last call comments for draft-ietf-6man-stable-privacy-addresses-06

2013-04-22 Thread Eliot Lear
In the process of doing the apps area review, I came across some points
that were not related to applications.  The basis for these comments is
precisely the sentiment that Russ Housley expressed, which is that the
specification is done when there is no more to remove.  With this
document, I wonder if quite a bit could be removed.

Specifically, a great deal of discussion goes into the PRF involving DAD
counters, etc, when all that is needed is a suitable PRF.  The draft in
fact says this in Section 3 after an explanation of the inputs.  Any PRF
that follows the guidelines of RFC 4086 should do fine and not cause
interoperability OR security problems.  Put simply, you are
over-specifying the RID and derive no benefit from doing so.

Also, the following text in section 3 Page 7 is contorted:

  This means that this document does not formally obsolete or
  deprecate any of the existing algorithms to generate Interface IDs
  (e.g. such as that specified in [RFC2464]).  However, those IPv6
  implementations that employ this specification must generate all
  of their stable addresses as specified in this document.

My suggestion is to simplify remove it as it is self-evident.

Finally, this algorithm requires that the resultant host portion be 64
bits.  Is that necessary?


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: last call comments for draft-ietf-6man-stable-privacy-addresses-06

2013-04-22 Thread Eliot Lear
Hi Fernando,

Thanks very much for your response.

On 4/22/13 6:06 PM, Fernando Gont wrote:
 Hi, Eliot,

 On 04/22/2013 01:20 AM, Eliot Lear wrote:
 In the process of doing the apps area review, I came across some points
 that were not related to applications.  The basis for these comments is
 precisely the sentiment that Russ Housley expressed, which is that the
 specification is done when there is no more to remove.
 I'd probaby disagree with such statement. One thing is removing tuff
 from the mechanism or algorithm that you're standardizing, in the hopes
 of keeping it simple (this one I'd agree with). Another is removing text
 from specifications, which essentially means that the gut implementing
 the spec has more to figure out by himself, and hence more chances for

Fair point, of course.

  With this
 document, I wonder if quite a bit could be removed.

 Specifically, a great deal of discussion goes into the PRF involving DAD
 counters, etc, when all that is needed is a suitable PRF.
 Not sure what you mean...What's thetext that you think could/should be

Sorry I wasn't clear: what is the benefit of specifying the algorithm,
when simply popping out another PRF will in just about any instance do
the job (unless you are reinitializing the PRF with the same seed)?

 The draft in
 fact says this in Section 3 after an explanation of the inputs.  Any PRF
 that follows the guidelines of RFC 4086 should do fine and not cause
 interoperability OR security problems.
 If you're referring to the text that explains why we're not mandating
 any specific PRF, that text is there because the issue was raisen in the wg,

Ok.  So what I gather is that there was a negotiation within the WG and
that the algorithm is optional.  Ok.  From an outside point of view, I
didn't need to know that, and the question is what was the value of
still specifying the PRF.  I think Ran Atkinson answered that.  He feels
he wants a fully specified algorithm from which to start.  Ok.  My only
response is that I don't understand the need (generating 64 bits that
aren't the same shouldn't be that hard), but if the WG really believes
there is one, okay.

 Also, the following text in section 3 Page 7 is contorted:

   This means that this document does not formally obsolete or
   deprecate any of the existing algorithms to generate Interface IDs
   (e.g. such as that specified in [RFC2464]).  However, those IPv6
   implementations that employ this specification must generate all
   of their stable addresses as specified in this document.

 My suggestion is to simplify remove it as it is self-evident.
 What's the part that is evident? The one about not deprecating existing
 algorithms? -- Because the other ne certainly isn't: if you're going to
 use this algorithm for generating addresses *in addition* to those
 generated by traditional SLAAC, then this document wouldn't mitigate
 address-scanning attacks.

How would an IPv6 implementation employing this specification vary from
this specification in a way you or the working group would find
objectionable?  Also, did you mean MUST?  If not, this language is all
the more confusing and I don't know what you mean.

