IPv6 packets.
> When you send the packet back up to the application are you including the
> IPv6 header and all the extension headers?  Theoretically, an application
> that is performing ICMP ECHO/ECHOREPLIES doesn't need anything in the
> header or extension header but obviously an application that is
> Neighbor Discovery would.   If you are returning the IPv6 header and
> extension headers, then I imagine all the IPv6 RAW applications need to
> code to handle all the extension headers since the IPv6 header doesn't
> a field that gives the length of all the headers like IPv4.  Right?

A quick look at RFC2292, as well as the now-expired *bis version, indicates
that neither the IPv6 header nor the extension headers are made available
to applications in their raw format (i.e., as part of the packet data).
Instead, the relevant information is made available using ancillary data
objects.  Applications can control which ancillary data objects they
receive using socket options and/or ancillary data.  The relevant text
describing this is in Section 3 of both documents.

Roy Brabson

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Re: Wrap up and last call: sin6_scope_id semantics

2001-08-30 Thread Roy Brabson

On Thursday, 08/30/2001 at 12:08 ZE9, JINMEI Tatuya / $B?@L@C#:H(B
> I'd like to propose the following approach:
> - the scoping architecture draft only defines the numerical zone IDs
>   and their aliases for readability (like "site1")
This is fine.  I've never really objected to the aliases, I just don't find
them very useful.

> - the scoping architecture draft does NOT define the zone "names", but
>   mentions that implementation can use intuitive names in the textual
>   representation, and that interface names can be used as
>   interface/link/subnet zone IDs by default.
Good as well.  Maybe something like an implementation MAY choose to display
the names used in configuring the zones in the textual representation.  I
just don't want anyone to read the text and think this type of behavior is
somehow precluded.

> - write a separate informational document, which talks about the API
>   of the scoping issues, including possible representation of names,
>   and mapping of numerical identifiers and names.
Yes, I think keeping the API discussion out of the standards track RFC
makes sense.  And I like having the informational RFC for the API issues as

Roy Brabson

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Re: Wrap up and last call: sin6_scope_id semantics

2001-08-29 Thread Roy Brabson

On Thursday, 08/30/2001 at 02:06 ZE9, JINMEI Tatuya / $B?@L@C#:H(B
> > True, if two interfaces are in the same link-local zone then the
> > name will not uniquely identify the zone.  But the current scoping
> > architecture draft indicates that configuration is required to identify
> > that two interfaces are in the same zone, and the name used in this
> > configuration can be used for display of the zone name.
> I don't see such indication of the draft...which text of the draft do
> you really mean?

The text is in section 6, which covers zone indicies (cut and pasted

 |  There is at present no way for a node to automatically determine
 |  which of its interfaces belong to the same zones, e.g., the same link
 |  or the same site.  In the future, protocols may be developed to
 |  determine that information.  In the absence of such protocols, an
 |  implementation must provide a means for manual assignment and/or
 |  reassignment of zone indices.  Furthermore, to avoid the need to
 |  perform manual configuration in most cases, an implementation should,
 |  by default, initially assign zone indices as follows, and only as
 |  follows:
 |  o A unique interface index for each interface
 |  o A unique link index for each interface
 |  o A unique subnet (multicast "scop" value 3) index for each
 | interface
 |  Then, manual configuration would be necessary only for the less
 |  common cases of nodes with multiple interfaces to a single link or a
 |  single subnet, interfaces to different sites, or interfaces to zones
 |  of different (multicast-only) scopes.

The diagram which follows shows, as a default, what is described above:
that two interfaces on a single link are, by default, given unique
link-local scope IDs.  This doesn't address an automatic way to learn about
a link-local or site-local zone, but then again any such mechanism can be
made to include the appropriate zone name at the same time it configures
the zone.

