[IRCA] Algeria-549 best ever MN 0443 UTC

2010-11-03 Thread George Sherman
Singing in presumed Arabic, quite clear. Also audio on 603, 855, +? 73, George 
S., MN

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[IRCA] TP for 3 Nov from Victoria, BC.

2010-11-03 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
I think I may have a problem with one of my antennas (signals very quiet), but 
my gosh, I had a bigger problem with the ionosphere.   Gary noted the deadness 
at 1300 already, and yes, things did improve a bit at 1330UT, but not really 
much beyond that.  I didn't try too hard though

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least


reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it understandable by a
native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

774 JOUB at 1340UT; often nothing but a carrier

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or noise could be
understood by a native speaker

189 R. Rossii  with a SAH on it
594 JOAK 
747 JOIB

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by
cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music) :

153 seemed to be R. Rossii
567 JOIK likely, seemed //594
945...a surprise, as the weak talk seemed to be //4460, for CNR-1

Strongish het, no audio (either undermodulated or ravaged by splatter):


best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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Re: [IRCA] no more am

2010-11-03 Thread Colin Newell

A flip-side...

I work in a multi-media design lab with a bunch of middle-aged guys...
and 20something co-op students...

Most of the kids have a sound knowledge of all methods of communications,
including terrestrial radio, AM, FM - even shortwave...
some of them are taking an interest in electronics design, sound engineering...
some are kit builders...
Not this is not unusual considering that this is their prescribed career area.
My overall point being: young people seem to find these classic hobbies, like 
radio and radio listening in general - kind of old school, retro and appealing.

All is definitely not lost.

Colin Newell is the editor and creator of Coffeecrew.com, DXer.ca and 
BobHarris.com Amateur Radio VA7WWV - Victoria B.C. Canada | 
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[IRCA] Ferrite antenna

2010-11-03 Thread Craig Healy
Yesterday I had some time so I put a 24" ferrite rod antenna at the top of 
my 80' tower.  Reason was to try to get away from the noise.  In the house, 
noise is enough to bother semi-locals especially at the bottom of the band.

It did reduce the noise and oddly it increased the signal levels by at least 
10db.  I did a scan through the dial from that antenna and then again using 
an identical one that's in my truck.  Noise did seem to drop.

It's set to null in the direction of New York City.  WFAN-660 is down to an 
unlistenable level.  Other stations are also minimised.  At night it does 
work decently.  At some point I may bring a rotor up there so I can actively 
null stations.

On another matter, I have an issue with the SDR-14.  When I upgraded the 
Spectravue software the gain dropped a lot.  In the past I could see peak 
carrier levels of around -20 on the waterfall.  Now it's closer to -80db. 
Still can hear most things, but it seems quite deaf in comparison.  I have 
set to maximum gain for both IF and RF.  Bringing it down from that makes 
things inaudible.  I brought in the Palstar radio from the truck and hooked 
it up to the output of the preamp.  Locals were close to S9+40 on the meter. 
Plenty of signal.  I went through every possible selection on the menu and 
nothing brought it back.  Anyone else notice this?  Maybe there's a failure 
of an amplifier or other component in it.  Everything else works correctly. 
Just not much sensitivity.

Craig Healy
Providence, RI

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[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 3 Nov 2010

2010-11-03 Thread Nigel Pimblett
  Even less than inspiring than yesterday this morning here in southern 
Alberta.   No TP audio at all until after 1400 when the Japanese on 747 
and 774 came up to fair level for several minutes.


