[IRCA] WWV Solar Report

2015-09-07 Thread NOAA WWV
:Product: Geophysical Alert Message wwv.txt
:Issued: 2015 Sep 08 0010 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
#  Geophysical Alert Message
Solar-terrestrial indices for 07 September follow.
Solar flux 84 and estimated planetary A-index 46.
The estimated planetary K-index at  UTC on 08 September was 6.
Space weather for the past 24 hours has been moderate.
Geomagnetic storms reaching the G2 level occurred.
Space weather for the next 24 hours is predicted to be moderate.
Geomagnetic storms reaching the G2 level are expected.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Trends -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Date 06   06   06   06   06   07   07   07   07   07   07   07   07   08
UTC  0900 1200 1500 1800 2100  0300 0600 0900 1200 1500 1800 2100 
SFlx 85   85   85   85   86   86   86   86   86   86   86   86   84   84
A-in 13   13   13   13   14   14   14   14   14   14   14   14   40   46
K-in 33324223435666
Current Solar information available at http://www.am-dx.com/wwv.htm

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[IRCA] September 7 TP DX on new Wellbrook N/NW Flag part -1

2015-09-07 Thread Mark Connelly via IRCA
--- Begin Message ---

Quick demonstrations of how different the reception can be with a terminated 
loop pointing one direction versus the opposite direction are in the following 
audio clips.  These are in stereo with one channel being from a Drake R8A 
connected (via transformer and coaxial cable) to one side of a Flag antenna and 
the other channel being from another R8A set identically in bandwidth and 
connected via transformer and cable to the other side of the same antenna.  
When you listen to the recordings, the audio on one channel is occurring at the 
same exact time as on the other.

These were done in the daytime in 2004 and 2005 from my former location at 
Billerica, MA (15 miles northwest of Boston).

1230 kHz: NE side = WESX Salem, MA; SW side = WNEB Worcester, MA. 

1490 kHz: NE side = WCCM Haverhill-Lawrence, MA; SW side = WMRC Milford, MA. 

1380 kHz: NE side = WMYF Portsmouth, NH; SW side = WNRI Woonsocket, RI.  

Mark Connelly, WA1ION

This morning is kind of a significant one for me -
this is the first time
since around 1977 that I have had a purpose built
outdoor antenna
for serious medium-wave DXing. In this case, under the watchful
eye and
technical guidance of Nick Hall-Patch and Walter Salmaniw,
I have
purchased a Wellbrook Flag amp and put up a trapezoidal loop
(essentially a
rectangle) 27' high and around 45' long.

The loop faces N/NW and S/SE and on
the S/SE end there is an ordinary 900
ohm resistor - called a termination. What
this termination does (and I will
leave the deep technical definitions to an
actual article on my blog) is
create a very directional, but notoriously simple
array with directional or
null characteristics of upwards of 25 to 30 db front
to back. An example
from last night: I had the AOR-7030+ connected to a
Wellbrook ALA100M
"favouring East-West"... and the Drake R8 on the freshly
minted Wellbrook
Flag (and to be fair, Nick will probably chime in and correct
me as to what
the correct name is for this loop -- because it has an inventor
-- so
credit where credit is due!)

Anyway - on 860khz (on the 7030+ was
Spanish with a bit of CBC English deep
in the background...) on the Drake R8
there was CBC Prince Rupert
profoundly in the clear with not a hint of signals
to the South.
Remarkable! One after the other examples started to pile up last
where I had 2 great receivers side by side hearing a
different mix of signals on the same frequency! I could not have
felt more
giddy! I now had a set-up, that by definition, might get me back in
game for TA reception to Europe, Alaska and Trans Pacific - to at
compete on some level and offer some meaningful data and intel to the
of local masters, Hall-Patch and Salmaniw.

Coming up in the next
e-mail: My morning report!


