[IRCA] SDR and Linux

2011-10-15 Thread Hawkins


Is anyone using any of the SDR's with Linux?  If so will you email me 
off list.  I not used Windows since W98.  I have some questions, and 
solicit your opinions/advice.

Stephen Hawkins NG0G
73 49 111 01001001
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[IRCA] Arizona TP's for 10-15-11

2011-10-15 Thread Bill Block

Listened from 1305-1340 utc and conditions was not as good as yesterday but a 
few stations with audio were heard.
279  Radio Rossii at 1317 utc with talk.
774  JOUB at 1325 utc.
1566 Korea hrd at 1328 utc with talk.
1575 A little audio at times.
Bill Block
Prescott Valley, AZ
Drake R8  
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[IRCA] TP's for Saturday 10/15/11

2011-10-15 Thread Dennis Vroom

After taking the morning off from TP dxing yesterday, returned to poor 
this morning.  

153       RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1321 1324 good signal with jazz and talk in 
189       RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1325 fair signal with Russian talk followed by 
jazz song
             in English.   Good at 1351 with jazz.
279       RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1326 fair signal at best, with above music.  
1351 still fair
             with tone interfering with audio.  
594       JAPAN, JOAK NHK1 1342 poor signal with Japanese.
774       JAPAN, JOUB NHK2 1345 fair with man in Japanese and much splatter. 
828       JAPAN, JOBB NHK2 1346-1349 weak to fair signal with man in Japanese.
1566     REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLAZ 1341 weak signal.
1575     THAILAND, VOA 1429 very weak with bits of Asian language audio at 

Kalama, WA
JRC NRD-545 & Drake R8B
High Performance Active Whip
SW ewe + 190' long wire NW/SE
753' Sky wire loop
Solar Indices SF=136 A=1 K=0
Local Sunrise 1428 utc  Local Sunset 0156 utc
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[IRCA] TP for 14 Oct 2011 from Victoria (late)

2011-10-15 Thread Walter Salmaniw
Misplaced my log for yesterday, therefore sorry for being a bit late.
Monitored from 13:35 to 14:35 and conditions were good to Asia, especially
on the lower half of the band.  Once again, China was coming in well
(perhaps better than Nick's QTH), while it appears that Nick pick's up Japan
a tad better than I do.  Also heard VOA back on 1575 as well.  SF 138, A 4,
K (12:00) 1.  No space weather last 24, nor predicted for next 24 hours.
Highlights again today were the CNR1 transmitters on 639 and 756.  As
always, a "6" unless otherwise noted:

LW:  189 (6), 279 (7)
529:  SQM 7.5
567:  7 level at 14:06 // 594 with NHK1
585:  6.5 level, and seems // 594
603:  8 level with music at 14:08, presumably South Korea
621:  7 level N. Korea at 13:56
639:  8.5 level CNR1 at 13:56.  Seemed cochannel at 14:10
675:  7 level at 14:11 ?Vietnam
702:  6+ level, I think N. Korea
738 (comment only)  Nick consistently receives this one better than I do.
I'm battered by 730 splatter from Vancouver and rarely hear anything here
except for late evenings from Tahiti.
747:  9 level NHK2 at 14:13
756:  9 level CNR1 at 14:12 (rarely heard at this strength!)
774:  8.5 level NHK2 at 14:27
819:  7 level N. Korea at 14:30
828:  8 level NHK2 at 13:59
864:  7 level at 14:31.  Not sure whether this was KK or CC station.
945: 7 level CC at 14:33.  Would rate much higher, except for bad adjacent
963:  CRI Russian at 7 level at 14:33
972:  8 level strong S. Korea but low modulation.
1008, 1017, 1206, 1251, 1323
1566:  HLAZ 8 level at 13:35
1575:  VOA at 8 level at 14:24.

That's it for the morning.  Overall not too bad!  73s,.Walt Salmaniw,
Victoria, BC
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[IRCA] TP for 15 Oct 2011 from Victoria: Propagation tanked!