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, Alberta

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[IRCA] no more am

2010-11-03 Thread Robbie j.
Hey All, Just wanted to say a word about Russ`s comments about the am band. I`m 
just under 40(38) and can really relate to this. I was at a friends home some 
years ago one night and was tuning the bands with his sterio.(a stock portable) 
His then live-in honey(she`s now gone else-ware) was amazed at what I was 
hearing here in Rock springs.(wlw,kfi, and a few others) My friend was 
surprised as well! My dad introduced me to amdxing when I was a teenager one 
 I think a lot of the problem is that most young people don`t have people in 
the know(like him) to show them whats out there to hear on the "typical" 
night.(Most don`t care anyway, unfortinatly) They wouldn`t have the patience 
anymore either to deal with band conds. as well as taking the time to log what 
they hear.(if I can`t have it now,(and in the clear) then I`m not interested!) 
 I hope that I don`t have to endor the end of amdx. Then it would really be 
time to "hang up the headphones" for good! I don`t know what I`d do if I 
couldn`t chase dx on a clear, cold, wyoming winters eve! But me thinks that now 
I`m in the minority. Most people don`t give a hoot much about the exclamation 
of "I got L.A. from wyoming!" It just dosen`t have the hitting power that it 
did I guess in my dads day.(or in is dads day for sure) 
 Too bad! People don`t know what their missing!(esp. the young) I will be 
forever greatful to my dad for showing me the ways of the am band that 
night(meny years ago now) on a 250 mile trip across part of wyoming! He  
explaned to me what I was hearing(ksl and a few others) and WHY it was 
there.(being that we were a fair distance from SLC, as well as the other 
stations) I was about 16 at the time.   
 Good dx to all and may the may band be here for a LONG time to come! Robbie in 
southwest wyoming(kd7cjo in dn51) 

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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 11-3

2010-11-03 Thread D1028Gary
Hello All,
 This morning's Asian signals ranged from comatose  (at 1300) to fair 
(around 1420), with some moderately good "big gun" TP  audio during brief 
moments. The first band check at 1300 was miserable indeed,  with even all the 
Asian carriers way down in the noise (this was probably the  same situation 
that Bill noted). The comatose band gave every impression of  being down for 
the count, although around 1330 the dead carriers started  springing to 
life, and before 1400 a few "big guns" like 747 and 774 were  producing fair 
audio through the domestic splatter. The situation continued to  gradually 
improve until around 1420, when 738-BEL2 produced enough fair Chinese  audio 
for a "soft mute" test of the new Tecsun PL-606 Ultralight radio  model (more 
later). The second-tier TP's never really got out of the gate this  morning, 
though, and the usual Chinese overachievers like 936-Anhui and  1377-CNR1 
were silent. Several Asian powerhouses like 648-VOR and 972-HLCA were  decent 
around 1430, though, and 657-Pyongyang got in a few weak Korean tirades  
before the band collapsed around 1445. In general the morning's session  was 
lackluster, but certainly much better than its prognosis at  1300.
 The following were heard on a C.Crane SWP Slider  model (7.5" 
loopstick) and a new Tecsun PL-606 stock model, inductively coupled  to a 9' 
PVC tuned passive loop (in the cold back yard). A modified  ICF-2010 (30" 
loopstick) was used as an SSB spotting receiver:
594  JOAK  Tokyo, Japan  Fair-good Japanese talk program  1412
603  HLSA  Namyang, S. Korea (presumed)  Threshold  music 1417
648  VOR   Razdolnoye, Russia  Fair-good JJ audio late  at 1430
738  BEL2  Penghu, Taiwan  Fair male-female Chinese speech  at
 1418   _http://www.mediafire.com/?a1vlskgi1aeun4n_ 
747  JOIB   Sapporo, Japan  Fair Radio English  conversation study
 program at 1348  _http://www.mediafire.com/?s7kgh4qhqtdxx1o_ 
774  JOUB  Akita, Japan  Fair Radio Chinese program in bad  KTTH
 splatter around  1416
828  JOBB  Osaka, Japan  Fair-good Radio Chinese around  1407
972  HLCA  Dangjin, S. Korea  Fair-good Korean speech at  1410
1134  KBS3  Hwaseong, S. Korea  Poor-fair Korean in splatter  1355
1566  HLAZ  Jeju, S. Korea  Fair-good Japanese religious pgm  1342
1575  VOA  Ban Rassom, Thailand  Poor-fair Asiatic language  1414
 For those interested in the new Tecsun PL-606 (the  newest 1 kHz DSP 
Ultralight model), a "soft mute" test was run on the fair  signal from 
738-BEL2 (Taiwan, in Chinese) at 1420 this morning. The new  PL-606 was 
inductively coupled to the 9' PVC loop, and a recording was made on  738 kHz 
for the 
first 20 seconds, and then on 737 kHz (1 kHz farther from the  740-KCBS 
splatter) for the next 21 seconds. 
Although the KCBS splatter and 2 kHz heterodyne disappeared on 737, so did  
much of Taiwan's signal, unfortunately. In this respect the new Tecsun  
PL-606 may resemble its PL-310 sibling, more than the reduced-soft-mute PL-380  
model. Further tests are planned later today on the highly sensitive  new 
radio, the most compact 1 kHz DSP Ultralight on the market.
73 and Good DX, 
Gary DeBock
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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 11-3

