I'm doing a yet another full review pass over the whole document (not
just diff as I've usually done; to find issues/inconsistencies that
diffs wouldn't necessarily show). So far, I've covered Sections 1 
and 2.

Substantial comments:

- Section 1.5: I noticed the 1st paragraph nowadays (well, since -00
of the WG draft) allows sending INVALID_IKE_SPI notification inside an
existing IKE_SA. This contradicts a MUST NOT in RFC 4306, and I'm not
sure if it really brings any benefits?

- Section 2.8.1, NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN near the end. This is probably
left over from old versions, and should be something else now
to align with Section 2.25?  

- Section 2.8.2: (already covered by issue #135)

- Section 2.14: "only the first 64 bits of Ni and the first 64 bits of
Nr are used in the calculation". This section has two calculations
involving Ni/Nr, but this sentence should only apply to the former.
Suggested rephrasing: "the calculation" -> "when calculating SKEYSEED
(but all bits are used when calculating SK_*)"

- Section 2.17: See

- Section 2.23, last bullet: "MUST NOT be used when MOBIKE is used"
This is actually not exactly what Section 3.8 of [MOBIKE] says (it
does allow using this for ESP).  I would suggest just referring to
Section 3.8 of [MOBIKE] for details.

- Section 2.23.1: If the responder doesn't find SPD entry for
transport mode with the modified traffic selectors, and does a lookup
with the original selectors, if it finds an entry for transport mode,
can it use it? (And would that screw up the initiator processing of
the reply? Unfortunately,this question is relevant for RFC 5555...)

- Section 2.25: "A peer that receives a CHILD_SA_NOT_FOUND
notification SHOULD silently delete the Child SA": Is this really
necessary? I think this notification should only occur in cases where
DELETE payload for this Child SA pair has already been sent, and
probably has been processed already by the time the CHILD_SA_NOT_FOUND
notification is received. 

- Section 2.25.2, "If a peer receives a request to delete a Child SA
when it is currently rekeying the IKE SA, it SHOULD reply as usual,
with a Delete payload." I noticed this is different from what RFC 4718
recommended, but this is probably OK, given the other text...  (but I
still hope this was intentional change :-)

Somewhat substantial:

- Section 1.3.1: delete sentence "When an IKE SA is not created..."
(this section is about CREATE_CHILD_SA, and the IKE_AUTH error
messages are already well described in Section 1.2).

- Section 1.5 doesn't read well, and needs a rewrite. I can
provide text once the substantial issue re: INVALID_IKE_SPI
is decided.

- Section 2.6, paragraph beginning with "In addition to cookies..",
and Section 2.7, last paragraph, are both in very strange places (and
basically say the same thing). Suggest combining both, and adding them
to the end of paragraph "In the first message.." in 2.6:

   "When the exchange does not result in the creation of an IKE SA on
   the responder (due to, for example, COOKIE, INVALID_KE_PAYLOAD, or
   NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN), the responder's SPI will be zero also in the
   response message. However, if the responder does send a non-zero
   responder SPI, the initiator should not reject the response for
   only that reason."

- There are two places that have very similar text about
INVALID_KE_PAYLOAD: Section 1.3 (for CREATE_CHILD_SA exchange), and
Section 2.7 (for IKE_SA_INIT exchange).  Especially the latter seems a
bit strange, everything else in that section applies to
CREATE_CHILD_SA exchanges, too, but this paragraph explicitly applies
to IKE_SA_INIT only (although INVALID_KE_PAYLOAD works roughly the
same way in CREATE_CHILD_SA, too). Perhaps the text in 2.7 should be
moved to 1.2?

- Section 2.8, sentence: "Note that, when rekeying..." This is in
wrong place; the rest of this paragraph is about IKE_SA rekeying, so
it should be moved to the previous paragraph.

- Section 2.18, last paragraph: suggest adding "PRF" to the list of
things that come from the new exchange.

- Section 2.23, paragraph starting: "An initiator can float..."  needs
some clarifications. Probably "UDP encapsulation/encapsulated" should
be "UDP encapsulation of ESP/UDP-encapsulated ESP" (since at other
places, the document also talks about IKE packets being UDP

- Section 2.23.1: I would strongly suggest using the word "original
address" (just like RFC 3947) instead "real address" (since both
addresses are very real).

- Section 2.23.1, "- Store the original traffic selectors.."  (occurs
twice) I would suggest using "received" instead of "original" here.

Best regards,

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