2011-10-15 Thread Walter Salmaniw
OK, things went from bad to worse in a hurry this morning.  Someone pulled
the plug around 14:00.  Whatever little propagation was present just dropped
like a stone, although there was a hint of dawn recovery at 14:15.  Nick's
DX Fishbarrel showed the identical trend, so nothing local here!  What I did
here was mostly present from my West directed corner fed loop, and not on
the North loop.  (I found that one of the inputs on the W loop had come
loose yesterday, explaining why it wasn't working for the past few days!).
I listened from13:36 to 14:45 or so.  SF 136, A 1, K (12:00) 0.  No space
weather last 24, nor predicted for the next 24 hours.  Therefore, nothing
indicating anything unusual for propagation, so not very useful this
morning.  As always, a "6" unless otherwise noted:

LW:  189 (6), 279 (6.5)
529:  SQM 7.5

594:  7 level NHK1 early, and slightly recovered at 14:20
747:  6.5 level with +++splatter from 750 at 14:22
774:  8 level NHK2 at 13:54
792, 819
828:  NHK2 at 7 level
882, 1008 (wonder if this one is DU as only heard/seen on the West loop and
not North loop.  ?4TAB or Newstalk ZB?)
1098:  8 level big open carrier at 14:13identical to Nick's
1287:  7 level JJ at 14:01 and 14:12
1575:  almost 7 level, at 14:14.  Presumably VOA.

That's it for a very poor morning.  Note that everyone else had a similar
morning.  73s from Victoria.  Walt Salmaniw
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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 10-15

2011-10-15 Thread d1028gary
Hello All,

This morning's listening session here was split up into two segments,
primarily to investigate the Asian sunset TP propagation around
0830-1000 UTC as the season progresses (this propagation path typically
becomes stronger than the west coast sunrise path during the late
season here). Although the hours are far from convenient, the results
this morning were worth the hassle.

Longwave results were especially good, with the Radio Rossii outlets on
189, 234 and 279 kHz really strong around 0930 (much more so than
during the recent pre-sunrise periods around 1300). Figuring that there
might be a similar boost in the weaker Longwave TP's I checked
164-Mongolia, which indeed had the best audio that I've ever heard
around 0915 (still pretty weak, though). Despite this surprise
209-Mongolia was missing in action (like it has been throughout
October), confirming once again that its propagation is different from
that of the 164 kHz station. Medium wave TP's were generally vibrant
around 0945, although with a slightly different set of performers than
around sunrise. 558 kHz had a moderate-strength JOCR instead of the
usual HLQH, and 1134 had JOQR instead of the usual KBS Korean. The
Japanese big guns were strong indeed, but the Asian mainland seemed to
be in hibernation (I apparently had tuned in during the Japanese sunset
period, before the Korean and Chinese stations got a similar sunset
propagation boost).

After an inadequate period of sleep the LW and MW conditions were again
checked from 1300-1400. The vibrant Longwave TP's were long gone at
1300, with not even a decent carrier on 164-Mongolia. The Radio Rossii
stations were all quite a bit weaker, as if they had cut power. Medium
wave TP's were still pretty vibrant at 1300, with 1566-HLAZ and
738-Taiwan especially strong (as well as Taiwan's buzzing hum).
Unfortunately the MW Asian TP signals all seemed to collapse in unison
around 1330, leaving the dreary situation that Dennis described. By
1400 only some anemic TP carriers from the "big guns" were still
around, and even those didn't stick around for much longer.

73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock
Tecsun PL-380 Ultralight + 12" LW and 8" MW FSL antennas

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[IRCA] Oklahoma TP's for 10/15/11

2011-10-15 Thread richa...@perryisp.net
I listen for a short time for TP signals on my
barefoot Tecsun PL-310 receiver.

1055 UTC  774 weak audio with woman speaking in
Japanese; also heard at 1112.
1059 UTC  747 weak audio //774; also at 1113.
1103 UTC  972 weak het.

Too busy chasing domestic DX at local sunrise (1237
UTC) to hear more.

Richard Allen,
Near Perry OK USA.

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[IRCA] Build Your Own (Reasonably Priced) FSL Antenna

2011-10-15 Thread d1028gary
Hello All,

As most of you know, there has been quite a lot of interest in the new
Ferrite Sleeve Loop antennas among many in the AM-DXing community, but
there are very few resources to help DXers actually try out the
antenna, or even know how to get started in building one. In an effort
to change this situation a detailed 7" FSL construction article was
written, with a deliberate attempt to include "Heathkit-like"
user-friendly instructions and many Photoshop-enhanced assembly
pictures. For those who are curious about the new antenna's
construction, operation and DXing capabilities, this new 10-page
article will answer all your questions.