> > I would prefer to use the textual representation which matches what is
> > in configuring the zones.  It just makes more sense to echo back what a
> > user placed in a configuration file instead of displaying an arbitrary
> > value dynamically created by a given stack.  How exactly would a user
> > correlate an arbitrary value such as "link1" or "site5" to the given
> > which they want to use, anyway?  This would seem to be the equivalent
> > telling a user they need to "guess" the correct interface ID without
> > proving if_nametoindex() to perform the translation of the configured
> > interface name to the corresponding interface ID.
> I admit that "link1" is not user-friendly.  But please note that the
> textual representation described in the scoping architecture draft
> basically defines numerical zone IDs only, which are also
> "user-unfriendly".  But the draft also allows implementations to
> introduce more intuitive, more user-friendly format such as interface
> names for links, assuming one-to-one mapping between interfaces and
> links.
> Since the notion of "names" can be different among implementations, I
> don't think the architecture draft should define the details of
> "names".  The problem with the 4+28 split model, however, is that
> numerical identifiers would even annoy users (not just be
> user-unfriendly), because we'd see IDs like "1342177281" (which is
> 0x5001, i.e. a site ID of site index 1).  So, "site1" is just a
> readable alias for "1342177281", which is a different kind of notion
> from "names".

The textual representation is more readable, but I don't find it
substantially more useful.  It still doesn't help anyone understand which
site or which link is being used.  How does someone using a zone such as
"site1" have any idea which zone the packet will be sent, or which
interfaces are defined to be within that zone?

The "names" used to configure zones is going to be platform-unique.  I
guess I'd just prefer to see the values used by and returned from the DNS
resolver incorporate those names vs. something like "link1" or "site1".  By
default, for link-local this is the interface name.

Roy Brabson

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Re: Wrap up and last call: sin6_scope_id semantics

2001-08-29 Thread Roy Brabson

On Wednesday, 08/29/2001 at 10:25 ZE9, JINMEI Tatuya / $B?@L@C#:H(B
> > I also prefer eth0 over link12.  Using the names used to define the
> > (either the default interface names or actual zone definitions) seems
to be
> > more useful than generating a somewhat arbitrary name and displaying
> > How is the user supposed to correlate link12 back to the actual eth0
> > interface, anyway?  I imagine another external or display could be
> > but this would seem to introduce yet another step for a user to
> > the particular interface/zone in question.
> When we can assume one-to-one mapping between interfaces and links,
> that's true.  However, if two (or more) different interfaces belong
> to a single link, using interface names as link IDs would be rather
> confusing (we'll lose the uniqueness of the ID, or we'll have to care
> about which interface is "primary" in the link".)

True, if two interfaces are in the same link-local zone then the interface
name will not uniquely identify the zone.  But the current scoping
architecture draft indicates that configuration is required to identify
that two interfaces are in the same zone, and the name used in this
configuration can be used for display of the zone name.

> As I said in a previous message, I do not necessarily object to using
> "names" as an implementation dependent convention.  I just would like
> to stick to "link1" or "site5" in the official textual representation
> in the scoping architecture draft.

I would prefer to use the textual representation which matches what is used
in configuring the zones.  It just makes more sense to echo back what a
user placed in a configuration file instead of displaying an arbitrary
value dynamically created by a given stack.  How exactly would a user
correlate an arbitrary value such as "link1" or "site5" to the given zone
which they want to use, anyway?  This would seem to be the equivalent of
telling a user they need to "guess" the correct interface ID without
proving if_nametoindex() to perform the translation of the configured
interface name to the corresponding interface ID.

Roy Brabson

IETF IPng Working Group Mailing List
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Re: Wrap up and last call: sin6_scope_id semantics

2001-08-20 Thread Roy Brabson

On Monday, 08/20/2001 at 11:15 ZE2, Francis Dupont
>  In your previous mail you wrote:
>> => I prefer real names than xxxNNN. Can we get both (i.e. a config
>> plus a default translation rule)?
>I do not object to introducing real names, but I'd like to leave that
>part as implementation dependent, and just define the formal aliases
>(like "link2") in the scope architecture draft.
> => I don't understand your problem there: I prefer fe80::%eth0 to
> fe80::%link12, I believe you too...

I also prefer eth0 over link12.  Using the names used to define the zones
(either the default interface names or actual zone definitions) seems to be
more useful than generating a somewhat arbitrary name and displaying that.
How is the user supposed to correlate link12 back to the actual eth0
interface, anyway?  I imagine another external or display could be used,
but this would seem to introduce yet another step for a user to identify
the particular interface/zone in question.