 Finally, this algorithm requires that the resultant host portion be 64
 bits.  Is that necessary?
 Well, yes- If the PRF produces a bit string larger than 64 bits,  and
 you say nothing about how you grab the IID, then the algorithm is

 The easier it is for a developer to go through this document and come up
 with an implementation, the better. The more the open questions, the worse.

I think we are underestimating our developers but if the working group
feels differently, okay.  I asked the above question because it is at
least conceivable that at some point host portion != 64 bits and this is
the only place in the document where the requirement is stated.  Yes,
screwing with the 64 bit boundary today is bound to cause all sorts of
breakage.  I'm not thinking of today but the future.  And yes, another
argument would be that there isn't enough address space for this to be
effectively private.  Those are two different issues, but fixing the
boundary here reminds me of mistakes we made with IPv4 way back when. 
In this day and age we're talking about a lot more cleanup later.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: last call comments for draft-ietf-6man-stable-privacy-addresses-06

2013-04-22 Thread Eliot Lear
H Fernando,

On 4/22/13 9:23 PM, Fernando Gont wrote:

 There seems to be a disconnect here:

 We want an algorithm that, roughly speaking, whenever you connect to the
 same network, gives you the same address. But such address should be
 different for each network you connect to.

Thank you, and yes there was a disconnect.  Indeed now I get it.  For
some reason I had assumed that you meant for some short period of time,
but the algorithm is clearly aimed at longer periods of time (e.g.,
across reboots).  Given that, the inputs the WG has stated seem
perfectly reasonable.

 How would an IPv6 implementation employing this specification vary from
 this specification in a way you or the working group would find
 If, for the same interface you employ this algorithm *and* the
 traditional SLAAC algorithm, that's objectionable.

Right.  With you now.

Thanks again...


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Consensus call on adopting: draft-gont-6man-stable-privacy-addresses-01

2012-04-19 Thread Eliot Lear

On 4/18/12 5:43 PM, Fernando Gont wrote:
 Hi, Eliot,

 On 04/18/2012 06:37 AM, Eliot Lear wrote:
 On 04/13/2012 10:09 AM, Eliot Lear wrote:
 At one point you write that the intent is to replace EUI-64-based
 addresses (Section 5).  
 [Correcting myself]

 The intent is to have draft-gont-6man-stable-privacy-addresses used
 instead of the IIDs that embed IEEE identifiers.

 Yes, I'm looking at the quoted paragraphs (I'm not quite sure from where
 you're quoting):
  As noted in [RFC4941], anytime a fixed identifier is used in
   multiple contexts, it becomes possible to correlate seemingly
   unrelated activity using this identifier.  Therefore, since
   privacy addresses [RFC4941] do not eliminate the use of fixed
   identifiers for server-like functions, they only *partially*
   mitigate the correlation of host activities (see Section 7 for
   some example attacks that are still possible with privacy
   addresses).  Therefore, it is vital that the privacy
 And so on.  In essence you set up an argument against 4941 but that
 isn't really your argument for the draft and so I don't really know what
 it's doing there.  
 It's not an argument against RFc4941, but rather an argument that even
 with RFC4941, you still need to do something about the IEEE-based IIDs.
 At the Paris IETF, some folks argued that if you have RFC 4941 in place,
 you don't need draft-gont-6man-stable-privacy-addresses. Section 7 of
 draft-gont-6man-stable-privacy-addresses (which should be an Appendix,
 rather than a section in the main body of the document) illustrates that
 that's not the case: even if you're employing RFC4941, you're still
 subject to host-scanning attacks and host tracking.

Well, host scanning at least.  Host tracking depends on the implementation.

 It is *not* an argument *against* RFC 4941, since it *is* valuable to
 have addresses that change over time for outging communications.