Designed to be built with a component cost of around $150, this 7" FSL
takes up only about one cubic foot of space-- but has been tested
extensively against a full-sized 4' PVC box loop here, with superior
weak-signal reception results. All four 7" FSL test models here have
demonstrated this weak-signal superiority over the 4' air core loop
(the antenna which provided reception of 30 DU stations on Ultralight
radios during the August 2010 DXpedition to Lincoln City, OR). Unlike
similar -sized compact antennas this 7" FSL will provide a very serious
gain boost to any portable radio with a loopstick-- even full-sized
models like the Sony ICF-S5W and the Panasonic RF-2200 (without the
need for any radio modification). With extensive advice on tracking
down construction parts and obtaining the best DXing results from your
compact FSL, this article will hopefully motivate both experienced
builders and beginners to accept the challenge of construction, and
personally experience the astonishing performance of this new antenna
design. http://www.mediafire.com/?dshnqlbydf6qu25

73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)

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Re: [IRCA] Build Your Own (Reasonably Priced) FSL Antenna

2011-10-15 Thread Walter Salmaniw
Bravo, Gary!  An invaluable article!  I've saved it for reference

On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 4:17 PM,  wrote:

> Hello All,
> As most of you know, there has been quite a lot of interest in the new
> Ferrite Sleeve Loop antennas among many in the AM-DXing community, but
> there are very few resources to help DXers actually try out the
> antenna, or even know how to get started in building one. In an effort
> to change this situation a detailed 7" FSL construction article was
> written, with a deliberate attempt to include "Heathkit-like"
> user-friendly instructions and many Photoshop-enhanced assembly
> pictures. For those who are curious about the new antenna's
> construction, operation and DXing capabilities, this new 10-page
> article will answer all your questions.
> Designed to be built with a component cost of around $150, this 7" FSL
> takes up only about one cubic foot of space-- but has been tested
> extensively against a full-sized 4' PVC box loop here, with superior
> weak-signal reception results. All four 7" FSL test models here have
> demonstrated this weak-signal superiority over the 4' air core loop
> (the antenna which provided reception of 30 DU stations on Ultralight
> radios during the August 2010 DXpedition to Lincoln City, OR). Unlike
> similar -sized compact antennas this 7" FSL will provide a very serious
> gain boost to any portable radio with a loopstick-- even full-sized
> models like the Sony ICF-S5W and the Panasonic RF-2200 (without the
> need for any radio modification). With extensive advice on tracking
> down construction parts and obtaining the best DXing results from your
> compact FSL, this article will hopefully motivate both experienced
> builders and beginners to accept the challenge of construction, and
> personally experience the astonishing performance of this new antenna
> design. http://www.mediafire.com/?dshnqlbydf6qu25
> 73 and Good DX,
> Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
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[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 15 Oct 2011

2011-10-15 Thread Nigel Pimblett
Still a decent Japanese morning, but down from yesterday, as noted 
by others.

This morning's audio:

567 - JOIK, Japan, poor-fair audio, starting at 1325
594- JOAK. Japan, again easily overcoming IBOC noise
693 -JOAB, Japan
747 - JOIB, Japan
774 - JOUB, Japan
828 - JOBB, Japan - has been doing nearly as well as the 594/693/747/774 
quartet the last couple of mornings

873 - JOGB, Japan
972 - S.Korea,  short bits of audio now and again.
1566 - S.Korea -
1575 - VOA Thailand assumed the one with audio traces at 1327, and one 
that never made audio yesterday.

Similar to what Walt observed, signals dropped out early, just after 
1330, which is well before sunrise now.


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, Alberta

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Re: [IRCA] TP for 15 Oct 2011 from Victoria: Propagation tanked!

2011-10-15 Thread Colin Newell

On Sat, 15 Oct 2011 15:20:50 + Walter Salmaniw  wrote:
>OK, things went from bad to worse in a hurry this morning.  Someone pulled
>the plug around 14:00.

I was wide awake at 12:50 UTC and procrastinated for over an hour
about getting up --
Glad I stayed next to my wife -- she is much warmer that
time of the morning than next to my radios...

The other end of the spectrum (10 meters) is hopping.
I was talking to an old-school HAM in Cleveland running
AM - he was using 50W and I was using 100 milliwatts...
Yup - you read correctly - my .1 Watts was hitting him S5!

