[IRCA] Masset TA/TP activity for 22 Sept 2010: Africa again on MW

2010-09-22 Thread WALTER SALMANIW
Hi, Gary!  Up here in Masset, reception was unusual here.  The worst
reception since last Saturday morning.  The BOGs died early today,
being replaced by the ALA 100 for best TP receptionthis in itself
was very unusual.  The big news was last night:  Best TA reception
since Friday night.  Many, many TAs with the best for me being 1476
Cotonou (Benin, Africa) in French at almost excellent levels, but as
usual for TAs this would fade rapidly up and down.  Not sure which
direction conditions are heading.  We'll be active until Monday morning
in any case.  NHK2 signed off the past 2 mornings at 14:40.  About 50%
of the stations give an ID locally then, with the rest just a network
NHK ID.  Good fun!  The hot TA performer is the Wellbrook array.  Andy
Ilkin will be pleased to hear this, although it continues to
underperform in a major way in the mornings.  More in the coming days! 
..Walt Salmaniw, Masset, Haida Gwaii, BC

- Original Message -
From: d1028g...@aol.com
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 21:02
Subject: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 9-22
To: ultraligh...@yahoogroups.com, irca@hard-core-dx.com

> Hello All,
> It was a morning of fairly average September TP 
> propagation  here, 
> generally following Nigel's description of the regular Asians 
> at  decent strength, 
> but the second-tier TP stations having weaker signals. As  
> usual, however, 
> there were major exceptions to the script, including a  
> strong TP mix on 1044 
> kHz (which Dennis also heard at Grayland, on his  E100), 
> and a bizarre S9 
> fade-in of 648-Voice of Russia at  1356 (after the TP 
> propagation had 
> apparently fizzled out, and my  ICF-2010 spotting receiver 
> had been shut off). The 
> "best bet" Asian lineup  from 639- 675 kHz (639-China, 648-
> VOR, 657-North 
> Korea, 666-JOBK, and  675-Vietnam) was back to regular 
> decent strength after 
> some weakness yesterday,  and 738-Taiwan was restored to 
> its normal strength 
> (along with a  rough-sounding carrier).
> 1044 kHz was the most interesting frequency of the morning, as I 
> heard (and 
>  recorded) the same strong TP mix that Dennis received at 
> Grayland.  Around 
> 1348 there was a real battle on the frequency, apparently  
> with both Korean 
> and Japanese voices. The Japanese is undoubtedly CRI's  
> foreign broadcast 
> to Japan, but the apparent Korean was a mystery. I 
> searched  for a KBS 
> parallel to check, but none were at decent strength at the time 
> (972  and 1134 kHz 
> were in fades). Dennis' Grayland report of pop Asian  music 
> mixing with 
> China (in Japanese) on 1044 kHz gives additional evidence  
> that this was 
> probably the KBS station that we both heard, since Asian 
> pop  music is a standard 
> KBS format. We probably won't ever be sure, but the 10  kw 
> 1044 kHz KBS 
> station would be an all-time new Ultralight TP catch,  if 
> confirmed by either of 
> us in the future. Dennis, thanks again for your very  
> useful Grayland 
> reports!
> The other strange occurrence here was a full-strength fade in 
> of  648-VOR 
> right after the band had apparently died at 1355 (with the back 
> yard in  full 
> sunlight). My ICF-2010 spotting receiver had already been 
> taken  inside, 
> and I was in the process of wrapping up when I  heard 
> booming music signals on 
> the "barefoot" SWP, which had fortunately  been left on 648 
> kHz. I rushed 
> over to the 9' loop and recorded an S9  signal of Russian 
> music, right after 
> every TP frequency had been  written off as "dead." This 
> was bizarre enough 
> to fully awaken  any half-asleep TP-DXer.
> The following were heard on a C.Crane SWP model (7.5" 
> loopstick)  
> inductively coupled to a 9' sided PVC tuned passive loop (in the 
> back  yard):
> 558  JOCR  Kobe, Japan  Fair strength with 
> Japanese music  around 1307
> 585  JOPG  Kushiro, Japan  Fair-poor with deep 
> fades around  1309, // 594 
> 594  JOAK  Tokyo, Japan  Good strength Japanese 
> conversation  at 1308
> 603  HLSA  Namyang, S. Korea  Fair KBS music 
> program  w/CC QRM, 1311
> 639  CNR1  (China)  Fair to good music and 
> Chinese speech at  1319
> 648  VOR  Razdolnoye, Russia  Good Chinese 
> program  signals, then weird
>    S9 
> fade-in  after band was "dead"  
> _http://www.mediafire.com/?tbw4cx2z0wfgm7d_ 
> (http://www.mediafire.com/?tbw4cx2z0wfgm7d)  
> 657  Pyongyang BS, N. Korea Angry shouts from YL  (?) 
> back at full strength
> 666  JOBK  Osaka, Japan  Fair-good for most of 
> morning with  NHK1 talk
> 675  VOV  Hanoi, Vietnam  Good strength In and 
> out  with Vietnamese talk
> 738  BEL2  Penghu, Taiwan  Good Chinese pop 
> music  signals o/KK at 1332
> 747  JOIB  Sapporo, Japan  Strong Japanese talk 
> over KXL  splatter, 1318
> 756  CNR1  (China)  Fair strength at 1333 with 
> Chinese music  program
> 774  JOUB  Akita, Japan Good strength but no match for 
> KTTH  splatter
> 828  JOBB  Osaka, Japan  Radio English 
> Conversati