 But perhaps that's not as important as this:

 I am concerned that adopting this
 mechanism will make matters worse if this mechanism is being used as an
 alternative to CGAs, as opposed to EUI-64s..
 I don't follow. Could you clarify your concern?
 You argue that this is an alternative to EUI-64s.  
 Let me correct myself: this is an alternative to IIDs that embed IEEE
 identifiers: The modified EUI-64 format is a general format, and it does
 not need to embed IEEE identifiers (for instance, RFC4941 produce
 Mod-EUI-64 format identifiers, bu clearly do not embed IEEE identifiers).

 But in practice I am
 concerned that people will not use this as an alternative to EUI-64s,
 but instead as an alternative to CGAs, 

 I don't really follow the relationship of
 draft-gont-6man-stable-privacy-addresses with CGAs. CGAs are used for
 SEND, and are not even mentioned in this I-D.

 How do you arrive to the conclusion that people might want to use this
 instead of CGAs??

 As noted in the I-D tihs mechanism is meant to be a replacement for IIDs
 based on IEEE identifiers. This is orthogonal to RFC4941 and orthogonal
 to CGAs.

I know what you mean.  That matters less than how other people make use
of the work.  Believe me I know.  I've got my name on RFC-1918, for
crying out loud.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Consensus call on adopting: draft-gont-6man-stable-privacy-addresses-01

2012-04-18 Thread Eliot Lear
Dear Fernando,

My apologies for the delayed response:

On 4/13/12 2:31 PM, Fernando Gont wrote:
 hI, Eliot,

 On 04/13/2012 10:09 AM, Eliot Lear wrote:
 At one point you write that the intent is to replace EUI-64-based
 addresses (Section 5).  

 But that doesn't seem to jibe with what you
 write in the intro about RFC-4941.  
 Could you please cite the conflicting text?

Yes, I'm looking at the quoted paragraphs (I'm not quite sure from where
you're quoting):
  As noted in [RFC4941], anytime a fixed identifier is used in
   multiple contexts, it becomes possible to correlate seemingly
   unrelated activity using this identifier.  Therefore, since
   privacy addresses [RFC4941] do not eliminate the use of fixed
   identifiers for server-like functions, they only *partially*
   mitigate the correlation of host activities (see Section 7 for
   some example attacks that are still possible with privacy
   addresses).  Therefore, it is vital that the privacy

And so on.  In essence you set up an argument against 4941 but that
isn't really your argument for the draft and so I don't really know what
it's doing there.  But perhaps that's not as important as this:

 I am concerned that adopting this
 mechanism will make matters worse if this mechanism is being used as an
 alternative to CGAs, as opposed to EUI-64s..
 I don't follow. Could you clarify your concern?

You argue that this is an alternative to EUI-64s.  But in practice I am
concerned that people will not use this as an alternative to EUI-64s,
but instead as an alternative to CGAs, thus improving tracibility (not
generally a good thing).  Please explain what I'm missing (I'm sure it's
a lot).


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Consensus call on adopting: draft-gont-6man-stable-privacy-addresses-01

2012-04-13 Thread Eliot Lear
A question for the draft author:

At one point you write that the intent is to replace EUI-64-based
addresses (Section 5).  But that doesn't seem to jibe with what you
write in the intro about RFC-4941.  I am concerned that adopting this
mechanism will make matters worse if this mechanism is being used as an
alternative to CGAs, as opposed to EUI-64s..


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: [saag] [v6ops] ITU-T SG17 IPv6 security work items liaison

2011-06-15 Thread Eliot Lear


A suggestion just on this one point:
 I'd prefer to see the relevant WGs endorse these as useful ways
 forward before adding them to this list.

It is good for the IETF to provide the ITU's membership an opportunity
to comment either formally via the liaison process or informally as
individuals before work is finalized, just as we would like that
opportunity.  So long as we are clear on the status of the work, and the
work can reasonably be construed as relevant, it's okay to mention it. 
Now, how should one apply my advice (which is what this is) to your




IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: ITU-T SG17 IPv6 security work items liaison

2011-06-06 Thread Eliot Lear

On 6/5/11 10:30 PM, Arturo Servin wrote:
   I do not see why the ITU has to start from zero. There are several (or 
 some at least) very good RFC and I+D documents related to IPv6 security. I 
 think we should recommend them to ITU, it is good that they let us know, it 
 would be better if  they use our work as a foundation.

