[IRCA] Last night's TAs

2014-08-25 Thread Nigel Pimblett
Here's a quick summary of what was audible last night in southern 
Alberta.   The following all had audio ranging from just traces up to 
mid-season quality (999, 1206, 1215, 1377, 1422):

684 Spain
774 Spain
855 Spain
864 France
999 Spain
1053 UK
1089 UK
1206 France
1215 UK
1269 Germany
1377 France
1422 Germany
1566 Benin?

These were all between 0330 and 0500.  There might be a few more when I 
have a chance to check the recording.   I had to double check the 
calendar every so often to remind me this was August. Several of those 
channels I haven't heard TA action on since 2009.  I certainly hope this 
is a taste of the season to come and not the highlight of the season!


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, Alberta

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[IRCA] Last Night's TAs

2008-10-04 Thread Barry McLarnon
I didn't expect much with the K index up at 3, but some decent signals 
appeared last night around 0400 utc.  With the disturbed conditions, 
only the more southerly paths (i.e., the Iberian peninsula and north 
Africa) were alive, and the best signals were near the bottom end of 
the band.  A few highlights:

549   a huge het and some rare audio from Algeria (Koranic chanting)
558   Spain, RNE5 synchros, with very pronounced echo
594   presumed Portugal, with pop music
603   more RNE5, instead the more usual France Info
621   presumed Canary Is.
684   Spain, RNE1
693   presumed RDP Azores with music
738   Spain, RNE1 in severe CFZM slop
756   presumed R. Euskadi Spain, instead of usual Germany


Barry McLarnon  VE3JF  Ottawa, ON
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[IRCA] Last Night's TAs

2007-09-17 Thread C B
Right before bed last night, I thought I'd turn on the
E1 w/ the Quantum Loop to see if I could get the
carrier on 1215. At about 0415 UTC I got solid
carriers on both 1206 & 1215. Encouraged by these
results, I thought I'd try 1134. I was very pleasantly
surprised (to put it mildly, hi!) when I got audio of
a woman speaking for about 5-7 minutes. I was riveted
there for 5-7 minutes when the thought occurred to me
to record this. By the time I went downstairs to fetch
a tape recorder, the signal had faded back to a
carrier. Previously, I occasionally only heard a
carrier on 1134. To quote Pat in one of his recent
posts, turn the radio on, you might be surprised at
what you might hear. Indeed! What a treat hearing that
fleeting bit of TA audio from CO!

73 and best of DX to all

Craig Barnes
Wondervu, CO
Eton E1 Quantum Loop


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Re: [IRCA] Last Night's TAs

2007-10-17 Thread J.D. Stephens
Last night produced many more TA carriers than usual,
but no audio except for France-1377 which has been a
real regular this season.

One really tantalizing carrier was noted on 1017 in
the 0300 to 0400 UTC timeframe.  Pretty strong at
times, but never could pull any audio.  

I know Germany could be suspected, but the signal peak
for this carrier coincided with sunrise in Turkey. 
Carrier strength faded along with full daylight in
Turkey, the closer it got to 0400.  

Several folks here on the list and on the MWDX chat
were reporting better than usual signals last night
from Saudi Arabia on 1521, as well as UAE and Kuwait
on 1548 & 1575, so if tonight produces more good
Middle Eastern propagation, I would encourage other TA
DXers to try for Turkey, as I believe it's a real
possibility for non-coastal locations.

73 - J.D. Stephens
 Drake R8, Kiwa Loop
 Hampton Cove, AL

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Re: [IRCA] last Night's TAs

2007-11-07 Thread J.D. Stephens
> From: "Don Moman VE6JY" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [IRCA] TA's Nov 7 Lamont, Ab
 many, many hets here tonight. Would be shorter to
> list those
> > frequencies without hets... sweep starting around
> 0410 had best hets
> > on 945 1017 1089 1134 1206 1215 1494  with 945
> 1089 1206 and 1215

Numerous carriers here.  Audio from Spain-585 and
France in 1377 & 1206.  One tantalizing signal
producing audio of male talk on 693 at 0400.  Will be
analyzing and DSPing the recording to see if language
can be discerned.


J.D. Stephens
Hampton Cove, AL
Drake R8, Liwa Loop

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Re: [IRCA] last Night's TAs

2007-11-08 Thread Walter Salmaniw
At 06:57 AM 11/8/2007, you wrote:
>> >Don't know what happened!  I went downstairs for
>> dinner, and now 
>> >back at 02:58, 1575 is dead as a doornail, and
>> there are precious 
>> >few carriers.  1215 is still there at a 5 to 6.
>> >Nick must be at work again ;-) 
>TA activity pretty much died here around the same
>time, too.
>J.D. Stephens
>Hampton Cove, AL

What's interesting here,is that this "Hall-Patch Phenomenon" was so widespread. 
 It was as if (Nick) reached up and turned off the ionosphere from coast to 
coast!  Walt.
PS:  This morning's TP activity also down from yesterday's despite A/K indices 
of 0/0.  There's more going on than we understand. 

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Re: [IRCA] last Night's TAs

2007-11-08 Thread J.D. Stephens
> >Don't know what happened!  I went downstairs for
> dinner, and now 
> >back at 02:58, 1575 is dead as a doornail, and
> there are precious 
> >few carriers.  1215 is still there at a 5 to 6.
> >Nick must be at work again ;-) 

TA activity pretty much died here around the same
time, too.


J.D. Stephens
Hampton Cove, AL

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[IRCA] Last night's TAs in Alberta

2009-09-10 Thread Nigel Pimblett
For the second consecutive night multiple Spanish stations were noted, 
with 684 again being the most consistent.  Heard a couple of new ones, 
with 1305 in parallel with 1413.   Old favourites such as 1215 Absolute, 
1134 Croatia, and 1377 France were very good at times, and the German on 
1422 was perhaps the best I've ever heard it.   1125 was an interesting 
channel, as I've never logged a TA there, but last night two stations 
were mixing there.  Certainly the best September TA's I can remember 
hearing in a long time.


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, Alberta

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[IRCA] Last Night's TAs in North Alabama

2007-03-03 Thread J.D. Stephens
Last night was phenomenal for TA reception, at least
for me here in North Alabama.  I got amazing audio
from Spain-684 and France-1206.  S9 at times for both
of these.  What made this unusual was the fact that
the A index was 5, and the K was 1.  While good, I
usually don't get TA reception like this unless both
indices are around 1 for a couple of days.

Also, two new TA's with Spain-855 and France-945.  Not
as strong, but still quite readable at times.  To give
an indication of who strong the signals were, I
usually have to use the 2.3 kHz filter on my R-8 to be
able to determine if there's any audio present.
However, last night, all signals were strong enough
that I only had to use the 4 kHz filter.  I know
there's lots of guys in the Northeast and/or on the
East Coast who get this stuff all the time, but TA
audio is not the regular occurrence for me, being so
far away from the ocean.  

Strong carriers on 567 (presumed Ireland), and 1044
(presumed Morocco) last night as well, but no audio. 
The 567 carrier does well here quite often, so I feel
that bagging Ireland is only a matter of time.


J.D. Stephens
Hampton Cove, AL
Drake R-8, Kiwa Loop, 40' Randomwire


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