Colin Newell is the editor and creator of Coffeecrew.com, DXer.ca and 
BobHarris.com Amateur Radio VA7WWV - Victoria B.C. Canada | 
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[IRCA] Saturday

2011-10-15 Thread Mike Sanburn

I've read some of the info on the all new KYET 1170 in Golden Valley AZ 
returning to the air (ex-1180 Williams). 'Sounds like a good DX challenge. 1 
watt at night though. Studios are on Beale street in Kingman. I don't see a 
Facebook page up for them yet. They are reported to be running AM stereo. I 
found a Kingman Listeners Guide online:   
http://kingmanarizonaradio.com/listeners-guide/index.htm   I hope the folks who 
are attending the NRC convention this weekend are having a safe and fun time. 
If anybody gets some digital photos of KFAB 1110 tower or studio, please post 
some on the International Radio Club of America Facebook page! 73 and good dx. 
Mike Sanburn.
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[IRCA] 1700KHz results from 10-14

2011-10-15 Thread Tim Hills
I've been tweaking one of my active ferrite designs and so far it works 
quite well at the upper end of the MWBC band, esp. the X-band. After 
some investigation I realized that I slipped a decimal place and the 
preamp is optimized for 1.5 to 18 MHz rather than the planned 150 to 
1800KHz. Blame it on my gray hair I guess

KVNS 4:01 GMT "Green Eyed Lady" playing and ID at 4:02, "Classic Hits 
KVNS" with a reference to 105.5 FM then into "Everlasting Love". Very 
readable with some fading and interference from KKLF

KBGG 4:05 GMT ID at 4:06 "The Champ" and "Iowa Sports Connection 
program" Coming in almost like a local.

UNID 4:09 GMT OM in Spanish, "futball" mentioned several times. My 
Spanish is very poor but the antenna bearing, language and sports format 
all point to XEPE. Heavy fading but would have been readable if I knew 

KKLF 4:50 GMT AM Coast to Coast with ID at 4:56. Station ID was "KLIF 
Talk 570" which is what KKLF simulcasts. Credit card debt commercial 
then into Nx. Some fading and interference from KVNS but good signal 

From my QTH KVNS and KKLF are only 3* apart yet I was able to peak one 
or the other with KBGG in the fringe of the null.

The reception pattern on this antenna is almost like a mufti-element 
beam without the reflector with a strong peak on one end and a weaker 
one( -3 to 6 dB) at 180*. The nulls are very wide, from about 45* to 
135* off the main peak on each side with a fairly steep falloff after 
about 10* from the peak.

Without a preamp the output of the antenna is very low and part of it's 
directional characteristics are in the preamp circuit so it does require 
a receiver with an external antenna input. Low noise MOSFETS developed 
for the cellphone industry make my life much easier :D

The antenna was indoors about 6'AG and the receiver was a DX-440.

Got the soldering iron heating up to correct my bout of cerebral 
flatulence. I hope to see what I can do with 540 tonight.

Tim Hills
Sioux Falls, SD

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[IRCA] WWV Solar Report

2011-10-15 Thread NOAA WWV
:Product: Geophysical Alert Message wwv.txt
:Issued: 2011 Oct 15 1805 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
#  Geophysical Alert Message
Solar-terrestrial indices for 14 October follow.
Solar flux 136 and mid-latitude A-index 1.
The mid-latitude K-index at 1800 UTC on 15 October was 2 (18 nT).
No space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours.
No space weather storms are predicted for the next 24 hours.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Trends -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Date 14   14   14   14   14   14   14   15   15   15   15   15   15   15
UTC  0300 0600 0900 1200 1500 1800 2100  0300 0600 0900 1200 1500 1800
SFlx 138  138  138  138  138  138  136  136  136  136  136  136  136  136
A-in 44444421111111
K-in 00111110321022
Current Solar information available at http://www.am-dx.com/wwv.htm

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[IRCA] 1040 with British news and business talk

2011-10-15 Thread bill kral
At left and right of 0700 PDT a signal drops in to Victoria on 1040 (over a 
weak and unstable ground wave of CKST Van BC) with a Brit accent male voice  
doing news and later on some business talk but of course a fade out at toh 
leaving Van to occupy the slot.Could not find this kind of format on 1040 in 
old log and websites. Is anyone out there in the west with info on who or 
where? Bill in BC
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[IRCA] Report from Grayland, Oct. 15th

2011-10-15 Thread Guy Atkins
Kevin Schanilec and I arrived at Grayland Beach State Park yesterday for
three nights of DXing. The primary antenna in use for this trip is a
Wellbrook ALA100 phased array, although later today I'll probably put up a
PA0RDT Mini-Whip for a "reference" omni-directional antenna. Kevin is using
his ICOM R-75 on the Wellbrook array, while I have a recently hotrodded
AR7030 Plus receiver in use.

Kevin is also trying out two Ferrite Sleeve Loop (FSL) antennas on this
trip, including his new and very clever "Backpack FSL".

A casual check of the band at approx. 0400 revealed 738 Tahiti at a fair to
good level, and some island music and talk from 1017 Tonga. There were
strong hets on usual South Pacific frequencies 846 and 1098 but no audio at
this time.