There are several specific areas of interest that you can view at  The
chairman and vice-chairman of the ITU's security area, SG17, are
informing us that two of their working groups which the ITU-T calls
Questions will be taking on new work relating to IPv6.

Let's review the two work items:

The first thing to note is that X.ipv6-secguide is targeted to be a
deployment guide.  We need more of these for IPv6 and we should welcome
the ITU-T's involvement.

The second document, X.mgv6 is meant to be management guidelines for
implementation of IPv6.   We provide a fair amount of this sort of
guidance in our collective works.  Also, the difference between
implementation guidance and normative statements can be very narrow. 
Therefore, this is the area most likely to have overlap.  The best way
to address that overlap is to communicate effectively through the
liaison process, and perhaps to also participate directly in the
meetings, when possible.

Here the chairman and vice-chairman of SG17 have recognized that the
IETF is an important player in the work to be done.  While no response
has been requested, it would be wise for us to provide the relevant
related work so, as you say, the ITU-T doesn't attempt to start from
scratch.  I hasten to point out that they are by no means starting from
scratch, but we should still provide them relevant guidance.  So what is
relevant guidance?  That can take several different forms:

   1. Direct participation in the Study Group meetings.  Study Group
  meetings are open to Member States and Sector Members.  ISOC is a
  Sector Member.  The IETF on its own is not.
   2. Concise and relevant liaison statements.  As this work is just
  beginning, we can point to not only the published RFCs that are
  relevant, and they include not only RFC 4294 and
  draft-ietf-6man-node-req-bis (and we can reference this as a work
  in progress, and in fact invite comment), but also relevant
  portions of other RFCs, particular their relevant Security
  Considerations sections.
   3. Informal consultations with ITU-T participants.  Believe it or
  not, this is often the most effective way to contribute.

At the same time we should invite SG17 to provide us any feedback on our
works, especially when they discover any of the following:

* A security problem;
* An obstacle to deployment; or
* An interoperability problem.

While this solicitation should not be limited to the ITU-T, that
organization has a reach into the developing world that quite frankly we
do not, and they may spot issues that relate to certain environments.

Hope this helps,


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: draft-dec-dhcpv6-route-option

2010-03-04 Thread Eliot Lear


Three questions for the group:

1.  Is there a practical limit to the number of route entries?
2.  Is there a practical need to pad in DHCP?
3.  Would it be better to provide a seed address into some sort of 
routing function so that the information can change without having to 
monkey with DHCP?



IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt

2007-07-09 Thread Eliot Lear
Having had my name on RFC 1918, I think understand some of the issues.  
There is precisely one that I find at all interesting in this proposal, 
having stated the concern in RFC 1627:

   * avoiding collisions, and Geoff Huston's math demonstrates the
 likelihood of that happening

But one needn't have reverse lookups delegated in the root to address 
this concern.

I also understand something about the differences between ULA-C and RFC 
1918.  For one, this space will be unique within the limits of human 
error.  RFC 1918 not being unique meant that providers really had no 
choice about blocking it, and IANA had no method to insert reverse 
addresses to a particular site.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Why does everyone see router renumbnering as hard? (was Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt and NAT)

2007-06-20 Thread Eliot Lear

Mark Andrews wrote:

I would have thought that router renumbering should be no
harder that host renumbering.  Essentially all you are
changing is the higher (/48 normally) prefix bits.  All
that is required is a method to distribute the set of
prefixes in use with a set of tags (global, deprecated,
ula, advertise in RA, etc.).

I think there has been hype on both sides of this question.  Router 
renumbering used to be VERY annoying.  I've now published several times 
on the subject and I can say that it's not as hard as it was, but it's 
not as easy as it could be.  Specifically, prefix delegation should do 
the job for small routers, particularly in the consumer market.  Making 
use of PD in the enterprise is more experimental, I would say, because, 
as Bill alludes, there are quite a number of knobs to play with.  
Consider that a typical enterprise router not only has interface 
addresses and routing subsystems and firewalls, but may also have such 
fun as VRRP/HSRP configurations, load balancing capabilities, 
NetFlow/sflow collectors, multicast configuration that has some unicast 
addresses hidden in it, management configuration (e.g., SNMP, SYSLOG, 
other), and the like.