2010-11-03 Thread D1028Gary
Hello All,
 This morning's Asian signals ranged from comatose  (at 1300) to fair 
(around 1420), with some moderately good "big gun" TP  audio during brief 
moments. The first band check at 1300 was miserable indeed,  with even all the 
Asian carriers way down in the noise (this was probably the  same situation 
that Bill noted). The comatose band gave every impression of  being down for 
the count, although around 1330 the dead carriers started  springing to 
life, and before 1400 a few "big guns" like 747 and 774 were  producing fair 
audio through the domestic splatter. The situation continued to  gradually 
improve until around 1420, when 738-BEL2 produced enough fair Chinese  audio 
for a "soft mute" test of the new Tecsun PL-606 Ultralight radio  model (more 
later). The second-tier TP's never really got out of the gate this  morning, 
though, and the usual Chinese overachievers like 936-Anhui and  1377-CNR1 
were silent. Several Asian powerhouses like 648-VOR and 972-HLCA were  decent 
around 1430, though, and 657-Pyongyang got in a few weak Korean tirades  
before the band collapsed around 1445. In general the morning's session  was 
lackluster, but certainly much better than its prognosis at  1300.
 The following were heard on a C.Crane SWP Slider  model (7.5" 
loopstick) and a new Tecsun PL-606 stock model, inductively coupled  to a 9' 
PVC tuned passive loop (in the cold back yard). A modified  ICF-2010 (30" 
loopstick) was used as an SSB spotting receiver:
594  JOAK  Tokyo, Japan  Fair-good Japanese talk program  1412
603  HLSA  Namyang, S. Korea (presumed)  Threshold  music 1417
648  VOR   Razdolnoye, Russia  Fair-good JJ audio late  at 1430
738  BEL2  Penghu, Taiwan  Fair male-female Chinese speech  at
 1418   _http://www.mediafire.com/?a1vlskgi1aeun4n_ 
747  JOIB   Sapporo, Japan  Fair Radio English  conversation study
 program at 1348  _http://www.mediafire.com/?s7kgh4qhqtdxx1o_ 
774  JOUB  Akita, Japan  Fair Radio Chinese program in bad  KTTH
 splatter around  1416
828  JOBB  Osaka, Japan  Fair-good Radio Chinese around  1407
972  HLCA  Dangjin, S. Korea  Fair-good Korean speech at  1410
1134  KBS3  Hwaseong, S. Korea  Poor-fair Korean in splatter  1355
1566  HLAZ  Jeju, S. Korea  Fair-good Japanese religious pgm  1342
1575  VOA  Ban Rassom, Thailand  Poor-fair Asiatic language  1414
 For those interested in the new Tecsun PL-606 (the  newest 1 kHz DSP 
Ultralight model), a "soft mute" test was run on the fair  signal from 
738-BEL2 (Taiwan, in Chinese) at 1420 this morning. The new  PL-606 was 
inductively coupled to the 9' PVC loop, and a recording was made on  738 kHz 
for the 
first 20 seconds, and then on 737 kHz (1 kHz farther from the  740-KCBS 
splatter) for the next 21 seconds. 
Although the KCBS splatter and 2 kHz heterodyne disappeared on 737, so did  
much of Taiwan's signal, unfortunately. In this respect the new Tecsun  
PL-606 may resemble its PL-310 sibling, more than the reduced-soft-mute PL-380  
model. Further tests are planned later today on the highly sensitive  new 
radio, the most compact 1 kHz DSP Ultralight on the market.
73 and Good DX, 
Gary DeBock
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Re: [IRCA] Norway's AMs