Roy Brabson

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Re: Wrap up and last call: sin6_scope_id semantics

2001-08-16 Thread Roy Brabson

On Thursday, 08/16/2001 at 03:40 ZE2, Erik Nordmark
> > So, the basic idea is as follows:
> >
> > - take 4+28 split.
> > - actual mapping from zone to the 28 bit part does not matter, but it
> >   should not change while the node is running (as discussed in this
> >   thread)
> > - introduce "aliases" for numeric zone IDs to improve readability in
> >   the textual representation. e.g. "link2" is an alias of a link ID
> >   whose intra-link id is 2 (i.e. 0x2002).  "site4" is an alias of
> >   a site ID whose intra-site id is 4 (i.e. 0x5004).  We now allow
> >   fec0::1234%site4 as well as fec0::1234%1342177284
> > - when a zone ID is used with an address (typically in the sockaddr_in6
> >   structure), the scope type of the ID must be equal to the scope type
> >   of the address.
> Seems like, to the extent that there are existing applications
> which use if_nametoindex() -> sin6_scope_id for link-local addresses,
> we need to also support the top 4 being zero as an alias for the
> interface or link scope.
> Does anybody know of such applications?
> Does anybody know of applications doing the reverse (taking sin6_scope_id
> and passing it to if_indextoname())?

This may work when the default link-local zones are used, but how will it
work in the presence of manually-configured link-local zones?  The current
IPv6 Scoped Address Architecture draft allows implementations to configure
multiple links to be in the same link-local zone.  If this is done then
there is no longer a one-to-one correlation between the link-local zone and
the interface ID.

It is probably useful to have a standard (or at least agreed upon) way to
map between the sin6_scope_id and the zone name, something akin to the
if_nametoindex() and if_indextoname() calls for converting an interface
name to an index and vice-versa.  While using the if_nametoindex() and
if_indextoname() calls may work in some cases for link-local addresses (and
maybe not even for link-local if manually configured link-local zones are
used), it won't work for other scopes.  Such an interface would be of use
to a DNS resolver, and I can see other applications perhaps wanting to
perform these types of mappings directly as well.


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Duplicate Address Detection on a link-local address

2001-06-29 Thread Roy Brabson

I've got a question on Duplicate Address Detection for link-local
addresses.  DAD states that a node must join the solicited-node
multicast group for the tentative address before beginning DAD.
Multicast Listener Discovery states that as part of joining a link-scope
multicast groups, other than the all-nodes group, a MLD Report message
must be sent.  MLD also states that the source IP address in the MLD
message must be a link-local address.

So, what should be put in the source address for the MLD Report when the
a link-local address is being assigned and no other addresses exist for
the link?  Since the link-local address is tentative, it shouldn't be
placed as the source address in the MLD Report.  Since the MLD Report
requires a link-local source IP address, an MLD Report can't be sent.

I'm guessing that the correct behavior is as follows when assigning the
initial link-local address to an interface:
- We notify the adapter that we want to receive any packets destined for
  the solicited-node multicast group derived from the link-local
  address.  We do *not* send a MLD Report at this time, though, as we
  do not have a non-tentative link-local address to place in the source
  IP address.

  I've been told that this might cause problems when a LAN is bridged a
  bridge is checking MLD messages to determine where listeners are in an
  effort to avoid forwarding packets when there are no listeners.

- We perform Duplicate Address Detection.  Since we have notified the
  adapter to forward multicast packets for the solicited node multicast
  group, we should receive any Neighbor Solicitations from other nodes
  performing DAD as well (assuming that bridges are forwarding multicast
  packets in the absence of MLD messages).

- If we fail DAD, we would notify the adapter that we no longer want to
  receive packets destined for the solicited-node multicast group which
  we previously registered.  If we succeed with DAD, we send an MLD
  Report for the solicited-node multicast group.

There are some other alternatives which might make sense if bridges are
keying off MLD Reports to determine whether to forward multicast
- When assigning a tentative link-local address and no other address
  exists for the router, send an MLD Report with the source address set
  to the unspecified address.  This is currently not allowed by MLD and
  might result in the packet failing verification by a bridge/router and
  therefore being discarded.

- Send the MLD report using the tentative link-local address as the
  source IP address.  We aren't supposed to use a tentative address as
  the source IP address, but I don't think it will break anything in this
  case.  If a node already owns the IP address or is itself running DAD,
  this would result in an extra MLD Report being sent to the
  bridge/router.  And if the address is not currently in use and no one
  is performing DAD then I would need to send an MLD Report after
  assigning the link-local address anyway.  Still, I'm not real fond of
  idea of sending a packet using a tentative address as the source IP

This only applies for the first (and, for us anyway, the only)
link-local address assigned to the interface.  All subsequent addresses
would be processed as described in the RFCs: we would join the
appropriate solicited-node multicast group prior to starting DAD vs.
waiting until DAD is completed.