In my opinion, this means that the router of the future needs to look a 
little different, and this has implications for other subsystems.  Much 
of this could conceivably be hidden with DNS, but the router itself 
needs to function not just deterministically but predictably down to the 
minute in terms of which addresses it is using.  DNS isn't very good at 
that because your TTLs are based on when you query, and are tied to 
relatively fixed configurations, but it can be used for many things even 
so.  And today you can do that in many portions of the configuration - 
but not all.

It is possible to abstract out much of the configuration EVEN WITHOUT 
DNS, and modularize those things that will change.  And we've done 
*some* of that at Cisco, but we all could do more.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Why does everyone see router renumbnering as hard? (was Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt and NAT)

2007-06-20 Thread Eliot Lear

Jeroen Massar wrote:

Eliot Lear wrote:

Mark Andrews wrote:

I would have thought that router renumbering should be no
harder that host renumbering.  Essentially all you are
changing is the higher (/48 normally) prefix bits.  All
that is required is a method to distribute the set of
prefixes in use with a set of tags (global, deprecated,
ula, advertise in RA, etc.).

I think there has been hype on both sides of this question.  Router
renumbering used to be VERY annoying.  I've now published several times
on the subject

Any links to the papers?

There are two that I can point you at, and perhaps the temporal 
difference would be at least amusing:

   * Renumbering: Threat or Menace?, Lear, Katinsky, Tharp, et al,
 Proceedings of the Tenth Systems Administration Conference (LISA96)
   * Procedures for Renumbering an IPv6 Network Without a Flag Day,
 Baker, Lear, Droms, RFC 4192, September, 2005.

I would also add that Tim Chown has done an extensive amount of work in 
this space.

Indeed, but except for firewalling, it is why I mentioned using a local
space (PI) or some other 'globally unique chunk that they can keep'.

Certainly we've heard this argument from large enterprise customers.

One will then configure all the internal setups (snmp,syslog,sflow/netflow
etc) using the forever addresses and won't have to care about those anymore.


Routing internally can also happen using those addresses, though the scary
bit is of course when the MTU does change or a Host/Net unreach has to be
sent, the router has to pick the correct global address and not the one
which is only used inside the network.

This really depends on just how scary an enterprise routing 
configuration is.  They can be quite complex depending on both their 
internal and external connectivity, and each has some implications for 
the other.  There are quite a number of enterprises that make heavy use 
of BGP internally.  But certainly the point of ULAs was to provide some 
stability in this area.  I think LISP (draft-farinacci-lisp-00.txt) has 
promise here as well, as may Robin's iVIP proposal (see the ram archives 
for details).

In my opinion, this means that the router of the future needs to look a
little different, and this has implications for other subsystems.


Which is indeed why I am thinking that ID/LOC is the way to go. One internal
prefix on the local network, and whatever prefix is on the global Internet.
Apply ID/LOC when your packets are going somewhere where you can't use your
local prefix.

If your point is that you should never have to renumber, then that's a 
lovely way to go.  It will still happen, of course, as companies merge 
and grow.  I think IPv6 helps with the latter, but the former is still a 
challenge simply because topologies change.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Why does everyone see router renumbnering as hard? (was Re: draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-02.txt and NAT)

2007-06-20 Thread Eliot Lear


I totally understand the concern over circular dependencies.  They are 
not to be underestimated.  And in a service provider environment I think 
you must be doubly cautious about them.  However, in an enterprise 
environment it may be appropriate to make certain allowances for certain 
services, and under certain circumstances.  For instance, a load 
balancer may require DNS to be functioning already in order for it to 
service requests.  Similarly, it may be possible to secondary a zone 
in order to be able to bring up certain other services, such as NTP.  It 
is *even* possible to retain policy in DNS if one really wants to do so 
under such circumstances, but one has to at that point consider what 
your failsafe is.