2010-11-03 Thread Horacio Nigro
Received and verified in Uruguay, So. America, too.

   Horacio A. Nigro

De: bill kral 
Para: irca@hard-core-dx.com
Enviado: mié,3 noviembre, 2010 14:10
Asunto: Re: [IRCA] Norway's AMs

The most powerful Norway AM on 1314 in Kvitsoy  was operating with 1 million 
watts and was receivable as far south as Holland during daylight hours. It was 
also the first European AM that was tunable on an airline flight from Vancouver 
to Amsterdam and could be tracked for at least three hours between Iceland and 
the destination.It was shut down a few years ago. Bill in BC

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Re: [IRCA] Norway's AMs

2010-11-03 Thread bill kral
The most powerful Norway AM on 1314 in Kvitsoy  was operating with 1 million 
watts and was receivable as far south as Holland during daylight hours. It was 
also the first European AM that was tunable on an airline flight from Vancouver 
to Amsterdam and could be tracked for at least three hours between Iceland and 
the destination.It was shut down a few years ago. Bill in BC

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[IRCA] MW DX from Enid OK, November 2-3, 2010

2010-11-03 Thread Glenn Hauser
All times and dates strictly UT. MW log editors are welcome to excerpt items, 
reformat and change to favorite timezone if necessary. Rx: mostly DX-398 with 
internal antenna only; some caradio as specified; above 2 MHz on FRG-7 with 
110-foot east-west longwire.
** MEXICO. Nov 3 I was snoozing thru the sunrise skip window from NW Mexico, 
yet at the late hour of 1328 UT I am hearing Spanish on 710 in the null of KEEL 
Shreveport [see USA], and sure enough, soon copy ``La Ranchera de Cuauhtémoc`` 
jingle. XEDP normally peaks about an hour earlier, and Chihuahua is prettymuch 
gone by 1300. By 1347, KGNC Amarillo is dominating 710 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 720, on caradio in western Enid, Nov 2 at 1820, WGN with promo, weak 
but steady. This is only one dodekaminute before local mean noon here which is 
always at 1832 UT (and means we should be in the UT-7 zone, not UT -6, let 
alone UT -5 we have been forced to observe for the past almost 8 months!). 

The sun is now low enough to allow residual skywave over more than a megameter 
from Chicago, as we observe periodically within a sesquimonth of winter 
solstice. Also, there is CCI on KLTT Denver, which normally has 670 to itself 
at the edge of its groundwave, so no doubt signs of WSCR Chicago. By 1912 
recheck, WGN was a bit stronger. However, nothing unusual higher up the band, 
notably 1690 where I look for WVON Chicago, with 10 kW non-direxional at topend 
of the band ought to be skywavable, but such openings seem to favor lowend, 
akin to groundwave. WBBM 780 might make it too, or WLS 890, but both those are 
blocked by OK stations in the daytime.

570 seemed a bit strange. Normally, KLIF TX dominates but there is always WNAX 
SD audio underneath causing a slow SAH. At 1825, there were signs of another 
SAH from a third very weak signal, but no third audio. It seems the most likely 
source by distance would be 1 kW WKYX in Paducah KY, tho it has a null toward 
Dallas; would not expect it at all by groundwave, thru the poor-conductivity 
Ozarx (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 720, checking again for KDWN Las Vegas, Nov 3 at 1315 UT discussion 
of the elexion ``here in Nevada`` but it`s really an ABC News correspondent via 
WGN, tsk; 1317 Chicago traffic, of little interest in LV. 