Our first serious session on the bands was at 0930 UTC. Conditions were not
impressive-- we heard a few NHK outlets such as 774, 747, and 828 kHz, but
only at moderate level. Kevin found 1566 HLAZ very strong, however. Overall,
reception 0930-1000 seemed poor with not many TP signals to be found so we
went back to bed.

We were at the dials again later around sunrise, and didn't find conditions
to be much better. A few Japanese outlets were still "in" on the low band,
but most of the action (what little there was to be found) was on high band.
There was a sudden switch to DU at 1445 when we logged 4BC Brisbane with ID
as "4BC, your Australia, your station" on 1116. Shortly after that we came
upon a presumed 4QD Emerald on 1548. Moving up the band, regular channels
1566 and 1575 were absent of any signals.

1134 JOCR was heard with a weak to fair signal around sunrise too, but that
was the extent of audio from Asia on the upper half of MW. Chinese
broadcasters were also notable due to their absence.  Overall this was a
very lackluster morning at Grayland, but we have two more nights here for
things to pick up!

Kevin's planning on taking one or both FSL loops to the beach itself prior
to sunrise tomorrow, to get the antennas and his ULR receivers as far as
possible from the RFI noises on long wave heard within the park boundaries.
(Background noise levels on the MW and the tropical bands are extremely low,
but long wave is noisy close to the yurts.)

About an hour past local sunrise I moved up to 60 meters and enjoyed nice,
low noise reception of six All India Radio regional stations.

Well, I was surprised at a few of the reports of good Asian TP reception
heard by others this morning, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. This
hobby is very unpredictable! Long distance MW propagation to various
locations can be quite variable, even when the locations are in the same

73, Guy
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Re: [IRCA] Report from Grayland, Oct. 15th

2011-10-15 Thread Chuck


As I understand it, 846 is dead (transmitter failures in 2008) and moved 
to 1440 where it has been heard by a few in the last year.


On 10/15/2011 1:36 PM, Guy Atkins wrote:

Kevin Schanilec and I arrived at Grayland Beach State Park yesterday for
three nights of DXing. The primary antenna in use for this trip is a
Wellbrook ALA100 phased array, although later today I'll probably put up a
PA0RDT Mini-Whip for a "reference" omni-directional antenna. Kevin is using
his ICOM R-75 on the Wellbrook array, while I have a recently hotrodded
AR7030 Plus receiver in use.

A casual check of the band at approx. 0400 revealed 738 Tahiti at a fair to
good level, and some island music and talk from 1017 Tonga. There were
strong hets on usual South Pacific frequencies 846 and 1098 but no audio at
this time.

 73, Guy

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[IRCA] TP attempts 2011-10-15 from El Cajon / La Mesa, CA

2011-10-15 Thread Stephen Airy
Hi all,
This morning around 6:30-7:15 local time (PDT) I made a few attempts at bagging 
some TP signals.  (Local stations do their sunrise pattern switch at 6:45am 
this month.)  I was using my Tecsun PL-606 set to 1kHz BW, aided by the 
Select-A-Tenna, along with an Eico Model 710 vacuum-tube grid dip meter's 
oscillator as a rather unstable makeshift BFO / carrier / het detector.
I uploaded a few short (approximately a minute or two) recordings of catches 
with possible audio at the following link:
There you'll find a couple clips of 747 (at 6:32 and 6:35) and one of 873 (at 
6:46, all times PDT am).
Also, not recorded, but noted, were...
819 het but fading
963 possible weak het
1008 strong het, but too much domestic slop prevented me from recording it
1053 het, but I didn't record it either as S/N never rose above 0 and KNX's 
IBOC was confusing me.
Regarding that 1053...  I have 1070 KNX, who runs IBOC, only 111 miles from me 
across a partial saltwater path (and the land portion has mostly "15" 
conductivity with a little bit of "8" the last several miles to where I am), so 
they put a fairly strong signal here 24/7, typically 46/25 to 48/25 daytime 
depending on where I am in the house (lay it on top of my piano and it's 52/25, 
hold it up to the electrical panel in the coat closet and it'll hit 60/25).  
Anyone have suggestions on how I would tell the difference between that Korean 
jammer that some in Washington state have logged, vs. residual KNX IBOC?
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Re: [IRCA] 1040 with British news and business talk

2011-10-15 Thread Patrick Martin
>>At left and right of 0700 PDT a signal drops in to Victoria on 1040
(over a weak and unstable ground wave of CKST Van BC) with a Brit
accent male voice  doing news and later on some business talk but of
course a fade out at toh leaving Van to occupy the slot.Could not find
this kind of format on 1040 in old log and websites. Is anyone out
there in the west with info on who or where? Bill in BC<<

Very likely Radio China 1040 Portland (Tigard).