Ultimately, however, the administrative issues of renumbering revolve 
around an inability to abstract IP address information.  In solving that 
problem, however one performs the dereference from abstract to concrete, 
one must worry about dependency loops.  A configuration server could 
just as easily be unavailable, for instance, as a name server.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: address selection and DHCPv6

2006-10-27 Thread Eliot Lear


Ipv6 address will be much more stable
than EUI64.
But, more importantly, they will be centrally assigned, ie can be
to places that maitain ACLs.

Just because one receives a DHCP-assigned address doesn't mean one will 
use it, and so such security is fraught with risks.  I'm not say it's 
impossible, but great caution is needed when going in this direction.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Endianness of IPv6 and payloads

2006-09-17 Thread Eliot Lear

 [write a draft]

How about revving 2460?


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: Prefix Delegation using ICMPv6

2006-08-23 Thread Eliot Lear
Syam Madanapalli wrote:
 Currently DHCP mechanism works only between routers whereas this
 new mechanism works for end hosts. 

The difference between a router and a host is a routing process and a
willingness to forward packets, not how it interprets ICMP or whether it
can parse DHCP.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: RFC3484 problem: scoping with site-locals/ULAs

2006-05-10 Thread Eliot Lear
David  others,

If I understand the problem correctly, no matter whether you prefer IPv4
or IPv6 the presumption that is failing us is that if the interface has
an A or  record associated with it then it is reachable on that
address.  And yet DNS has no real understanding of reachability except
in the crude case of split DNS.  Would this be a reasonable assessment
or did I blow it?


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: RFC4193 - ULA universal/local bit = 1 or 0

2006-04-27 Thread Eliot Lear
 On Thu, 27 Apr 2006, Soohong Daniel Park wrote:
 While adopting ULA into the local networks, I am curious
 how to set universal/local bit of Interface ID. There is
 no any mention in RFC4193. Which is correct ? 1 or 0 ?

 1 is for those assigned to you while 0 are free for any to use last I read 
 up on the subject.

By my reading I think you have it backwards.  Here is the relevant text:

  L Set to 1 if the prefix is locally assigned.
Set to 0 may be defined in the future.  See
Section 3.2 for additional information.

Today, so far as I know, there is no defined allocation plan or system
for one to set that bit to 0.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: IPv6 Multi-homing BOF at NANOG 35

2005-10-16 Thread Eliot Lear

David Conrad wrote:

 On Oct 15, 2005, at 2:34 AM, Eliot Lear wrote:
The IETF cannot legislate prefix lengths, but the argument behind 
conservation beyond /48 would be utterly silly and demonstrates a 
revenue opportunity, plain and simple.

When multiple /19s and /20s have been allocated and there are rumors of 
much shorter prefixes which can be justified under the current rules, 
I'm not so sure discussions about conservation can be classified as 
utterly silly.

Did you see the words beyond /48 somewhere above, David?  I'm not 
saying we should be blowing allocations like /19s and /20s (although I 
would be interested in data on that and the ).

This is a matter of timescale.  Prefixes should be expected to change. 
In fact, SHIM6 should be able to provide equivalent of SCTP's ADD-IP 
to *devalue* prefix stability.

Unfortunately, since applications are aware of IP address structures 
(both v4 and, sadly, v6), you'll need to rewrite all applications, 
libraries, and kernels to tolerate changes in those addresses at 
arbitrary times or face broken connections or misdirected packets.  An 
apparent base assumption in IPv4 was that addresses were stable over a 
session (be it connection-oriented or connectionless).  This 
assumption permeates every IP stack.  Given DNS root server IP addresses 
retired over 10 years ago still get 30 queries per second, I doubt 
prefixes can be expected to change by all applications in  our lifetimes.

This is the purpose of SHIM6.  It is not something meant to happen 
overnight.  And it is not something that is meant as a forklift upgrade. 
 And I will be you dollars to doughnuts that those 30q/s are not 
harming any application that anyone cares about (other than generating 
unnecessary load).