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Re: RFC 2553 bind semantics harms the way to AF independence

2001-06-27 Thread Roy Brabson

>From my reading of 2553bis, there seem to be at least two ways this
can be implemented (not counting the semantic changes being proposed):

- The IPv4 address space is part of (a subset of, actually) the IPv6
  address space.  With this approach, can be thought of as a
  more specific address in the combined address space than the IPv6
  unspecified address ::.  If an application binds to ::, then it will
  receive all traffic (IPv4 and IPv6).  Only if IPV6_V6ONLY is set
  will it not receive IPv4 traffic.

  A second application can bind to a specific IPv6 address (say fec0::1)
  and begin to receive traffic for that specific IPv6 address while all
  other IPv6 traffic is received by the application which bound to ::.

  In the same manner, a second application can bind to and it will
  begin to receive all IPv4 traffic, while the IPv6 traffic continues to
  be received by the initial application.  This happens irrespective of
  whether IPV6_V6ONLY is set. The basic rationale behind this is
  when encoded in IPv6 format (:::, is a more specific address
  than ::, much in the same way that fec0::1 was in the example above, and
  should be treated in the same way.

- The IPv4 address space is separate from the IPv6 address space.  When an
  application binds to ::, it is the equivalent of binding to the IPv6
  unspecified address and the IPv4 equivalent,

  As before, a second application can bind to a specific IPv6 address (say
  fec0::1) and begin to receive traffic for that specific IPv6 address
  while all other IPv6 traffic is received by the application which bound
  to ::.

  However, a second application can only bind to if the first
  application has set IPV6_V6ONLY.  This is because the first application
  is already (conceptually) listening on

2553 doesn't seem to specify which is the correct behavior.  We've
implemented the second approach, and it sounds like several others
(Jim included if I'm reading it right) have as well.


On Wednesday, 06/27/2001 at 12:45 AST, Jim Bound <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > => you can use it with the V6ONLY stuff.
> >
> > yes, but on rfc2553-compliant system you cannot have both an AF_INET
> > and an AF_INET6 socket listening on the same port.
> Sure you can.  By using V6ONLY.  Thats the point of the option.  It is
> just you must set it via setsocopt.
> With V6ONLY you should be able to bind, 23 and bind ::,23 one
> using AF_INET and the other AF_INET6.
> Any IPv4 addreses entering the system will not be permitted to reach any
> AF_INET6 socket.
> This permits the shared port space model.

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Re: getsockopt() for IPV6_HOPLIMIT

2001-06-20 Thread Roy Brabson

On Wednesday, 06/20/2001 at 01:54 ZE2, Francis Dupont
>  In your previous mail you wrote:
>I actually went back and read the existing RFC2292 - probably
>something I should have done originally - and I think I have
>a handle on this.  Based on the current RFC and the -02 draft
>my interpretation is that:
>- IPV6_HOPLIMIT should not be allowed on a getsockopt() or
>  setsockopt() call, but instead IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT should be
>  used. IPV6_HOPLIMIT can still be sent/received as ancillary data.
>- IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT should be used on setsockopt() to request
>  that the IPV6_HOPLIMIT be returned as ancillary data.
>Does this sound correct, or am I missing something?
> => no, IPV6_HOPLIMIT is the hop limit to use and IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT
> is a flag saying that the received hop limit must be provided to the
> IPV6_HOPLIMIT can be sticky or ancillary, IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT must be
> sticky.

I'm still unsure what to return on getsockopt() for IPV6_HOPLIMIT when
the unicast and multicast hop limits are different.  This can happen
in two cases.  First, prior to any setsockopt() for IPV6_HOPLIMIT,
IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS, or IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS.  Second, a setsockopt()
for IPV6_HOPLIMIT followed by a setsockopt() for either

I can see several approaches to handling this:

- Fail a getsockopt() for IPV6_HOPLIMIT if the unicast hoplimit
  and multicast hoplimit are different.  This will require that
  the caller issue a setsockopt() for IPV6_HOPLIMIT before they
  can issue a getsockopt() (that is, there is no default value
  for IPV6_HOPLIMIT), and will also fail a getsockopt() for
  IPV6_HOPLIMIT if a subsequent setsockopt() for

- Always return the unicast hoplimit for a getsockopt() for
  IPV6_HOPLIMIT.  This is a little strange when the unicast
  and multicast hoplimits are different, but at least it is
  predictable and provides a default value for IPV6_HOPLIMIT.