Patrick Martin
Seaside OR
KGED QSL Manager

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Re: [IRCA] TP attempts 2011-10-15 from El Cajon / La Mesa, CA

2011-10-15 Thread Walter Salmaniw
Stephen, it's easy when you have a SDR that you can see the classic IBOC
bands.  Otherwise, I think they'll sound very similar.  The IBOC will sound
more like white noise, while the jammer is lower pitched and

On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 10:51 PM, Stephen Airy

> Hi all,
> This morning around 6:30-7:15 local time (PDT) I made a few attempts at
> bagging some TP signals.  (Local stations do their sunrise pattern switch at
> 6:45am this month.)  I was using my Tecsun PL-606 set to 1kHz BW, aided by
> the Select-A-Tenna, along with an Eico Model 710 vacuum-tube grid dip
> meter's oscillator as a rather unstable makeshift BFO / carrier / het
> detector.
> I uploaded a few short (approximately a minute or two) recordings of
> catches with possible audio at the following link:
> http://www.mediafire.com/?kb2v1v9s52dav
> There you'll find a couple clips of 747 (at 6:32 and 6:35) and one of 873
> (at 6:46, all times PDT am).
> Also, not recorded, but noted, were...
> 819 het but fading
> 963 possible weak het
> 1008 strong het, but too much domestic slop prevented me from recording it
> 1053 het, but I didn't record it either as S/N never rose above 0 and KNX's
> IBOC was confusing me.
> Regarding that 1053...  I have 1070 KNX, who runs IBOC, only 111 miles from
> me across a partial saltwater path (and the land portion has mostly "15"
> conductivity with a little bit of "8" the last several miles to where I am),
> so they put a fairly strong signal here 24/7, typically 46/25 to 48/25
> daytime depending on where I am in the house (lay it on top of my piano and
> it's 52/25, hold it up to the electrical panel in the coat closet and it'll
> hit 60/25).  Anyone have suggestions on how I would tell the difference
> between that Korean jammer that some in Washington state have logged, vs.
> residual KNX IBOC?
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Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the original 
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For more information: http://www.ircaonline.org

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[IRCA] WWV Solar Report

2011-10-15 Thread NOAA WWV
:Product: Geophysical Alert Message wwv.txt
:Issued: 2011 Oct 16 0005 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
#  Geophysical Alert Message
Solar-terrestrial indices for 15 October follow.
Solar flux 138 and mid-latitude A-index 6.
The mid-latitude K-index at  UTC on 16 October was 1 (8 nT).
No space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours.
No space weather storms are predicted for the next 24 hours.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Trends -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Date 14   14   14   14   14   15   15   15   15   15   15   15   15   16
UTC  0900 1200 1500 1800 2100  0300 0600 0900 1200 1500 1800 2100 
SFlx 138  138  138  138  136  136  136  136  136  136  136  136  138  138
A-in 44442111111166
K-in 11111032102211
Current Solar information available at http://www.am-dx.com/wwv.htm

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For more information: http://www.ircaonline.org

To Post a message: irca@hard-core-dx.com

[IRCA] DX test

2011-10-15 Thread Patrick Martin
>From Shawn Axelrod:
From: w...@lsol.net
DX test
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2011 20:03:03 -0500
WGBW AM 1590 Denmark, Wisconsin USA test set for this upcoming Sunday,
October 23rd from Midnight to 1am local time (CDT)
10kilowatts and daytime pattern.
Programming will include tones, ID's and unique music.
Thought I'd give you a 'heads-up'.
Mark Heller
WGBW AM-1590
Denmark, WI  USA

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Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the original 
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For more information: http://www.ircaonline.org

To Post a message: irca@hard-core-dx.com

Re: [IRCA] Build Your Own (Reasonably Priced) FSL Antenna

2011-10-15 Thread Derek Vincent
Thankyou Gary...