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: IPv6 Multi-homing BOF at NANOG 35

2005-10-15 Thread Eliot Lear


Unfortunately, that does not address most of the problems that drive the
demand for NAT.  The current economic model is:

1) Pay for addresses
2) Pay more for stable addresses
3) Pay much more for portable stable addresses

With more address space available, IPv6 may help with (1) if providers play
along.  But as we have recently seen, customer prefix lengths are already
under attack by perfectly reasonable-sounding conservation arguments.  A
need to conserve always justifies a need to charge.

The IETF cannot legislate prefix lengths, but the argument behind 
conservation beyond /48 would be utterly silly and demonstrates a 
revenue opportunity, plain and simple.

IPv6 does nothing good for (2).  In fact it makes the situation worse by
making renumbering easier without making it less disruptive.  Assuming I
understand the protocol correctly, shim6 increases the premium on stable
addresses since they will be necessary for its version of PA multi-homing.
(Shim6 seems to let you build stable quasi-identifiers on top of two or
more stable locators.  I would prefer a solution that lets you build stable
identifiers on top of one or more unstable locator(s).)

This is a matter of timescale.  Prefixes should be expected to change. 
In fact, SHIM6 should be able to provide equivalent of SCTP's ADD-IP to 
*devalue* prefix stability.

IPv6 itself does nothing good for (3).  PI allocations may well be available
to some set of entities for a while to ease the transition, but that just
brings us back to routing table concerns.  There is no general PI solution
on the horizon, and shim6 may make such a solution less likely to appear.

The whole point of SHIM6 from my point of view is quite the opposite by 
providing a means to advertise access via other prefixes.  So could you 
please justify your above statement?


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: IPv6 Multi-homing BOF at NANOG 35

2005-10-11 Thread Eliot Lear


We'll always need PI. The Independence part of PI is what people 
/really/ want. They don't want multiple-PA (they can do that already 
relatively easily). If people can not get globally-unique PI addresses 
they will use private PI space and use address translation.

I think enterprise administrators would be happy to go one level deeper 
under certain circumstances:

 - there is a selection algorithm that works properly

 - there is the ability to switch between the two without loss of
   L4 connections

 - it can be administered easily

 - etc.  This was the a large part of why Randy Bush asked for


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: [rfc2462bis] relationship between M/O flags and relatedprotocols

2004-05-18 Thread Eliot Lear

Christian Huitema wrote:
The downside with speculative text is that it creates a weak spot in the
RFC. Ask yourself how much of the text will still be valid in 5 years,
when have more operation experience. The normative text will probably
still be, but there is a high likelihood that the speculative text will
be off-base. What will we do then? Rewrite the entire RFC?
We update it like anything else.  In the end what enterprises will need 
are a set of predictable behaviors so they know how long transition 
states will last.  So long as you can answer those questions in the 
draft, life is good.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-ipv6-deprecate-site-local-02.txt

2003-12-08 Thread Eliot Lear

Your proposal below is fine.  Brian, what do you think?


Alain Durand wrote:

The whole story about deprecating Site Local has led to very complex 
that a lot of people had difficulties to follow, partly because the 
issues are complex
and partly because of the heat of the debate.
As we are coming near to a conclusion to this painful story, I believe 
we owe
implementors and network administrators very clear guidelines on what to 
do now
and confusion in this section of the document is IMHO not acceptable.

I think the key is to dissociate in this text what implementors and what 
network administrator
have to do.

To the implementors:
a) don't implement SL if you are designing a new product
b) don't rush removing SL support from your current products, this can
 be done in future releases.
To network administrators:
a) don't design new networks using SL
b) don't rush redesigning your existing network using SL
however, don't expect them to work in the future as new 
implementations will not support SL.

If we explain it this way, maybe we can get rid of the MUST/SHOULD 
keywords in this section
as anyway they are inappropriate as the IETF cannot tell nor enforce 
what implementors
or network administrators do or don't.

- Alain.