At 1332 KSAH in Spanish is up producing usual 4 Hz SAH with WGN, mentioning San 
Antonio College, still no KDWN, which apparently is not switching to day 
pattern at 1315 instead of correct 1415 for November (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 710, Nov 3 at 1326 UT, news in English from NW/SE, soon obviously 
from KEEL Shreveport LA, since refers to ``our state`` and Louisiana, Katrina 
consequences. Tho 50/5 kW, this one is seldom heard here, with deep null toward 
us, major lobes from SW to SE, day and night. See also MEXICO. By 1347, KGNC 
Amarillo is dominating 710 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 1030, Nov 3 at 1335 I am getting financial/stox news in 
Spanish from E/W, mentions both pesos and dólares, stingers between each item; 
definitely not N/S so not KCTA which is bilingual religious. Then at 1340 a 
second station in Spanish with romantic music, 1343 both of them talking, but 
too much CCI to sort them out. 

While there are several US Spanish stations on 1030, most likely by far here is 
WGSF Memphis TN, now on day power of 50 kW and non-direxional per NRC Pattern 
Book. Strangely, I don`t recall hearing it before. The other one, likely XEYC 
R. Fórmula, Ciudad Juárez, Chih., or possibly XEMPM, R. Fama, Los Mochis, 
Sinaloa (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 3160, since WPJK Orangeburg SC second harmonic was already on the air 
a few minutes before legal sunrise 1200 UT Nov 2, I started monitoring Nov 3 at 
1125. Nothing there until *1139 abrupt carrier on and standard sign-on 
announcement a few sex later, mentioning name of general manager, who is 
obviously clueless about his harmonic or when he should sign on. 

So do they still intend to sign on at the illegal November time of 1130? That 
of course makes it more DXable, but surely not the reason. Right into Gospel 
Train with its ``conductor``, beginning with `Q` in Morse toots, the same 
signal heard by compression waves in Enid and everywhere from trains warning of 
approaches to street crossings. Next check more than hour later at 1251, the 
3160 carrier could still be detected (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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Re: [IRCA] 1590 - Flintstones?!

2010-11-03 Thread Barry Wasylik
Grand Forks is likely - I'm getting a good signal in the daytime in Winnipeg
(150 miles north of GF)
that nulls in the direction of Grand Forks

On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 4:58 AM, Paul B. Walker, Jr. <
walkerbroadcast...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Could it be KCNN East Grand Forks, MN/Grand Forks, ND? They're listed as
> country and looks like the closest 1590 to both Terry in Regina and Nigel
> in
> Duymore. I know they've recently added an FM translator and thought they
> have done other tweaks to the station lately, so who knows what is going
> on.
> Paul Walker
> On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 9:25 PM, Saul DX  wrote:
> > Forwarded, might be something some of you can catch?
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Terry Keyowski" 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 7:55 PM
> > Subject: [AMFMTVDX] 1590 - Flintstones?!
> >
> >
> > > I'm hearing some station continously broadcasting the theme from The
> > > Flintstones with "shut-up"'s spoken between repeating theme.  Its
> fading
> > > in & out between 5:15 and 5:45 PM CST/MDT (no DST in Saskatchewan).
> > > Anybody close to this station identify or could be a target for others?
> > >
> > > ---
> > > Terry Keyowski
> > > Regina, Sask.
> >
> ___
> IRCA mailing list
> IRCA@hard-core-dx.com
> http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/irca
> Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the
> original contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the
> IRCA, its editors, publishing staff, or officers
> For more information: http://www.ircaonline.org
> To Post a message: irca@hard-core-dx.com
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[IRCA] Arizona TP's for 11-3-10

2010-11-03 Thread Bill Block

Listened from 1305-1355 utc and conditions was down from yesterday with no 
audio at all.  The only carriers were on 594, 693 and 774 and at times I heard 
no carriers!