On Oct 15, 2011, at 9:17 AM, d1028g...@aol.com wrote:

> Hello All,
> As most of you know, there has been quite a lot of interest in the new
> Ferrite Sleeve Loop antennas among many in the AM-DXing community, but
> there are very few resources to help DXers actually try out the
> antenna, or even know how to get started in building one. In an effort
> to change this situation a detailed 7" FSL construction article was
> written, with a deliberate attempt to include "Heathkit-like"
> user-friendly instructions and many Photoshop-enhanced assembly
> pictures. For those who are curious about the new antenna's
> construction, operation and DXing capabilities, this new 10-page
> article will answer all your questions.
> Designed to be built with a component cost of around $150, this 7" FSL
> takes up only about one cubic foot of space-- but has been tested
> extensively against a full-sized 4' PVC box loop here, with superior
> weak-signal reception results. All four 7" FSL test models here have
> demonstrated this weak-signal superiority over the 4' air core loop
> (the antenna which provided reception of 30 DU stations on Ultralight
> radios during the August 2010 DXpedition to Lincoln City, OR). Unlike
> similar -sized compact antennas this 7" FSL will provide a very serious
> gain boost to any portable radio with a loopstick-- even full-sized
> models like the Sony ICF-S5W and the Panasonic RF-2200 (without the
> need for any radio modification). With extensive advice on tracking
> down construction parts and obtaining the best DXing results from your
> compact FSL, this article will hopefully motivate both experienced
> builders and beginners to accept the challenge of construction, and
> personally experience the astonishing performance of this new antenna
> design. http://www.mediafire.com/?dshnqlbydf6qu25
> 73 and Good DX,
> Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
> ___
> IRCA mailing list
> IRCA@hard-core-dx.com
> http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/irca
> Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the original 
> contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the IRCA, its 
> editors, publishing staff, or officers
> For more information: http://www.ircaonline.org
> To Post a message: irca@hard-core-dx.com

IRCA mailing list

Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the original 
contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the IRCA, its 
editors, publishing staff, or officers

For more information: http://www.ircaonline.org

To Post a message: irca@hard-core-dx.com

Re: [IRCA] Build Your Own (Reasonably Priced) FSL Antenna

2011-10-15 Thread d1028gary

Thanks Walt,

Your comment on the FSL article is appreciated. One of these compact 
antennas has already breezed through Canadian Customs, much to the 
amazement of Rob Ross (of London, Ontario) and I. Sooner or later we 
will probably find out if the Vancouver Customs office is so 

73, Gary

-Original Message-
From: Walter Salmaniw 
To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America 

Sent: Sat, Oct 15, 2011 9:48 am
Subject: Re: [IRCA] Build Your Own (Reasonably Priced) FSL Antenna

Bravo, Gary!  An invaluable article!  I've saved it for reference

On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 4:17 PM,  wrote:

Hello All,

As most of you know, there has been quite a lot of interest in the new
Ferrite Sleeve Loop antennas among many in the AM-DXing community, but
there are very few resources to help DXers actually try out the
antenna, or even know how to get started in building one. In an effort
to change this situation a detailed 7" FSL construction article was
written, with a deliberate attempt to include "Heathkit-like"
user-friendly instructions and many Photoshop-enhanced assembly
pictures. For those who are curious about the new antenna's
construction, operation and DXing capabilities, this new 10-page
article will answer all your questions.

Designed to be built with a component cost of around $150, this 7" FSL
takes up only about one cubic foot of space-- but has been tested
extensively against a full-sized 4' PVC box loop here, with superior
weak-signal reception results. All four 7" FSL test models here have
demonstrated this weak-signal superiority over the 4' air core loop
(the antenna which provided reception of 30 DU stations on Ultralight
radios during the August 2010 DXpedition to Lincoln City, OR). Unlike
similar -sized compact antennas this 7" FSL will provide a very 


gain boost to any portable radio with a loopstick-- even full-sized
models like the Sony ICF-S5W and the Panasonic RF-2200 (without the
need for any radio modification). With extensive advice on tracking
down construction parts and obtaining the best DXing results from your
compact FSL, this article will hopefully motivate both experienced
builders and beginners to accept the challenge of construction, and
personally experience the astonishing performance of this new antenna
design. http://www.mediafire.com/?dshnqlbydf6qu25

73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)

IRCA mailing list

Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the 
contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the IRCA, 

editors, publishing staff, or officers

For more information: http://www.ircaonline.org

To Post a message: irca@hard-core-dx.com

IRCA mailing list

Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the original 
contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the IRCA, its 
editors, publishing staff, or officers

For more information: http://www.ircaonline.org

To Post a message: irca@hard-core-dx.com

Re: [IRCA] TP attempts 2011-10-15 from El Cajon / La Mesa, CA

2011-10-15 Thread d1028gary

The 1053-Korean Jammer has a very distinctive sound, and it has been
heard on Ultralight radios as far east as Oklahoma (by Richard Allen).
A recording of it booming in here on the 9' PVC loop last year in
September is posted at http://www.mediafire.com/?qimu5i2djvji2vt

73, Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA)

-Original Message-
From: Walter Salmaniw 
To: Stephen Airy ; Mailing list for the
International Radio Club of America 
Sent: Sat, Oct 15, 2011 3:59 pm
Subject: Re: [IRCA] TP attempts 2011-10-15 from El Cajon / La Mesa, CA

Stephen, it's easy when you have a SDR that you can see the classic IBOC
bands.  Otherwise, I think they'll sound very similar.  The IBOC will
more like white noise, while the jammer is lower pitched and

On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 10:51 PM, Stephen Airy

> Hi all,
> This morning around 6:30-7:15 local time (PDT) I made a few attempts
> bagging some TP signals.  (Local stations do their sunrise pattern
switch at
> 6:45am this month.)  I was using my Tecsun PL-606 set to 1kHz BW,
aided by
> the Select-A-Tenna, along with an Eico Model 710 vacuum-tube grid dip
> meter's oscillator as a rather unstable makeshift BFO / carrier / het
> detector.
> I uploaded a few short (approximately a minute or two) recordings of
> catches with possible audio at the following link:
> http://www.mediafire.com/?kb2v1v9s52dav
> There you'll find a couple clips of 747 (at 6:32 and 6:35) and one of
> (at 6:46, all times PDT am).
> Also, not recorded, but noted, were...
> 819 het but fading
> 963 possible weak het
> 1008 strong het, but too much domestic slop prevented me from
recording it
> 1053 het, but I didn't record it either as S/N never rose above 0 and
> IBOC was confusing me.
> Regarding that 1053...  I have 1070 KNX, who runs IBOC, only 111
miles from
> me across a partial saltwater path (and the land portion has mostly
> conductivity with a little bit of "8" the last several miles to where
I am),
> so they put a fairly strong signal here 24/7, typically 46/25 to 48/25
> daytime depending on where I am in the house (lay it on top of my
piano and
> it's 52/25, hold it up to the electrical panel in the coat closet and
> hit 60/25).  Anyone have suggestions on how I would tell the
> between that Korean jammer that some in Washington state have logged,
> residual KNX IBOC?
IRCA mailing list

Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the
contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the IRCA,
editors, publishing staff, or officers

For more information: http://www.ircaonline.org

To Post a message: irca@hard-core-dx.com

IRCA mailing list

Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the original 
contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the IRCA, its 
editors, publishing staff, or officers

For more information: http://www.ircaonline.org

To Post a message: irca@hard-core-dx.com

[IRCA] WSCR 670 IBOC off

2011-10-15 Thread amdxer

Noted WSCR 670 Chicago has it's IBOC off the last few
days.  Anyone know if this is for maintenance or

When the IBOC was turned on after a
"quiet" summer I noted some slight splatter from
WSCR's signal.  This was heard on 690 and 650 (+/-

This is compared to WBBM's
signal with IBOC.  They are "clean" with no
splatter on 800 and 760.

Tom Jasinski
Joliet, IL

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Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the original 
contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the IRCA, its 
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For more information: http://www.ircaonline.org

To Post a message: irca@hard-core-dx.com

Re: [IRCA] DX test

2011-10-15 Thread Mike Sanburn

Thanks for the timely tip! I hope it gets out well.  Mike Sanburn

> From: mwd...@webtv.net
> To: irca@hard-core-dx.com
> Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2011 02:10:39 +
> Subject: [IRCA] DX test
> From Shawn Axelrod:
> From: w...@lsol.net
> DX test
> Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2011 20:03:03 -0500
> WGBW AM 1590 Denmark, Wisconsin USA test set for this upcoming Sunday,
> October 23rd from Midnight to 1am local time (CDT)
> 10kilowatts and daytime pattern.
> Programming will include tones, ID's and unique music.
> Thought I'd give you a 'heads-up'.
> Best,
> Mark Heller
> WGBW AM-1590
> Denmark, WI  USA
> w...@lsol.net
> ___
> IRCA mailing list
> IRCA@hard-core-dx.com
> http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/irca
> Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the original 
> contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the IRCA, its 
> editors, publishing staff, or officers
> For more information: http://www.ircaonline.org
> To Post a message: irca@hard-core-dx.com
IRCA mailing list

Opinions expressed in messages on this mailing list are those of the original 
contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the IRCA, its 
editors, publishing staff, or officers

For more information: http://www.ircaonline.org

To Post a message: irca@hard-core-dx.com