*Colin Newell is the Editor and creator of
 - Coffee.bc.ca 
DXer.ca  -| Amateur Radio VA7WWV
Twitter.Com/CoffeeCrew | Victoria B.C.
--- End Message ---
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[IRCA] WWV Solar Report

2015-09-07 Thread NOAA WWV
:Product: Geophysical Alert Message wwv.txt
:Issued: 2015 Sep 07 1805 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
#  Geophysical Alert Message
Solar-terrestrial indices for 06 September follow.
Solar flux 86 and estimated planetary A-index 14.
The estimated planetary K-index at 1800 UTC on 07 September was 6.
Space weather for the past 24 hours has been moderate.
Geomagnetic storms reaching the G2 level occurred.
Space weather for the next 24 hours is predicted to be moderate.
Geomagnetic storms reaching the G2 level are expected.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Trends -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Date 06   06   06   06   06   06   06   07   07   07   07   07   07   07
UTC  0300 0600 0900 1200 1500 1800 2100  0300 0600 0900 1200 1500 1800
SFlx 85   85   85   85   85   85   86   86   86   86   86   86   86   86
A-in 13   13   13   13   13   13   14   14   14   14   14   14   14   14
K-in 33333242234356
Current Solar information available at http://www.am-dx.com/wwv.htm

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[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 7 September 2015

2015-09-07 Thread Nigel Pimblett
   Very similar conditions to yesterday noted here in southern Alberta, 
with once again DU signals being the only TPs noted.   The quantity of 
audio was about the same, but more strong carriers were pbserved today, 
with 792 & 855 being especially notable.

684 unID   Talk by a man at 1241.

774 unIDMuch like yesterday, with traces of talk by a woman at 1242.

1035NEW ZEALAND, Wellington Newstalk ZB 
Much like yesterday, pretty certain it was ZB, this time with ad string 
at 1240, though again too weak to make out much.

Traces of talk at 1243, almost certainly Australia's 4BC

Traces of talk by a man at 1245 


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, AB
Perseus SDR & Wellbrook Phased Array

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[IRCA] September 7 TP DX report on the new flag - Part 2

2015-09-07 Thread R. Colin Newell
Listened between 1215 and 1325 UTC

Receivers - AOR-7030+ with a Wellbrook ALA100M /  Drake R8 on a N/NW Flag
with FLG100(LN) KAZ Loop Amp + 900 ohm termination

529 SQM Alaska - on most of the morning crushing whatever was on 530khz --
also getting boxed in by a jumble of signals on 531 through
the entire listening period.

540 CBC Ucluelet - // 690 CBC around 1305 - was here the entire time / kept
popping in looking for China - have not heard this for years.

558 Assume Korea with Pop music up and down over the entire listening

567 NHK1 Sapporo JJ conversation

576 Jumble of stuff - nothing rising to the surface

585  """"

594 Japan - one of the stronger signals - completely in the clear at times
well over the level of whatever was on 600.

603 Korea assuming the Pop music by and large in the clear and units of db
well over 600 khz

612 Assume 4QR Brisbane struggling with QRM and splash from 610

621 Choral music hammering 620 --

657 Burbles in the racket set up between 650 and 660 - never really stood
out much.

675 Mix of orchestral music way down in the mud.

702 A mix of stuff here that I could only guess at in the blistering crunch
of CBC 690 splash

738 powerful mix of stuff here - but buried largely under the racket from
730khz Vancouver (which the FLAG is pointed right at.)

747 NHK2 Hokkaido - here all  the time and at respectable 100% copy -
language lessons I think through session

756 RNZ (t) surprised to hear pop music and low modulation EE talking here
mostly in the clear

765 jumble of signals - mostly border line audio but nothing winning

774 NHK2 Akita - solid signal through entire listening period

783 jumble

819 Assume KK here with choral music -- getting stronger and stronger as
LSR approached (around 1339)  - 1315

828 NHK2 Osaka - pretty good signal throughout the session - but not as
good as 594, 747 or 774...

855 Mix - growl of different stations but nothing taking charge

891 Mix hammering 890 but not much intelligence apart from occasional
syllables and snitches of music

909 Pop music at 1310 UTC but did not hang around long...

Hints of activity, snatches of sound on 918, 927, 936, 954...

972 KBS Korea - likely the 2nd place title holder this AM next to 1566
which was, by far the heavyweight signal champion...

1017 Mix of stuff struggling for supremacy but nothing stood out.

1053 Mammoth jammer - entire listening period

After here I just cruised around the upper band looking for stand outs...
like 1287 Japan which was stunning (created some videos of
these that I will upload later... 1143 khz some big things here but did not
hang around...