Re: [IRCA] Masset TA/TP activity for 22 Sept 2010: Africa again on MW

2010-09-22 Thread Chuck Hutton

Hi Walt - 
That's an interesting piece of news about Benin. With our often poor updates on 
African stations, they had been thought to be off the air for many years. With 
the level you had, maybe they'll make it further south. Any interference from 
the Basque station?
> Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 21:38:48 +
> From: salma...@shaw.ca
> To: irca@hard-core-dx.com
> Subject: [IRCA] Masset TA/TP activity for 22 Sept 2010: Africa again on MW
> Hi, Gary!  Up here in Masset, reception was unusual here.  The worst
> reception since last Saturday morning.  The BOGs died early today,
> being replaced by the ALA 100 for best TP receptionthis in itself
> was very unusual.  The big news was last night:  Best TA reception
> since Friday night.  Many, many TAs with the best for me being 1476
> Cotonou (Benin, Africa) in French at almost excellent levels, but as
> usual for TAs this would fade rapidly up and down.  Not sure which
> direction conditions are heading.  We'll be active until Monday morning
> in any case.  NHK2 signed off the past 2 mornings at 14:40.  About 50%
> of the stations give an ID locally then, with the rest just a network
> NHK ID.  Good fun!  The hot TA performer is the Wellbrook array.  Andy
> Ilkin will be pleased to hear this, although it continues to
> underperform in a major way in the mornings.  More in the coming days! 
> ..Walt Salmaniw, Masset, Haida Gwaii, BC
> - Original Message -
> From: d1028g...@aol.com
> Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 21:02
> Subject: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 9-22
> To: ultraligh...@yahoogroups.com, irca@hard-core-dx.com
> > Hello All,
> >  
> > It was a morning of fairly average September TP 
> > propagation  here, 
> > generally following Nigel's description of the regular Asians 
> > at  decent strength, 
> > but the second-tier TP stations having weaker signals. As  
> > usual, however, 
> > there were major exceptions to the script, including a  
> > strong TP mix on 1044 
> > kHz (which Dennis also heard at Grayland, on his  E100), 
> > and a bizarre S9 
> > fade-in of 648-Voice of Russia at  1356 (after the TP 
> > propagation had 
> > apparently fizzled out, and my  ICF-2010 spotting receiver 
> > had been shut off). The 
> > "best bet" Asian lineup  from 639- 675 kHz (639-China, 648-
> > VOR, 657-North 
> > Korea, 666-JOBK, and  675-Vietnam) was back to regular 
> > decent strength after 
> > some weakness yesterday,  and 738-Taiwan was restored to 
> > its normal strength 
> > (along with a  rough-sounding carrier).
> >  
> > 1044 kHz was the most interesting frequency of the morning, as I 
> > heard (and 
> >  recorded) the same strong TP mix that Dennis received at 
> > Grayland.  Around 
> > 1348 there was a real battle on the frequency, apparently  
> > with both Korean 
> > and Japanese voices. The Japanese is undoubtedly CRI's  
> > foreign broadcast 
> > to Japan, but the apparent Korean was a mystery. I 
> > searched  for a KBS 
> > parallel to check, but none were at decent strength at the time 
> > (972  and 1134 kHz 
> > were in fades). Dennis' Grayland report of pop Asian  music 
> > mixing with 
> > China (in Japanese) on 1044 kHz gives additional evidence  
> > that this was 
> > probably the KBS station that we both heard, since Asian 
> > pop  music is a standard 
> > KBS format. We probably won't ever be sure, but the 10  kw 
> > 1044 kHz KBS 
> > station would be an all-time new Ultralight TP catch,  if 
> > confirmed by either of 
> > us in the future. Dennis, thanks again for your very  
> > useful Grayland 
> > reports!
> >  
> > The other strange occurrence here was a full-strength fade in 
> > of  648-VOR 
> > right after the band had apparently died at 1355 (with the back 
> > yard in  full 
> > sunlight). My ICF-2010 spotting receiver had already been 
> > taken  inside, 
> > and I was in the process of wrapping up when I  heard 
> > booming music signals on 
> > the "barefoot" SWP, which had fortunately  been left on 648 
> > kHz. I rushed 
> > over to the 9' loop and recorded an S9  signal of Russian 
> > music, right after 
> > every TP frequency had been  written off as "dead." This 
> > was bizarre enough 
> > to fully awaken  any half-asleep TP-DXer.
> >  
> > The following were heard on a C.Crane SWP model (7.5" 
> > loopstick)  
> > inductively coupled to a 9' sided PVC tuned passive loo