On Dec 5, 2003, at 9:43 AM, Christian Huitema wrote:

It would actually be much simpler and less confusing to say only
The special behavior of this prefix SHOULD no longer be supported
and nothing about existing deployments.

This doesn't work operationally, because people use site-locals today.
And as we've debated endlessly we don't do flag days anymore.
IMHO this text is good enough to ship.

I understand Alain's point, the possible confusion about what do in
service packs and other types of upgrades, but we went round and round
and eventually decided to just leave the text as is.
We had a very explicit discussion of this topic during the WG meeting in
Minneapolis, and the sense of the room was rather close to Eliot's
opinion. In fact, I proposed to change the text to Alain's wording, but
Brian Carpenter objected that this would cause more confusion, since we
really want to say MUST not use to prevent further usage, and SHOULD
does not achieve that. The sense of the room was clearly with Brian. I
guess this is one of the cases where the consensus is a bit rough.
-- Christian Huitema

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-ipv6-deprecate-site-local-02.txt

2003-12-08 Thread Eliot Lear

Brian E Carpenter wrote:

Which software release counts as new is indeed not a question for
the IETF, and each implementer will have to make his/her own judgement
about exactly when to remove the feature. But I don't think it's wrong to
say that they MUST remove it.
Sorry- I'm lost in pronouns here.  Who MUST remove it?  If you're 
referring to new implementations (for some value of new), I agree.


IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: IPv6 w.g. Last Call on Deprecating Site Local Addresses

2003-11-05 Thread Eliot Lear

In response to your last call, I'd like to comment on the following 
sections of the document:

Section 2.4 Site is a Vague Concept

This section does overstate the case.  The last paragraph itself is 
sufficient cause for concern, regarding the concept as it was 
envisioned.  There is nothing wrong with an administratively scoped 
boundary, and I would make that more clear.  What must be clear is what 
happens when you have more than one such beastie.

Section 4

I agree with Alain.  Any text that reads MUST no longer be supported 
is itself not supportable ;-)  The IETF cannot dictate this sort of 
behavior, and making claims that we can is not helpful.  I would simply 
state that the behavior is deprecated, and that new implementations 
needn't implement it.  Whether they choose to do so is a matter for them.

Realistically speaking I would be concerned if my routing vendor 
released a new piece of software that caused my existing network to stop 
routing.   Thus, the text, However, router implementations SHOULD be 
configured to prevent routing of this prefix by default, is not quite 
right.  I understand this was not the intent, given what is said about 
existing deployments, but a router doesn't know from existing versus new 
deployments.  Rather, something like the following:

New routing implementations should not support the functionality 
necessary to implement site-local scoping, and existing implementations 
should anticipate removing existing support at some point in the future.

ps: you may use any of my words without listing me as an author ;-)

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
Administrative Requests:

Re: why market picked up NATs [Re: Writeups on why RFC1918 is bad?]

2003-09-24 Thread Eliot Lear
DING DING IPv4-0-Meter just went off.

Why is this an issue in v6-land, assuming you can get a v6 consumer 
networking device?


Michel Py wrote:


Thomas Narten wrote:
If you are residential user, try finding a home router
that is actually a Real Router. I've come to the
unfortunate conclusion that they no longer exist.

The $40 router never existed. Get real, there is no way to support Joe
Blow configuring a router if it sells for $40.
There are dual-ethernet products such as the Netopia R910 ($170) that do
what you are looking for. There also are several sub-$100 boxes, none of
them I could recommend because the manufacturer will likely tank before
the end of the year. And if you want a real firewall you still have to
spend a mighty $350 for a SonicWall.

I had been living in bliss

A too common problem within the IETF. Maybe it would be useful for some
people here to actually get out in the real world.

Given the current feature/functionaliy/price point reality
of home routers, getting them to implement reasonable
functionality as an IPv6 router seems like it will be a
rather hard sell. :-(

It's impossible to deliver because of supportability issues.
Technically, the code could be embedded in a $40 box, nobody wants to do
that though because it will take $300 to cover support calls.

IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
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IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
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