Stayed up as late as I could last night -- turning in at around
11:30PM local -- consequently, slept until 6:20AM and scratched the
morning session -

This is what I noted last night -- chronologically...

UTC    KHZ  Station - Location - Comments
0802   972  Korea in solidly w/ CC underneath also noted JJ on 909 and 954
0809  1035  New Zealand - Newstalk radio //1296  - Aus EE on 1107 as well
0815  1251  Unid EE Relig - assume something via VO Russia perhaps? Huge.
0818  1260  Japan - NHK assumed w/ other stuff co-channel
0819  1305  Unids - jumble of Asian sounding things here... as opposed to Aussie
0822  1341  Huge jumble next to 1340 which was also a graveyard sounding jumble
            of mainland stations - thank heavens for the 2.2khz setting on the 
0838  1512  Australia ABC (t) w/ EE News w/ that familiar accent
0914  1206  Fiji (t) assume the Island music w/ familiar sounding lang.
0915  1197  Japan  (t) assume the JJ YL chatter - imagine this would be one
            of the myriad of 3rd tier independent JJ stations - at this point I
            was hearing familiar JJ stuff on 531, 558, 567, 585, NOT 594,
            666, 747, 774, NOT 828, + a dozen or so more above 1100khz
0917  1089  3 or more Asian stations fighting it out for supremacy -
            generally (last December when I was here -) this is all CC all
            the time or some FS lang from Beijing.
0921   927  Taiwan (t) assume the very, very loud CC with bad modulation
            and pop music

Just before I turned in I had audio and or jumbles of station on
1602 (a real mess), 1593 CC, 1584 jumble, 1575 2 or 3 duking it out
1566 Korea all the way, 1557 jumble, 1548 CC and EE, 1521 jumble
1503, 1494 jumble, 1476 RTM Sabah (t) w/ lang, 1467 jumble,
1440 JOWF in charge, 1422 jumble, 1413 jumble, 1386 JJ, 1377 CC,
1350 huge jumble, 1332-1314 JJ, 1296 EE, 1287 JJ, 1278 JJ,
1260 jumble, etc etc down to 1170 where there was a mix
of korean and something else... familiar CC On 1134 and 1143

Exhausting - with the only challenge being an S3 "ignition"
kind of noise and some digital hash

A familiar handful of WCNA's from Vancouver and L.A.
popped up - and some Spanish on a couple of frequencies

Slowly getting more organized - need to optimize the antenna some...
14 or 15 more days in paradise.

Colin Newell - Editor - CoffeeCrew DOT Com ---
Victoria, British Columbia - Blog - Coffee DOT BC DOT CA
DXer DOT CA and Bob Harris DOT Com

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