- Some other approach which I haven't thought of.

Hopefully an updated version of the draft (assuming there will
be one) will spell out what the proper behavior is.

I still think all of this is unnecessary, anyway.  Applications
can use IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS and IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS for getsockopt()
and setsockopt() and IPV6_HOPLIMIT for ancillary data and receive
consistent and predictable results.  Introducing IPV6_HOPLIMIT on
getsockopt() and setsockopt() seems to provide little to no value
and just seems to muddy the water.

Roy Brabson

IETF IPng Working Group Mailing List
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Re: getsockopt() for IPV6_HOPLIMIT

2001-06-19 Thread Roy Brabson

I actually went back and read the existing RFC2292 - probably
something I should have done originally - and I think I have
a handle on this.  Based on the current RFC and the -02 draft
my interpretation is that:

- IPV6_HOPLIMIT should not be allowed on a getsockopt() or
  setsockopt() call, but instead IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT should be
  used.  IPV6_HOPLIMIT can still be sent/received as ancillary
  ancillary data.
- IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT should be used on setsockopt() to request
  that the IPV6_HOPLIMIT be returned as ancillary data.

Does this sound correct, or am I missing something?

Also, I see that the current 2292bis draft has expired.  Are there
any plans to produce an updated version?  From previous postings
back in November regarding the -02 draft there appear to be some
incompatible changes which are being proposed, such as changing
IPV6_PATHMTU to return an ip6_mtuinfo structure instead of an
int, not to mention the changes I listed above (plus several
others).  I'd like to have our implementation track to the ID as
it progresses, but if there aren't any new drafts coming then
we should be implementing to the RFC.


On Wednesday, 06/13/2001 at 12:24 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm struggling to get my hands around the interaction between
> seems pretty straight forward if IPV6_HOPLIMIT is specified as
> ancilliary data - IPV6_HOPLIMIT overrides the current hoplimit
> for that packet only.  But what about when IPV6_HOPLIMIT is
> set using setsockopt()?
> Using setsockopt() calls, I think the behavior would be as follows:
>   Unicast Hop LimitMulticast Hop Limit
>   ----
>default   2551
>IPV6_HOPLIMIT=100 100  100
> The question is, what should be returned for a getsockopt() on
> IPV6_HOPLIMIT when the unicast and multicast hop limits are different?
> Take the default case for instance.  What is the correct value to return
> on the getsockopt() call, 255 or 1?  And what should be returned after
> setting IPV6_HOPLIMIT to 100 and following it with setting
> IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS to 5, 100 or 5?
> All of this would be *much* simpler if the advanced API only allowed
> IPV6_HOPLIMIT to be specified as ancillary data and required the use of
> IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS and IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS for setsockopt() and
> getsockopt() calls.  Unfortunately, that isn't the case as 2292 allows
> IPV6_HOPLIMIT to be specified as a sticky option.
> Roy Brabson

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getsockopt() for IPV6_HOPLIMIT

2001-06-13 Thread Roy Brabson

I'm struggling to get my hands around the interaction between
seems pretty straight forward if IPV6_HOPLIMIT is specified as
ancilliary data - IPV6_HOPLIMIT overrides the current hoplimit
for that packet only.  But what about when IPV6_HOPLIMIT is
set using setsockopt()?

Using setsockopt() calls, I think the behavior would be as follows:

  Unicast Hop LimitMulticast Hop Limit
   default   2551
   IPV6_HOPLIMIT=100 100  100
   IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS=50   505

The question is, what should be returned for a getsockopt() on
IPV6_HOPLIMIT when the unicast and multicast hop limits are different?
Take the default case for instance.  What is the correct value to return
on the getsockopt() call, 255 or 1?  And what should be returned after
setting IPV6_HOPLIMIT to 100 and following it with setting
IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS to 5, 100 or 5?

All of this would be *much* simpler if the advanced API only allowed
IPV6_HOPLIMIT to be specified as ancillary data and required the use of
IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS and IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS for setsockopt() and
getsockopt() calls.  Unfortunately, that isn't the case as 2292 allows
IPV6_HOPLIMIT to be specified as a sticky option.

Roy Brabson

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