[IRCA] TP 31 Mar Victoria version

2018-04-01 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
Quite a bit of Chinese zip this morning, though not much evidence from Taiwan.  
Main point to note was that a number of stations still had some remaining 
strength as late as 1500UT, approximately an hour after local sunrise here.

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least 

594 JOAK  various times, though various other times, hardly at all

774 JOUB "Easy Travel Japanese", so, effectively Japanese lessons for English 
speakers, though some of the grammatical points I'm not sure I would describe 
as easy. 1254UT... (I suspect Japanese teachers and students may have some 
fairly high standards; still remember a Japanese homestay student leaving me in 
the dust with some of her questions about English grammar.)

828 JOBB "Easy Travel Japanese" 1251UT.  Has NHK2 has been reading all these 
IRCA reports, and decided that there is a market among their west coast North 
American listeners?

972 HLCA emotional oriental vocal  1337UT

1566 HLAZ  woman in Japanese 1336UT

Reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it understandable by a 
native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

567 JOIK man in Japanese 1314UT; 594 in the weeds just now

603 HLSA androgynous ballad 1330UT //558

747 JOIB man in Japanese 1250UT

693 JOAB end of Easy Travel Japanese, then Jpanese pop //828,1256UT

945 CNR1 woman in Chinese 1348-50UT, although this was paralleled with other MW 
CNR1, and to the CNR1 webstream, the normal shortwave parallels 6030 6125 7305 
and 7365 seemed to carrying a different program

1323 CRI man and woman  in Russian 1319UT

1566 HLAZ woman in Japanese 1338UT

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or noise could 
be understood by a native speaker:

873 JOGB English lessons 1309UT

981 CNR1 woman in Chinese 1341UT

1242 JOLF two men in Japanese 1247UT; similar strength with pop music 1512UT

1287 JOHR two men in Japanese 1510UT then into pop music, pretty much this 
one's best signal today

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by 
cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music)

558 HLQH  //603; female ballad 1321UT

711 woman talking, perhaps Korean, perhaps someone else there also?

837 JOQK woman talking Chinese intonation 1314UT

945 NHK1 ballad //594, 1455UT, mostly Chinese before this however

1098 CNR1 1503UT, man in Chinese, CNR1 news sounder etc. 1503UT; at 1504UT //945

1116 Chinese pips 1500UT, not too much else

1206 woman mumbling 1255UT; strong off-channel carrier, so likely Yanbian

1224 rhythmic instrumental music for a minute or so 1444UT, didn't seem //NHK1

1251 CNR1 pips 1300UT, sounded like Beijing time check, CNR1 news sounders

1422 woman talking, Japanese intonation  1328UT JORF likely?

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or ravaged 
by splatter)

 585 621 819 855  864  891 909 918 1008 1017 1035  1053  1089   1179 1278  1359 
 1593 seemed to be Asian;
585 621 702 756  846 1017 1116seemed to be DU 

best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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[IRCA] Arizona TP's

2018-04-01 Thread Bill Block
My start time was at 1310 UTC local sunrise was at 1316 UTC so I had very 
little time but I did hear audio on 594, 693, 774, 972 and 1566. 

Bill Block 
Prescott Valley, AZ 
Drake R8 
Wellbrook ALA1530LNP 

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[IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 4-1

2018-04-01 Thread Gary DeBock
738-Taiwan Fisheries sailed back into the scene this morning but it was an 
all-Mandarin show from 1300-1340, as far as I could determine. There were more 
strong signals from the Koreans on 657, 972 and 1566 along with another group 
of weak Chinese stations around 1330, but the Japanese big guns seemed to be 
somewhat down in strength here.

At my 1300 start time 657-Pyongyang and 972-HLCA were setting the pace with S9 
peaks in and out, along with 594, 693, 747 and 1566 at good levels. 603-HLSA 
and 738-BEL2 were just coming out of the noise in the predawn darkness, but 
around 1310 Taiwan Fisheries was strong enough to confirm Mandarin Chinese with 
the usual female announcer. 657's degraded audio still had a lot of buzzing hum 
along with the bizarre programming, and this morning it also seemed to have 
some weak competition from China (Henan?). 738-BEL2 was heard once again with 
apparent Mandarin conversation at 1325, and was in and out of the KCBS splatter 
until bailing at 1345. The weak Chinese on 639, 756, 936 and 981 once again 
made an anemic appearance around 1330 only to bail after a few minutes, while 
657-Pyongyang and its Chinese co-channel sank into the noise along with them 
around 1345. Overall the session was fairly routine, with only the strong early 
peaks of 657-Pyongyang somewhat unusual.

73 and Good DX,

Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)

7.5" loopstick CC Skywave SSB Ultralight +

15" FSL antenna

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[IRCA] TP DX in Seattle on April 1

2018-04-01 Thread Bruce Portzer
Conditions today were similar to yesterday, with a reasonably good 
assortment of Asians.