Bill Block
Prescott Valley, AZ
Drake R8

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[IRCA] TP's for 11/03/10

2010-11-03 Thread vroomski

Listened from 1200 to 1309 utc.  Conditions continue to be down here.

153  RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1200-1207 6 pips and Radio Rossii ID by man.  
Fair signal.
 ID again at 1210.
180  RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1207 very weak.
189  RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1209 very weak.
279  RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1208 weak to fair with man/woman in Russian.
774  JAPAN, JOUB NHK2 1213 fair with man in Japanese.
828  JAPAN, JOBB NHK2 1214 weak and // 774.
1566 REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLAZ 1305 very weak, with a few words heard.

Salmon Creek, WA
JRC 545 & R8B
NW ewe
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Re: [IRCA] 1590 - Flintstones?!

2010-11-03 Thread Paul B. Walker, Jr.
Could it be KCNN East Grand Forks, MN/Grand Forks, ND? They're listed as
country and looks like the closest 1590 to both Terry in Regina and Nigel in
Duymore. I know they've recently added an FM translator and thought they
have done other tweaks to the station lately, so who knows what is going on.

Paul Walker

On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 9:25 PM, Saul DX  wrote:

> Forwarded, might be something some of you can catch?
> - Original Message -
> From: "Terry Keyowski" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 7:55 PM
> Subject: [AMFMTVDX] 1590 - Flintstones?!
> > I'm hearing some station continously broadcasting the theme from The
> > Flintstones with "shut-up"'s spoken between repeating theme.  Its fading
> > in & out between 5:15 and 5:45 PM CST/MDT (no DST in Saskatchewan).
> > Anybody close to this station identify or could be a target for others?
> >
> > ---
> > Terry Keyowski
> > Regina, Sask.
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[IRCA] Brier, WA TP's for 11/2/10

2010-11-03 Thread k7wv

A better showing from yesterday but not by much. A couple Chinese in this 
morning with 1206 especially good. Best sampling by far was at 1435Z, getting 
some boost from dawn enhancement. LW band had only five 'R. Rossii' in this 
morning with no sign of 171 today. But the loudest signals heard all season 
from 153 and 234. Also, no Alaskans to be heard for yet another morning.

The following times sampled this morning: 1259Z, 1335Z, 1359Z, 1435Z for 1-3 
minutes each using Perseus.

The following were heard in audio:

153  R. Rossii Komsomolsk (Russia) Very good, huge local-like signal at 1435Z
180  R. Rossii Yelizovo (Russia) Poor at 1358Z
189  R. Rossii Belogorsk (Russia) Good at 1358Z, poor at 1435Z
234  R. Rossii Arman (Russia) Good at 1358Z. Best heard this season.
279  R. Rossii Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (Russia) Good to very good at 1400Z
585  JOPG Kushiro (Japan) Poor, // 594 Not heard in a couple weeks 1435Z
594  JOAK NHK1 Tokyo (Japan) Fair at 1435Z
603  HLSA Namyang (S Korea) Poor at 1435Z
648  VOR Razdolnoye (Russia) Poor at 1358Z
675  VOV presumed (Vietnam) Poor at 1435Z
747  JOIB  NHK2 Sapporo (Japan) Fair at 1358Z
774  JOUB Akita NHK2 (Japan) Good at 1358Z
828  JOBB NHK2 Osaka (Japan) Poor at 1435Z
855  Pyongyang BS (N Korea) Poor at 1435Z
936  Anhui (China) Fair with YL in CC at 1435Z
972  HLCA Dangjin (S. Korea) Good at 1435Z, poor at 1358Z
1134 Hwaseong KBS3 (S Korea), Fair with KK talk 1435Z
1206  Yanbian (China) Fair at 1358Z, good at 1435Z with YL in CC over music
1566 HLAZ (S Korea) Poor at 1335Z

Tom Rothlisberger K7WV
Brier, Washington  USA
Perseus SDR
Wellbrook ALA-100M with 50' wire loop element NW/SE

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