Jim Renfrew, Holley NY

Hi everyone, sorry for the multiple posts last night. All my roadrunner posts were proliferating as endless duplicate messages, and I still can't stop it. Roadrunner says, "not us", and Microsoft (Outlook) says "we no longer service XP owners (but we'll solve it for you for $99)", so I'm using Yahoo for the moment. I get e-mail fine, just can't send it out on Roadrunner.

This was an incredible night, and lot of might-have-beens because my Perseus won't function with my new Windows 7 laptop. So these loggings were done the old fashioned way, by spinning the dial.

FEB 27

0510z On getting Barry's tip (thanks!), and with my Kaz coax retrieved from the snow piles earlier in the day a quick run through the top of the band gave 1557 France (relog), 1575 I initially called this "Italy", but now I'm not so sure with such a pipeline into Spain. There were two stations on 1575 but when I went back there was barely anything. I've previously logged Spain and Italy on 1575. 1584 also had a signal - possibly much wanted Radio Ole, but on my return there wasn't much there.

0513z 1521 SPAIN SER Castello "Cadena SER" ID, // to web audio vis Delicast. I went right past this the first time figuring it was the usual Saudi, and even reported it as such last night. But when I passed it by again it was Spanish, and simply smashing through WWKB 1520 in nearby Buffalo. I don't expect to see this one any time soon. NEW.

0515z 1602 SPAIN Radio Vitoria, Vitoria SER, I figured, but not //, so I found Radio Vitoria on Delicast, and voila, that was it, about ten seconds delayed on the web audio. The TA pipeline seems aimed at Baque country and Galicia. Very good signal. NEW.

0517z 1476 SPAIN Euzkadi Irratia Donosti Man and woman speaking, electronic music at tune-in, // to web audio via Delicast. I listened to this one the most and noted a "Euzkadi Irratia Noticias" after 4+1 pips at 0600. While it sounded Spanish in its cadences, it was odd, so most likely Basque language or "Basquish" that I was hearing. NEW.

0025 1539 SPAIN SER Manresa and Elx synchros // to web audio via Delicast, slight echo noted, so I heard both of them, I suppose, but I seem to recall from Newfoundland that Elx has been noted with separate programming - though this recollection may be be way out of date. NEW.

0034z 1485 SPAIN SER synchros // web audio via Delicast. Very weak. NEW.

0035z 1413 SPAIN RNE synchros presumed, very weak, previously logged..

0036z 1386 SPAIN Euzkadi Irratia Bilbao // 1476, though much weaker. NEW.

0038z 1314 SPAIN RNE synchros // RNE web audio via Delicast. NEW.

0039z    1287    SPAIN    SER    synchros    // 1521.  NEW.

0039z    1206    FRANCE    noted in passing, relog.

0040z 1152 SPAIN RNE synchros Spanish noted in passing, relog.

0041z 1143 SPAIN COPE synchros Spanish // web audio via Delicast and 1134. NEW.

0041z 1134 SPAIN COPE synchros Spanish // web audio via Delicast and 1143, relog.

0044z 1107 SPAIN RNE synchros Spanish, fairly strong, none of the off-channel het heard in recent years, relog.

0045z    1089    UK    TalkSPort    synchros    weak

0045z 999 SPAIN COPE Madrid Spanish, COPE presumed, relog so I moved on.

0045z 990 UNID SPAIN? My local 990 was missing or beaten down by Montreal and possibly Spain.

Not much else to dig into after this. But nine new TAs in one night is a unique experience here. Though every one of these is a pest in Newfoundland!

Notable in their absence: 909, 855 from Spain, and 945 and 1377 from France. I guess the best stuff was at the upper range. I still can't get over the powerful signal on 1521. Not only do I have WWKB 1520, but WASB 1590 (I can see their tower light from my house) puts out a nasty spur around 1521.

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