567    JAPAN, JOIK, 1252 lively discussion //594, fair in KVI splat

594    JAPAN, JOAK, 1254, group discussion w/laughter, then 
serious-sounding male, good

666    JAPAN, JOBK, 1307 Japanese man //594 weak-fair

675    JAPAN 1320 faint talk sounded //594

693    JAPAN, JOAB, 1300, time pips & start of English lesson fair-good

747    JAPAN, JOIB, 1310 English lesson //693 fair

756    CHINA, CNR1 1255 Chinese folk music weak //981

774    JAPAN, JOUB 1325 strong w/English lesson about the oldest trace 
of life on earth (discovered in NE Canada by Japanese researchers)

819    N KOREA 1253 chorus singing, woman talking, then  more music 
fair-poor in KGNW splat, 1311 good w/woman singing

828    JAPAN, JOBB 1320 English lesson //774 fair

837    CHINA, unid, 1309 man & woman in Chinese fair

846    UNID music 1314 weak

873    JAPAN, JOGB, 1300 time pips & English lesson poor in KIXI-880 splash

918    CHINA, 1300 orchestral fanfare weak, then faded up slightly w/man 
in Chinese, possibly an ID but too weak to decipher.  Better 1305 
w/Chinese woman, probably Shandong

945    CHINA, 1305 music //981, poor in KJR splash

963    CHINA, CRI, 1324 weak talk w/Russian-like inflections

972    S KOREA, 1307 group discussion, Korean pop songs fair

981    CHINA, CNR1, 1357 huge signal but much splash, Chinese ads or 
other announcements.  Strong female opera singer 1311

1035    CHINA, CNR1, 1320 very faint talk //981

1206    CHINA, Yanbian, 1301 man in presumed Korean, 2 carriers visible, 
dominant one on 1205.96 and weaker one on 1206.00

1116    CHINA?, 1318 Chinese talk weak

1134    JAPAN, JOQR 1315 weak woman in Japanese

1287    JAPAN, JOHK (presumed) 1326 weak talk

1323    CHINA, CRI (presumed) 1324 weak talk

1422    JAPAN, JORF (presumed) 1320 weak talk

1503    JAPAN, JOUK, 1322 weak w/song //equally weak 594

1566    S KOREA, HLAZ, 1333 man in Japanese, acapella singing in 
background, then piano in background good,

1575    THAILAND, VOA, 1256 good w/man in SE Asian language, 1359:30 
"This is the Voice of  America, Washington, DC, signing off", then 
Yankee Doodle, carrier cut 1300:05

Bruce in Seattle, Elad FDM-S2 receiver, 10x40 flag antenna aimed north

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[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 1 April 2018

2018-04-01 Thread Nigel Pimblett
   The Easter bunny may have left plenty of eggs here in Alberta, but 
certainly not much DX, as April started off with a clunker.   In fact I 
was even wondering if I had an antenna issue, but checking the SDR in 
Lamont found conditions as bad, and perhaps even worse.   This would 
rate as the worst morning in several weeks, with only 2 TPs, one at 
either end of the band.

594 JOAKTokyo, JAPANTraces of man in Japanese at 1305

1566HLAZJeju, S.KOREA   Weak, with hymn at 1248


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, Alberta
Perseus SDR and Wellbrook Phased Array
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[IRCA] TP 1 Apr Victoria version

2018-04-01 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
Everything seemed a bit more difficult to dig out of the mud this morning, and 
peaks on individual stations were usually brief.   No real post-sunrise DX 
today either

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least 

594 JOAK  man and woman in an echoey environment, drama of somesort? 1337-8UT

774 JOUB English lessons 1328UT

828 JOBB English lessons 1319UT

Reasonable audio  at  times during the period (much of it understandable by a 
native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):

693 JOAB English lessons,1326UT

747 JOIB English lessons 1326UT

972 HLCA man and woman in Korean 1326UT

1566 HLAZ  woman in Chinese 1355UT, only about 30 seconds at this level.

1575 VoA assumed, man in SE Asian language 1348UT

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or noise could 
be understood by a native speaker:

567 JOIK man and woman, general Japanese hilarity //594 1328UT

639 CNR1 man in Chinese 1326UT, ID'd a few minutes before //981

1287 JOHR man in Japnese 1324UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by 
cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music)

558 HLQH? male ballad 1321UT; 603 was always a bit of a mess with nothing 

612 woman talking, DU English intonation  1323UT

846 NHK1 man and woman talking //594 1329UT

891 JOHK drama? //594 1341UT; surprisingly weak judging from strength of carrier

945 unID man talking, didn't sound Chinese, but not //594 either; no Chinese 
parallels available 1322UT

954 woman talking, Japanese intonation; JOKR? 1343UT

963 CRI? man talking, but didn't sound very Russian 1336UT; however a moment 
later 1323 had a man sounding much the same...

981 CNR1 instrumental music //639 1319UT

1143 man and woman talking, sounded more Japanese than Chinese at first listen 
1344UT; per recent list discussion, likely Tagalog on Taiwan Fisheries?

1323 CRI? man talking, quite weak, but sounding similar to 963 a moment earlier 

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or ravaged 
by splatter)

  711 738 837 864  909 918 936 1035  1053  1098 1134 1206  1242 1251 1314 1422 
1503   seemed to be Asian;
 702  846 1017 1116  1548   seemed to be DU 

best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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