Steve McDonald, VE7SL has allowed me to share some LW logs heard in Masset
last month.  Some pretty exotic results, too!  Thanks, Steve!   Walt

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Steve* <>
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017
Subject: Re: Walter Salmaniw shared "LW Band from 13h57 9Oct2017_000.wav"
with you

Walt - I finally found some time to go over your recording and spent
several hours listening over the past couple of days. I was unable to catch
anything new from Alaska and it seems that almost everything in the way of
NDBs up there, has pretty much been heard down here. There have been a
couple over the years that had very low erp and were never heard down this
way and they were even very hard to hear by one of the ndb guys on a couple
of trips to Alasaka with his Perseus ... but these have been decommissioned

One that was on our group's 'decommissioned' list was GLA in Gulkana,
thought to be gone now for almost two years but was heard on your recording
... very weakly, and looks like another candidate for low erp now either
because of poor maintenance or antenna problems. It will be good to put it
back on the 'target' list! Same story for DA in Dawson City...we will put
it back on the list as well.

10 09 17 1357 437 OG Okha, Russia
10 09 17 1357 316 MAJ Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands
10 09 17 1357 320 AI Aitutaki, Cook Islands,
10 09 17 1357 352 RG Raratonga, Cook Islands
10 09 17 1357 255 MD Manado, Indonesia
10 09 17 1357 343 ML Minami Tori Shima, Japan
10 09 17 1357 380 YU Hualien, Taiwan
10 09 17 1357 248 GLA Gulkana, Alaska
10 09 17 1357 214 DA Dawson, Yukon Territory

YU, MD have never been logged in BC so these are 'firsts' for you. The
others have been heard here before. Both of these are pretty difficult to
hear other than from a nice quiet spot near the Pacific Ocean...well done,
especially in the strong likelihood that they are less than 100W output.

Yes, should be a minute each of a 270 deg W/NW BOG, due N Beverage, NE/SW
> ALA 100, and a 240 deg DKAZ.

If your list of antennas follows the same order on the recording, then ANT
#1 was the big winner far almost all of these catches, including all of the
signals from Alaska. The next best one for Alaska and the Pacific was #3
and in fact, MD from Indonesia, was better on #3 than on #1 and had an
amzingly good signal. I noted ML on #1 as 'very loud'.

Two of the usually easily heard beacons from Hawaii (LLD and PNA) were
heard with booming signals but interestingly, there was not even a hint of
the several other ones out there. I have heard some of these others here
before but I certainly would have expected to easily hear them judging by
the strength of the other two.

I checked dozens of other frequencies that known beacons from eastern
Russia and the far east (China etc...) are known to be active and logged in
California but was unable to squeeze out any more for you. Do you recall
the propagation conditions for that morning by chance?

It was fun and I look forward to doing this in the future should you have
the opportunity. It was very handy to have a sample of all four antennas
without having to run a different file to compare signals and one minute
seemed just about right for the most part...of course two or three minutes
per antenna might allow some room for a short fade-up which would be missed
in the shorter time span.

I will forward your log for uploading to the ndb database and as before,
they will appear under your name at Haida Gwaii.

Cheers,  Steve

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