1566 FEBC Korea - mind numbing levels all morning until tune out.

A great beginning I think!

For those interested, I will be outlining every aspect of creating one of
these, somewhat limited space, but deadly powerful
antennas in a web based review shortly.

73 All!


*Colin Newell is the Editor and creator of Coffeecrew.com
 - Coffee.bc.ca  and
DXer.ca  -| Amateur Radio VA7WWV |
Twitter.Com/CoffeeCrew | Victoria B.C. Canada*
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[IRCA] September 7 TP DX on new Wellbrook N/NW Flag part - 1

2015-09-07 Thread R. Colin Newell
This morning is kind of a significant one for me - this is the first time
since around 1977 that I have had a purpose built outdoor antenna
for serious medium-wave DXing. In this case, under the watchful eye and
technical guidance of Nick Hall-Patch and Walter Salmaniw,
I have purchased a Wellbrook Flag amp and put up a trapezoidal loop
(essentially a rectangle) 27' high and around 45' long.

The loop faces N/NW and S/SE and on the S/SE end there is an ordinary 900
ohm resistor - called a termination. What this termination does (and I will
leave the deep technical definitions to an actual article on my blog) is
create a very directional, but notoriously simple array with directional or
null characteristics of upwards of 25 to 30 db front to back. An example
from last night: I had the AOR-7030+ connected to a Wellbrook ALA100M
"favouring East-West"... and the Drake R8 on the freshly minted Wellbrook
Flag (and to be fair, Nick will probably chime in and correct me as to what
the correct name is for this loop -- because it has an inventor -- so
credit where credit is due!)

Anyway - on 860khz (on the 7030+ was Spanish with a bit of CBC English deep
in the background...) on the Drake R8 there was CBC Prince Rupert
profoundly in the clear with not a hint of signals to the South.
Remarkable! One after the other examples started to pile up last night
where I had 2 great receivers side by side hearing a significantly
different mix of signals on the same frequency! I could not have felt more
giddy! I now had a set-up, that by definition, might get me back in the
game for TA reception to Europe, Alaska and Trans Pacific - to at least
compete on some level and offer some meaningful data and intel to the likes
of local masters, Hall-Patch and Salmaniw.

Coming up in the next e-mail: My morning report!


*Colin Newell is the Editor and creator of Coffeecrew.com
 - Coffee.bc.ca  and
DXer.ca  -| Amateur Radio VA7WWV |
Twitter.Com/CoffeeCrew | Victoria B.C. Canada*
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[IRCA] TP DX in Seattle on Sept 7

2015-09-07 Thread Bruce Portzer
As is often the case, Gary and I were DXing on different planets today.  
TP reception here dropped off quite a bit from yesterday, with only a 
few stations struggling to produce anemic audio.  There was a bit of a 
sunrise enhancement yesterday, but not today.  Most of the Asian action 
was between 1200-1230 except for HLAZ, which peaked at about 1320.

890KBBI, BBCWS 1258, then legal ID and jazz piano 1259, "Democracy 
Now" pgm 1300, quite good after CJDC fadeout.

774JOUB, English lessons 1221
1566HLAZ, Japanese male 1320

828JOBB, 1200 pips & theme music, then voices //774
972HLCA, 1300 pips, then fanfare & weak talk by woman
1053jammer 1217

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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 9-7

