A different and somewhat better morning than yesterday, except the Alaskans 
were totally missing today. More China in however and the CRI on 603 was a new 
one for the log. As others have mentioned, no dawn enhancement at all, and dawn 
degradation if anything. 1400Z seemed to be the peak of the four times sampled 
and was considerably better than 1500Z when even some big guns (693, 828) were 

The following times sampled this morning: 1259Z, 1359Z, 1445Z, 1459Z for 1-2 
minutes each using Perseus and TOH 

The following were heard in audio:

153  R. Rossii Komsomolsk (Russia) Fair at 1459Z
180  R. Rossii Yelizovo (Russia) Good at 1400Z
189  R. Rossii Belogorsk (Russia) Good at 1400Z
234  R. Rossii Arman-Magadan (Russia) Poor to fair at 1359Z
279  R. Rossii Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (Russia) Very good at 1400Z, local-like
531  JOQG Morioka //594  Fair at 1459Z
558  HLQH Daegu (KBS2) //603 Familiar catchy piano intro at 1500Z
594  JOAK NHK1 Tokyo (Japan) Good as usual 1459Z
603  HLSA Namyang (S Korea) // 558 Fair, weaker than yesterday
603  CRI Dongfang (China) Fair, CRI Interval signal briefly over the piano 
intro from HLSA 1500Z
639  CNR-1 Beijing (China) Poor to fair with CC talk 1259Z
648  VOR Razdolnoye (Russia) Poor to fair at 1359Z
657  Pyongyang BS (N Korea) Good with slow plodding music by YL chorus 1359Z
693  JOAB Tokyo (Japan) Good with EE news clip as language lesson wrapped up 
738  BEL2 (Taiwan) YKL talk, fair to good at 1359Z
747  JOIB  NHK2 Sapporo (Japan) Good at 1459Z
774  JOUB Akita NHK2 (Japan) Fair over KTTH splatter 1459Z
828  JOBB Osaka (Japan) Good at 1359Z //693
855  Pyongyang BS (N Korea) Poor with instrumental usic 1359Z
918  Shandong RGD (China) Fair with CC talk and traditional flute music clip 
936  Anhui (China) OM singing, fair at 1459Z
972  HLCA Dangjin (S. Korea) Fair with YL in KK to TOH 1459Z
1044 Changzhou (China) CRI Fair to good with instrumental music prior to TOH 
1278 JOFR Fukuoka (Japan) presumed, poor OM talk 1359Z 
1287 JOHR Sapporo (Japan) Good, YL and OM with rapid fire JJ back and forth 
1566  HLAZ (S Korea) Good, loud with KK at 1259Z
1575  VOA (Thailand) Fair at 1359Z

Tom Rothlisberger K7WV
Brier, Washington  USA
Perseus SDR
Wellbrook ALA-100M with 50' wire loop element NW/SE

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