Dear WG, To document the currently available IPv6-based solutions to support multi-homing connectivity (e.g. a typical requirement of an enterprise site) we have developed the draft "IPv6 Site Connection to Many Carriers" ( The draft, co-authored by five people, is active in the IETF v6ops WG. The target we’d like to achieve is to provide a list of the possible ways to support multi-homing through IPv6, discussing the pros and the cons of each method. You will notice, we have included in the current list the common mechanisms (e.g. PI addressing or PA multi-prefix assignment) but also NPTv6 and even NAT66, despite the fact that are not considered positively by the majority of the IPv6 community.
The reason for sharing is twofold. On the one hand, we’d like to get the feedback of the community on the technical content, e.g. whether anything is missing or needs more discussion. On the other, we have prepared a short survey to collect data from the field and get a picture of the solutions that are more widely deployed. The survey is anonymous and can be accessed here: If possible, we’ll discuss the draft content and the relevant survey at the next RIPE meeting. Thank you for your cooperation. Paolo
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