Hi all,

I wonder if you could point me towards the right direction here...

2 Debian boxes running Quagga, connected to 2 different transit
providers, both receiving a full v4 tables and working fine.  iBGP fine etc.

I've started to add v6 to our transits (sorry, a little behind!).

I have (so far) got one of our transit providers peering v6, and the BGP
is working fine (router1)

I have then configured router1 to talk to BGP to router2.  Router2 does
NOT yet have v6 transit, just v4.  I am expecting router2 to 'see' all
the v6 routes are via router1 and just forward all traffic.

However the rate at which router2 is learning routes from router1 is SO

Router 1:

r1# show ipv6 bgp summary
BGP router identifier x.x.x.x, local AS number xxxx
RIB entries 27004, using 2532 KiB of memory
Peers 4, using 18 KiB of memory

Neighbor        V    AS MsgRcvd MsgSent   TblVer  InQ OutQ Up/Down
                4  xxxx  186002   19073        0    0    0 01w6d06h    14085

                4 xxxx  276399  304443        0    0    0 00:14:58        0

Total number of neighbors 2

So the top entry is the full 14085 routes from our transit, nothing from
the 2nd peer, router2 as that has no v6 transit (yet), so expected

But on router2:

r2# sh ipv6 bgp summary
BGP router identifier xx.xx.xx.xx, local AS number xxxx
RIB entries 5, using 480 bytes of memory
Peers 3, using 13 KiB of memory

Neighbor        V    AS MsgRcvd MsgSent   TblVer  InQ OutQ Up/Down
                4 46130   89859   69214        0    0    0 00:18:11        2

Total number of neighbors 1

It has only received 2 routes from router1!

Could it be router2 is only receiving updates from router1 and not the
whole table?  I would expect / want to see all 14085.  I have disabled
any ingress filters (just for testing!)....stuck...help?

Hope I haven't unwittingly broken a any list etiquette!



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