2015-09-07 Thread d1028gary

Hello All, 
Thanks to Colin for the initial report on the outstanding performance of his 
new N/NW flag antenna (and I look forward to the full report). Asian signals 
were seriously improved this morning, with the Japanese big guns especially 
vibrant. 594-JOAK was the star performer here, although there was good variety 
from both Japan and Korea. 
My session started off at 1300 with signals very similar to yesterday, with 
weak audio in and out on 594, 603 (HLSA), 693, 738, 747, 828, 972, 1053, 1134 
and 1566. The big difference this morning was that several of the Asians (594, 
747, 972 and 1053) received serious boosts with the increasing daylight. 
594-JOAK reached its best level of the new season (very good) at 1315, while 
the 1053-Jammer did the same at 1310. 657-Pyongyang and 738-BEL2 also began 
coming out of the noise around this time, but never could maintain a decent 
level. The NHK2 big guns on 693 and 747 both maintained good levels late around 
1325, although 693 had its Vancouver issues, and 747-JOIB was troubled by the 
mystery electrical noise covering Puget Sound. Although the session featured 
good propagation it was primarily a big gun show here, with most of the 
second-tier Asians staying close to the noise level. In any case, who can 
complain in early September? 
594  JOAK  Tokyo, Japan   Japanese male speech at very good level at 1315; best 
Asian signal of the session 
747  JOIB  Sapporo, Japan   Japanese female speech getting through mystery 
electrical noise at 1312 
972  HLCA  Dangjin, S. Korea   Good-level Korean female speech at 1311; signal 
in and out all session 
1053  Korean Jammer   Best jam of the new season (good) at 1310 
73 and Good DX, 
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA) 
7.5" loopstick C. Crane Skywave Ultralight + 
15" FSL antenna 
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[IRCA] TP 7 Sep Victoria version

2015-09-07 Thread coffee_canuck
Trying out N/NW Flag for first time -

1215 - 13XX

Audio on 531, 558, 567, 576, 594, 603, 612, 621, 657, 675, 738, 747, 756, 765, 
774, and on and on...

Full report at session end.

Receivers: AOR-7030+
Drake R8 

Colin Newell - CoffeeCrew.com - VA7WWV - Victoria - BC

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Re: [IRCA] Michigan DUs this morning 9/6/2015

2015-09-07 Thread Tim Tromp
Thanks Nick.  Despite "thinking" I may have heard muddled audio during live
listening on a few of these, I couldn't dredge up any traces of audio when
I went back and analyzed my recordings in more detail.


On Sun, Sep 6, 2015 at 10:27 AM, Nick Hall-Patch  wrote:

> Most impressive Tim.   Good luck with the digging.   I suspect that really
> will be extreme minimalist DXing.
> best wishes,
> Nick
> At 13:17 06-09-15, you wrote:
>> Interesting conditions noted in Michigan this morning centered around my
>> local sunrise at 1114 UTC.  At the upper end of the virtual "dial" I had
>> DU
>> carriers at nearly every 9 kHz step, which is somewhat unusual here, at
>> least into the expanded band.  As with my reception of 1548 4QD back on
>> March 21st, these signals were only present when reversing my D-KAZ to the
>> North.  Zilch on the south-west phased BOGs when doing antenna
>> comparisons.  This gave me a good excuse to mess around with the Data File
>> Analyzer that's built into Simon's SDR-Console application.  Here's an
>> image showing all signals between 1503-1701 kHz spanned from 1055-1125
>> UTC.  The faint vertical lines represent the carriers noted here this
>> morning and they stand out fairly well between the strong domestics:
>> http://amdxer.com/spectrograms/1503-1701_kHz_06SE15_1110_UTC.png
>> Taking a deeper look at 1611 kHz reveals 7 different carriers:
>> http://amdxer.com/spectrograms/1611_kHz_06SE15_1110_UTC.png
>> Here's hoping I can dig up some audio on the SDR recording now..
>> 73,
>> Tim Tromp
>> West Michigan
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[IRCA] TP 6 Sep Victoria version

2015-09-07 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
As Gary observed again, an Asian morning, but not quite yesterday, 
with weaker signals overall.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, 
at least briefly):

774 JOUB man in Japanese 11148UT, and at other later times

Reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it 
understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

594 JOAK man and woman in Japanese 1248UT.
891 JOHK men and women in Japanese, much hilarity //594 1317UT
972 HLCA man in Korean 1255UT
1287 JOHR man in rapid Japanese 1326UT
1566 HLAZ man in Japanese 1249UT

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or 
noise could be understood by a native speaker:

747 JOIB, koto music, distinctively Japanese vocal 1241UT, //774
828 JOBB man in Japanese //774 1150UT
1053 Korean jammer 1304UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be 
guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in 
talk or music)

567 JOIK man talking boisterously 1327UT //891
612 man talking, DU English inflection? 1318UT
738 Tahiti? pop mmusic 1236UT
981 CNR1? man talking slowly, Chines inflection 1309UT

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or 
ravaged by splatter)

675 702 819 837 864 909 1035 1098 1143 1242 1323

best wishes,



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